require 'spec_helper' require 'engineyard-serverside/slug/source/updater' module EY module Serverside module Slug module Source describe Updater do let(:source_ref) {'i_am_a_reference'} let(:source_opts) {{}} let(:source_cache) {} let(:source_uri) {'https://whatever'} let(:source) {} let(:servers) {[]} let(:deploy_key) {"/path/to/deploy/key"} let(:ssh_wrapper) {"/path/to/ssh/wrapper"} let(:paths) {} let(:config) {} let(:shell) {} let(:input) { {:servers => servers, :config => config, :shell => shell} } let(:updater) {} before(:each) do allow(config).to receive(:source).and_return(source) allow(config).to receive(:paths).and_return(paths) allow(source).to receive(:uri).and_return(source_uri) allow(source).to receive(:source_cache).and_return(source_cache) allow(source).to receive(:opts).and_return(source_opts) allow(source).to receive(:ref).and_return(source_ref) allow(paths).to receive(:ssh_wrapper).and_return(ssh_wrapper) allow(paths).to receive(:deploy_key).and_return(deploy_key) allow(source_cache).to receive(:mkpath) allow(source_cache).to receive(:to_s).and_return('source_cache') end it 'is a Railway' do expect(updater).to be_a(Railway) end it 'has the exact steps for updating a source cache' do steps = {|s| s[:name]} expect(steps).to eql( [ :create_source_cache, :ensure_ssh_wrapper, :determine_if_clone_needed, :clone_if_necessary, :prune_source_cache, :fetch_updates, :clean_local_branch, :calculate_requested_revision, :checkout_requested_revision, :sync_submodules, :update_submodules, :clean_source_cache ] ) end describe '#update' do let(:update) {updater.update} it 'calls the railway' do expect(updater).to receive(:call).with(input) update end end describe '#create_source_cache' do let(:create_source_cache) { updater.send(:create_source_cache, input) } it 'creates the source cache on the file system' do expect(source_cache).to receive(:mkpath) create_source_cache end context 'when all is good' do it 'is a success' do expect(create_source_cache.success?).to eql(true) end end context 'when the mkdir fails' do before(:each) do allow(source_cache).to receive(:mkpath).and_raise("any error") end it 'is a failure' do expect(create_source_cache.failure?).to eql(true) end it 'has an error regarding the source cache creation failure' do expect(create_source_cache.error[:error]).to eql("Could not create #{source_cache}") end end end describe '#ensure_ssh_wrapper' do let(:wrapper) {updater.send(:ensure_ssh_wrapper, input)} context 'when the wrapper already exists' do before(:each) do allow(File). to receive(:executable?). with(ssh_wrapper). and_return(true) end it 'is a success' do expect(wrapper).to be_a(Result::Success) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(wrapper.value).to eql(input) end end context 'when the wrapper does not exist' do let(:wrapper_file) {} before(:each) do allow(File). to receive(:executable?). with(ssh_wrapper). and_return(false) allow(File). to receive(:open). with(ssh_wrapper, 'w', 0700). and_return(wrapper_file) allow(wrapper_file). to receive(:write) allow(wrapper_file). to receive(:close) end it 'writes the wrapper file' do expect(File). to receive(:open). with(ssh_wrapper, 'w', 0700). and_return(wrapper_file) expect(wrapper_file). to receive(:write) expect(wrapper_file). to receive(:close) wrapper end context 'but writing the file raises an error' do let(:onobro) {'onobro')} before(:each) do allow(wrapper_file). to receive(:write). and_raise(onobro) end it 'is a failure' do expect(wrapper).to be_a(Result::Failure) end it 'records the error' do expect(wrapper.error[:error]).to eql(onobro) end end context 'and writing the file succeeds' do it 'is a success' do expect(wrapper).to be_a(Result::Success) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(wrapper.value).to eql(input) end end end end describe '#determine_if_clone_needed' do let(:determine) {updater.send(:determine_if_clone_needed, input)} before(:each) do allow(source_cache).to receive(:directory?).and_return(true) allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_output).and_return(source_uri) end it 'is always a success' do expect(determine.success?).to eql(true) end context 'when the source cache is not a directory' do before(:each) do allow(source_cache).to receive(:directory?).and_return(false) end it 'records that a clone is needed' do expect(determine.value[:clone_needed]).to eql(true) end end context 'when the source cache is a directory' do context 'but its remotes do not include the source URI' do before(:each) do allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_output).and_return('') end it 'records that a clone is needed' do expect(determine.value[:clone_needed]).to eql(true) end end context 'and its remotes include the source URI' do it 'records that a clone is not needed' do expect(determine.value[:clone_needed]).to eql(false) end end end end describe '#clone_if_necessary' do let(:clone_input) {input} let(:clone_if_necessary) { updater.send(:clone_if_necessary, clone_input) } before(:each) do allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(true) end it 'is a result' do expect(clone_if_necessary).to be_a(Result::Base) end context 'when no clone is needed' do let(:clone_input) {input.merge(:clone_needed => false)} it 'is skips cloning' do expect(updater).not_to receive(:run_and_success?) clone_if_necessary end it 'is a success' do expect(clone_if_necessary.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not alter its input' do expect(clone_if_necessary.value).to eql(clone_input) end end context 'when a clone is needed' do let(:clone_input) {input.merge(:clone_needed => true)} it 'clones the repo' do expect(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(true) clone_if_necessary end context 'but cloning fails' do before(:each) do allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(false) end it 'is a failure' do expect(clone_if_necessary.failure?).to eql(true) end it 'contains an error regarding the clone failure' do expect(clone_if_necessary.error[:error]). to eql("Could not clone #{source_uri} to #{source_cache}") end end context 'and cloning succeeds' do it 'is a success' do expect(clone_if_necessary.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(clone_if_necessary.value).to eql(clone_input) end end end end describe '#prune_source_cache' do let(:prune) {updater.send(:prune_source_cache, input)} before(:each) do allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(true) end it 'is a result' do expect(prune).to be_a(Result::Base) end context 'when pruning fails' do before(:each) do allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(false) end it 'is a failure' do expect(prune.failure?).to eql(true) end it 'contains an error regarding the prune failure' do expect(prune.error[:error]). to eql("Could not prune #{source_cache}") end end context 'when pruning succeeds' do it 'is a success' do expect(prune.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(prune.value).to eql(input) end end end describe '#fetch_updates' do let(:fetch) {updater.send(:fetch_updates, input)} before(:each) do allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(true) end it 'is a result' do expect(fetch).to be_a(Result::Base) end context 'when fetch fails' do before(:each) do allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(false) end it 'is a failure' do expect(fetch.failure?).to eql(true) end it 'includes an error regarding the fetch failure' do expect(fetch.error[:error]). to eql("Could not fetch #{source_cache}") end end context 'when fetch succeeds' do it 'is a success' do expect(fetch.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(fetch.value).to eql(input) end end end describe '#clean_local_branch' do let(:clean_local_branch) {updater.send(:clean_local_branch, input)} before(:each) do allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?) end it 'is always a success' do expect(clean_local_branch.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(clean_local_branch.value).to eql(input) end it 'spawns a shell to clean the branch' do git = updater.git ref = updater.ref expect(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with("#{git} show-branch #{ref} > /dev/null 2>&1 && #{git} branch -D #{ref} > /dev/null 2>&1") clean_local_branch end end describe '#calculate_requested_revision' do let(:ref) {updater.ref} let(:git) {updater.git} let(:calculate) {updater.send(:calculate_requested_revision, input)} before(:each) do allow(Dir).to receive(:chdir).and_yield allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(true) end it 'is always a success' do expect(calculate.success?).to eql(true) end it 'checks for the remote branch in the source cache' do expect(Dir).to receive(:chdir).and_yield expect(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with("#{git} show-branch origin/#{ref} > /dev/null 2>&1") calculate end context 'when the remote branch is found' do it 'records the remote branch as the requested branch' do expect(calculate.value[:requested_branch]). to eql("origin/#{ref}") end end context 'when the remote branch is not found' do before(:each) do allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(false) end it 'records the raw reference as the requested_branch' do expect(calculate.value[:requested_branch]). to eql(ref) end end end describe '#checkout_requested_revision' do let(:ref) {updater.ref} let(:git) {updater.git} let(:checkout_input) {input.merge(:requested_branch => ref)} let(:checkout) { updater.send(:checkout_requested_revision, checkout_input) } before(:each) do allow(Dir).to receive(:chdir).and_yield allow(updater).to receive(:run_and_success?).and_return(false) end it 'is a result' do expect(checkout).to be_a(Result::Base) end context 'when the raw checkout command fails' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with("git checkout --force --quiet '#{ref}'"). and_return(false) end it 'tries to run the raw reset command' do expect(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with("git reset --hard --quiet '#{ref}'") checkout end context 'and the raw reset command fails' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with("git reset --hard --quiet '#{ref}'"). and_return(false) end it 'is a failure' do expect(checkout.failure?).to eql(true) end it 'contains an error regarding the checkout failure' do expect(checkout.error[:error]). to eql("Could not check out #{ref}") end end context 'but the raw reset command succeeds' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with("git reset --hard --quiet '#{ref}'"). and_return(true) end it 'is a success' do expect(checkout.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(checkout.value).to eql(checkout_input) end end end context 'when the raw checkout command succeeds' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with("git checkout --force --quiet '#{ref}'"). and_return(true) end it 'skips the raw reset' do expect(updater). not_to receive(:run_and_success?). with("git reset --hard --quiet '#{ref}'") checkout end it 'is a success' do expect(checkout.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(checkout.value).to eql(checkout_input) end end end describe '#sync_submodules' do let(:ref) {updater.ref} let(:git) {updater.git} let(:cmd) {"GIT_SSH=#{ssh_wrapper} git submodule sync"} let(:sync) { updater.send(:sync_submodules, input) } before(:each) do allow(Dir).to receive(:chdir).and_yield allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with(cmd). and_return(false) end context 'when the sync command fails' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with(cmd). and_return(false) end it 'is a failure' do expect(sync.failure?).to eql(true) end it 'includes an error regarding the sync failure' do expect(sync.error[:error]).to eql('Could not sync submodules') end end context 'when the sync succeeds' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with(cmd). and_return(true) end it 'is a success' do expect(sync.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(sync.value).to eql(input) end end end describe '#update_submodules' do let(:ref) {updater.ref} let(:git) {updater.git} let(:cmd) {"GIT_SSH=#{ssh_wrapper} git submodule update --init --recursive"} let(:update_submodules) { updater.send(:update_submodules, input) } before(:each) do allow(Dir).to receive(:chdir).and_yield allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with(cmd). and_return(false) end context 'when the update command fails' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with(cmd). and_return(false) end it 'is a failure' do expect(update_submodules.failure?).to eql(true) end it 'includes an error regarding the sync failure' do expect(update_submodules.error[:error]). to eql('Could not update submodules') end end context 'when the update succeeds' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with(cmd). and_return(true) end it 'is a success' do expect(update_submodules.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(update_submodules.value).to eql(input) end end end describe '#clean_source_cache' do let(:ref) {updater.ref} let(:git) {updater.git} let(:cmd) {"git clean -dfq"} let(:clean) { updater.send(:clean_source_cache, input) } before(:each) do allow(Dir).to receive(:chdir).and_yield allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with(cmd). and_return(false) end context 'when the clean command fails' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with(cmd). and_return(false) end it 'is a failure' do expect(clean.failure?).to eql(true) end it 'includes an error regarding the clean failure' do expect(clean.error[:error]). to eql('Could not clean source') end end context 'when the clean succeeds' do before(:each) do allow(updater). to receive(:run_and_success?). with(cmd). and_return(true) end it 'is a success' do expect(clean.success?).to eql(true) end it 'does not modify its input' do expect(clean.value).to eql(input) end end end end end end end end