require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'openssl' require 'openssl/x509' module ChefVPCToolkit module CloudServersVPC class Connection MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY="jtZ!pZ1973um" @@http=nil @@auth_user=nil @@auth_password=nil def self.init_connection configs=Util.load_configs base_url = configs["cloud_servers_vpc_url"] @@auth_user = configs["cloud_servers_vpc_username"] @@auth_password = configs["cloud_servers_vpc_password"] ssl_key = configs["ssl_key"] ssl_cert = configs["ssl_cert"] ssl_ca_cert = configs["ssl_ca_cert"] url=URI.parse(base_url) @@http =,url.port) if base_url =~ /^https/ @@http.use_ssl = true if ssl_ca_cert then @@http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER else @@http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end if ssl_key then if pkey_data =~ /^-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----/ else end end if ssl_cert @@http.ca_file=ssl_ca_cert if ssl_ca_cert end end def self.file_upload(url_path, file_data={}, post_data={}) init_connection if @@http.nil? req = post_arr=[] post_data.each_pair do |key, value| post_arr << "--#{MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY}\r\n" post_arr << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{key}\"\r\n" post_arr << "\r\n" post_arr << value post_arr << "\r\n" end file_data.each_pair do |name, file| post_arr << "--#{MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY}\r\n" post_arr << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{name}\"; filename=\"#{File.basename(file)}\"\r\n" post_arr << "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" post_arr << "\r\n" post_arr << post_arr << "\r\n--#{MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY}--\r\n" end post_arr << "--#{MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY}--\r\n\r\n" req.body=post_arr.join req.basic_auth @@auth_user, @@auth_password if @@auth_user and @@auth_password req["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data, boundary=#{MULTI_PART_BOUNDARY}" response = @@http.request(req) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess return response.body else puts response.body response.error! end end def, post_data) init_connection if @@http.nil? req = if post_data.kind_of?(String) then req.body=post_data elsif post_data.kind_of?(Hash) then req.form_data=post_data else raise "Invalid post data type." end req.basic_auth @@auth_user, @@auth_password if @@auth_user and @@auth_password response = @@http.request(req) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess return response.body else puts response.body response.error! end end def self.get(url_path) init_connection if @@http.nil? req = req.basic_auth @@auth_user, @@auth_password if @@auth_user and @@auth_password response = @@http.request(req) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess return response.body else response.error! end end def self.delete(url_path) init_connection if @@http.nil? req = req.basic_auth @@auth_user, @@auth_password if @@auth_user and @@auth_password response = @@http.request(req) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess return response.body else response.error! end end end end end