require 'bunny' namespace :rabbit_carrots do desc 'Listener for Queue' task eat: :environment do Rails.application.eager_load! channels = do |mapping| # This will be supplied in initializer. At that time, the Handler will not be available to be loaded and will throw Uninitialized Constant { **mapping, handler: mapping[:handler].constantize } end Rails.logger = ? '/proc/self/fd/1' : $stdout) # Run RMQ Subscriber for each channel channels.each do |channel| handler_class = channel[:handler] raise "#{} must respond to `handle!`" unless handler_class.respond_to?(:handle!) run_task(queue_name: channel[:queue], handler_class:, routing_keys: channel[:routing_keys], queue_arguments: channel[:arguments]) end # Infinite loop to keep the process running loop do sleep 1 end end end def run_task(queue_name:, queue_arguments: {}, handler_class:, routing_keys:) do |channel| exchange = channel.topic(RabbitCarrots.configuration.event_bus_exchange_name, durable: true) "Listening on QUEUE: #{queue_name} for ROUTING KEYS: #{routing_keys}" queue = channel.queue(queue_name, durable: true, arguments: queue_arguments) { |k| queue.bind(exchange, routing_key: k) } queue.subscribe(block: false, manual_ack: true, prefetch: 10) do |delivery_info, properties, payload| "Received from queue: #{queue_name}, Routing Keys: #{routing_keys}" handler_class.handle!(channel, delivery_info, properties, payload) channel.ack(delivery_info.delivery_tag, false) rescue RabbitCarrots::EventHandlers::Errors::NackMessage, JSON::ParserError => _e "Nacked message: #{payload}" channel.nack(delivery_info.delivery_tag, false, false) rescue RabbitCarrots::EventHandlers::Errors::NackAndRequeueMessage => _e "Nacked and Requeued message: #{payload}" channel.nack(delivery_info.delivery_tag, false, true) rescue ActiveRecord::NotNullViolation, ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e # on null constraint violation, we want to ack the message Rails.logger.error "Null constraint or Invalid violation: #{payload}. Error: #{e.message}" channel.ack(delivery_info.delivery_tag, false) rescue ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished => e # on connection not established, we want to requeue the message and sleep for 3 seconds Rails.logger.error "Error connection not established to the database: #{payload}. Error: #{e.message}" # delay for 3 seconds before requeuing sleep 3 channel.nack(delivery_info.delivery_tag, false, true) rescue StandardError => e Rails.logger.error "Error handling message: #{payload}. Error: #{e.message}" # requeue the message then kill the container sleep 3 channel.nack(delivery_info.delivery_tag, false, true) # kill the container with sigterm Process.kill('SIGTERM', end 'RUN TASK ENDED' end end