TELEMETRY <%= target_name %> HEALTH_STATUS BIG_ENDIAN "Health and status from the <%= target_name %> target" <%= render "_ccsds_tlm.txt", locals: {apid: 1} %> APPEND_ITEM COLLECTS 16 UINT "Number of collects" APPEND_ITEM TEMP1 16 UINT "Temperature #1" POLY_READ_CONVERSION -100.0 0.00305 POLY_WRITE_CONVERSION 32768.885246 327.86885 UNITS CELSIUS C FORMAT_STRING "%0.3f" LIMITS DEFAULT 1 ENABLED -80.0 -70.0 60.0 80.0 -20.0 20.0 LIMITS TVAC 1 ENABLED -80.0 -30.0 30.0 80.0 LIMITS_RESPONSE example_limits_response.rb APPEND_ITEM TEMP2 32 FLOAT "Temperature #2" POLY_READ_CONVERSION -100.0 0.00305 POLY_WRITE_CONVERSION 32768.885246 327.86885 UNITS CELSIUS C FORMAT_STRING "%0.3f" LIMITS DEFAULT 1 ENABLED -60.0 -55.0 30.0 35.0 LIMITS TVAC 1 ENABLED -60.0 20.0 30.0 35.0 APPEND_ITEM TEMP3 16 UINT "Temperature #3" POLY_READ_CONVERSION -100.0 0.00305 POLY_WRITE_CONVERSION 32768.885246 327.86885 UNITS CELSIUS C FORMAT_STRING "%0.3f" LIMITS DEFAULT 1 ENABLED -25.0 -10.0 50.0 55.0 LIMITS TVAC 1 ENABLED -15.0 -10.0 20.0 30.0 APPEND_ITEM TEMP4 16 UINT "Temperature #4" POLY_READ_CONVERSION -100.0 0.00305 POLY_WRITE_CONVERSION 32768.885246 327.86885 UNITS CELSIUS C FORMAT_STRING "%0.3f" LIMITS DEFAULT 1 ENABLED -80.0 -70.0 60.0 80.0 APPEND_ARRAY_ITEM ARY 8 UINT 80 "Array data" UNITS VOLTS V APPEND_ITEM DURATION 32 FLOAT "Most recent collect duration" APPEND_ITEM COLLECT_TYPE 16 UINT "Most recent collect type" STATE NORMAL 0 STATE SPECIAL 1 STATE ERROR ANY APPEND_ARRAY_ITEM ARY2 64 FLOAT 640 "Double array" UNITS CELSIUS C APPEND_ITEM ASCIICMD 2048 STRING "Most recent ASCIICMD string" STATE "NOOP" "NOOP" STATE "FIRE LASER" "FIRE LASER" STATE "ARM LASER" "ARM LASER" APPEND_ITEM GROUND1STATUS 8 UINT "Ground station #1 status" STATE CONNECTED 1 GREEN STATE UNAVAILABLE 0 YELLOW APPEND_ITEM GROUND2STATUS 8 UINT "Ground station #2 status" STATE CONNECTED 1 GREEN STATE UNAVAILABLE 0 YELLOW APPEND_ITEM BLOCKTEST 80 BLOCK "Block data" ITEM TIMESECONDS 0 0 DERIVED "Derived floating-point time since epoch in seconds" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_seconds_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS FORMAT_STRING '%0.6f' ITEM TIMEFORMATTED 0 0 DERIVED "Derived time since epoch as formatted string" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_formatted_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS ITEM TEMP1HIGH 0 0 DERIVED "High-water mark for TEMP1" READ_CONVERSION processor_conversion.rb TEMP1WATER HIGH_WATER ITEM TEMP1LOW 0 0 DERIVED "Low-water mark for TEMP1" READ_CONVERSION processor_conversion.rb TEMP1WATER LOW_WATER ITEM TEMP1MAX 0 0 DERIVED "Maximum of most recent 100 samples for TEMP1" READ_CONVERSION processor_conversion.rb TEMP1STAT MAX ITEM TEMP1MIN 0 0 DERIVED "Minimum of most recent 100 samples for TEMP1" READ_CONVERSION processor_conversion.rb TEMP1STAT MIN ITEM TEMP1MEAN 0 0 DERIVED "Mean of most recent 100 samples for TEMP1" READ_CONVERSION processor_conversion.rb TEMP1STAT MEAN ITEM TEMP1STDDEV 0 0 DERIVED "Stddev of most recent 100 samples for TEMP1" READ_CONVERSION processor_conversion.rb TEMP1STAT STDDEV PROCESSOR TEMP1STAT statistics_processor.rb TEMP1 100 PROCESSOR TEMP1WATER watermark_processor.rb TEMP1 TELEMETRY <%= target_name %> ADCS BIG_ENDIAN "Position and attitude data" META TYPE 'struct adcs' <%= render "_ccsds_tlm.txt", locals: {apid: 2} %> ITEM POSX 128 32 FLOAT "Position X" UNITS METERS M ITEM POSY 160 32 FLOAT "Position Y" UNITS METERS M ITEM POSZ 192 32 FLOAT "Position Z" UNITS METERS M ITEM VELX 224 32 FLOAT "Velocity X" UNITS METERS_PER_SECOND MPS ITEM VELY 256 32 FLOAT "Velocity Y" UNITS METERS_PER_SECOND MPS ITEM VELZ 288 32 FLOAT "Velocity Z" UNITS METERS_PER_SECOND MPS ITEM Q1 320 32 FLOAT "Quaternion param 1" FORMAT_STRING "%0.6f" META TYPE 'float32' ITEM Q2 352 32 FLOAT "Quaternion param 2" FORMAT_STRING "%0.6f" META TYPE 'float32' ITEM Q3 384 32 FLOAT "Quaternion param 3" FORMAT_STRING "%0.6f" META TYPE 'float32' ITEM Q4 416 32 FLOAT "Quaternion param 4" FORMAT_STRING "%0.6f" META TYPE 'float32' ITEM BIASX 448 32 FLOAT "Body X rate bias" FORMAT_STRING "%0.6f" ITEM BIASY 480 32 FLOAT "Body Y rate bias" FORMAT_STRING "%0.6f" ITEM BIASZ 512 32 FLOAT "Body Z rate bias" FORMAT_STRING "%0.6f" <% (1..5).each do |i| %> APPEND_ITEM STAR<%= i %>ID 16 UINT "Star <%= i %> id" <% end %> ITEM POSPROGRESS 624 32 FLOAT "Position file progress" FORMAT_STRING "%0.2f" ITEM ATTPROGRESS 656 32 FLOAT "Attitude file progress" FORMAT_STRING "%0.2f" ITEM TIMESECONDS 0 0 DERIVED "Derived floating-point time since epoch in seconds" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_seconds_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS FORMAT_STRING '%0.6f' ITEM TIMEFORMATTED 0 0 DERIVED "Derived time since epoch as formatted string" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_formatted_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS TELEMETRY <%= target_name %> PARAMS BIG_ENDIAN "Params set by SETPARAMS command" <%= render "_ccsds_tlm.txt", locals: {apid: 3} %> # ERB syntax: <% (1..5).each do |i| %> APPEND_ITEM VALUE<%= i %> 16 UINT "Value <%= i %> setting" STATE GOOD 0 GREEN STATE BAD 1 RED <% end %> ITEM TIMESECONDS 0 0 DERIVED "Derived floating-point time since epoch in seconds" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_seconds_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS FORMAT_STRING '%0.6f' ITEM TIMEFORMATTED 0 0 DERIVED "Derived time since epoch as formatted string" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_formatted_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS TELEMETRY <%= target_name %> IMAGE BIG_ENDIAN "Packet with image data" <%= render "_ccsds_tlm.txt", locals: {apid: 4} %> ITEM BYTES 128 32 UINT "First bytes" FORMAT_STRING '0x%08x' ITEM IMAGE 128 131072 BLOCK "10x10 Image Data" OVERLAP # Notify COSMOS that this is intentionally overlapping the BYTES field ITEM TIMESECONDS 0 0 DERIVED "Derived floating-point time since epoch in seconds" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_seconds_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS FORMAT_STRING '%0.6f' ITEM TIMEFORMATTED 0 0 DERIVED "Derived time since epoch as formatted string" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_formatted_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS TELEMETRY <%= target_name %> MECH BIG_ENDIAN "Mechanism status" <%= render "_ccsds_tlm.txt", locals: {apid: 5} %> APPEND_ITEM EXTRA 32 FLOAT "Extra item to be deleted" APPEND_ITEM SLRPNL1 32 FLOAT "Solar panel 1 angle" UNITS DEGREES DEG APPEND_ITEM SLRPNL2 32 FLOAT "Solar panel 2 angle" UNITS DEGREES DEG APPEND_ITEM SLRPNL3 32 FLOAT "Solar panel 3 angle" UNITS DEGREES DEG APPEND_ITEM SLRPNL4 32 FLOAT "Solar panel 4 angle" UNITS DEGREES DEG APPEND_ITEM SLRPNL5 32 FLOAT "Solar panel 5 angle" UNITS DEGREES DEG ITEM TIMESECONDS 0 0 DERIVED "Derived floating-point time since epoch in seconds" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_seconds_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS FORMAT_STRING '%0.6f' ITEM TIMEFORMATTED 0 0 DERIVED "Derived time since epoch as formatted string" READ_CONVERSION unix_time_formatted_conversion.rb TIMESEC TIMEUS