module Gluttonberg module Middleware # This middleware is used to extract locale info from current path. # This helps gluttonberg pages and other controllers to access locale information easily. class Locales def initialize(app) @app = app end # Reads current path if it contains any valid Gluttonberg::Locale slug # then it removes from path and add it to env['GLUTTONBERG.LOCALE_INFO'] # in addition to that it addes locale object to env['GLUTTONBERG.LOCALE'] # # @param env [Hash] looking for PATH_INFO def call(env) env['PATH_INFO'] = '' if env['PATH_INFO'].nil? path = env['PATH_INFO'] unless Gluttonberg::Middleware::Locales.bypass_path?(path, env) case Gluttonberg::Engine.config.identify_locale when :subdomain # return the sub-domain when :prefix handle_prefix(path, env) when :domain env['SERVER_NAME'] end end end # Checks if we need to skip current path from analysing it for locales or gluttonberg pages # # @param path [String] # @param env [Hash] Its not used anymore. CleaningRequired env param is not used anymore. Please remove it but make sure its also removed from the place where its called. # @return [Boolean] fales if we cannot bypass current path otherwise true. def self.bypass_path?(path, env) if path.blank? false else path =~ /^\/admin/ || path.start_with?("/stylesheets") || path.start_with?("/javascripts") || path.start_with?("/images") || path.start_with?("/gluttonberg") || path.start_with?("/assets") || path.start_with?("/user_asset") end end private # Reads current path if it contains any valid Gluttonberg::Locale slug # then it removes from path and add it to env['GLUTTONBERG.LOCALE_INFO'] # in addition to that it addes locale object to env['GLUTTONBERG.LOCALE'] # # @param path [String] # @param env [Hash] def handle_prefix(path, env) if Gluttonberg.localized? locale = path.split('/')[1] if locale.blank? result = Gluttonberg::Locale.first_default locale = result.slug else result = Gluttonberg::Locale.find_by_locale(locale) if result.blank? result = Gluttonberg::Locale.first_default locale = result.slug end end else # take default locale result = Gluttonberg::Locale.first_default locale = result.slug end if result extract_locale_prefix_from_path_info(locale, env) env['GLUTTONBERG.LOCALE'] = result env['GLUTTONBERG.LOCALE_INFO'] = locale end end # Removes locale slug from env['PATH_INFO'] # # @param path [String] # @param env [Hash] def extract_locale_prefix_from_path_info(locale, env) unless env['PATH_INFO'].blank? if ![locale, "/#{locale}", "#{locale}/", "/#{locale}/"].include?(env['PATH_INFO']) env['PATH_INFO'].gsub!("/#{locale}/", '/') else env['PATH_INFO'].gsub!("/#{locale}", '') end end end end # Locales end # Middleware end # Gluttonberg