require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Login Requests' do include_context 'with graphql query request' let(:password) { '12345678' } context 'when using the user model' do let!(:user) { create(:user, :confirmed, password: password, email: '') } let(:email) { } let(:query) do <<-GRAPHQL mutation { userLogin( email: "#{email}", password: "#{password}" ) { user { email name signInCount } credentials { accessToken uid tokenType client expiry } } } GRAPHQL end before { post_request } context 'when user is able to login' do context 'when credentials are valid' do it 'return credentials in headers/field and user information' do expect(response).to include_auth_headers expect(user.reload.tokens.keys).to include(response.headers['client']) expect(json_response[:data][:userLogin]).to match( user: { email:, name:, signInCount: 1 }, credentials: { accessToken: response.headers['access-token'], uid: response.headers['uid'], tokenType: response.headers['token-type'], client: response.headers['client'], expiry: response.headers['expiry'].to_i } ) expect(json_response[:errors]).to be_nil end context 'when email address uses different casing' do let(:email) { '' } it 'honors devise configuration for case insensitive fields' do expect(response).to include_auth_headers expect(json_response[:data][:userLogin]).to include( user: { email:, name:, signInCount: 1 } ) end end end context 'when credentials are invalid' do let(:user) { create(:user, :confirmed, password: 'not guessing it ;)') } it 'returns bad credentials error' do expect(response).not_to include_auth_headers expect(json_response[:data][:userLogin]).to be_nil expect(json_response[:errors]).to contain_exactly( hash_including(message: 'Invalid login credentials. Please try again.', extensions: { code: 'USER_ERROR' }) ) end end end context 'when user is not confirmed' do let(:user) { create(:user, password: password) } it 'returns a must confirm account message' do expect(response).not_to include_auth_headers expect(json_response[:data][:userLogin]).to be_nil expect(json_response[:errors]).to contain_exactly( hash_including( message: "A confirmation email was sent to your account at '#{}'. You must follow the " \ "instructions in the email before your account can be activated", extensions: { code: 'USER_ERROR' } ) ) end end context 'when user is locked' do let(:user) { create(:user, :confirmed, :locked, password: password) } it 'returns a must confirm account message' do expect(response).not_to include_auth_headers expect(json_response[:data][:userLogin]).to be_nil expect(json_response[:errors]).to contain_exactly( hash_including( message: 'Your account has been locked due to an excessive number of unsuccessful sign in attempts.', extensions: { code: 'USER_ERROR' } ) ) end end context 'when invalid for authentication' do let(:user) { create(:user, :confirmed, :auth_unavailable, password: password) } it 'returns a must confirm account message' do expect(response).not_to include_auth_headers expect(json_response[:data][:userLogin]).to be_nil expect(json_response[:errors]).to contain_exactly( hash_including(message: 'Invalid login credentials. Please try again.', extensions: { code: 'USER_ERROR' }) ) end end end context 'when using the admin model' do let(:admin) { create(:admin, :confirmed, password: password) } let(:query) do <<-GRAPHQL mutation { adminLogin( email: "#{}", password: "#{password}" ) { authenticatable { email customField } } } GRAPHQL end before { post_request('/api/v1/admin/graphql_auth') } it 'works alongside the user mount point' do expect(json_response[:data][:adminLogin]).to include( authenticatable: { email:, customField: "email: #{}" } ) end end context 'when using the guest model' do let(:guest) { create(:guest, :confirmed, password: password) } let(:query) do <<-GRAPHQL mutation { guestLogin( email: "#{}", password: "#{password}" ) { authenticatable { email } } } GRAPHQL end before { post_request } it 'works alongside the user mount point' do expect(json_response[:data][:guestLogin]).to include( authenticatable: { email: } ) end end context 'when using the Users::Customer model' do let(:customer) { create(:users_customer, password: password) } let(:query) do <<-GRAPHQL mutation { usersCustomerLogin( email: "#{}", password: "#{password}" ) { authenticatable { email } } } GRAPHQL end before { post_request } it 'works alongside the user mount point' do expect(json_response[:data][:usersCustomerLogin]).to include( authenticatable: { email: } ) end end end