{%- assign strings = site.oscailte.strings -%} {%- assign skip_to_main_content = strings.skip_to_main_content | default: "Skip to main content" -%} {%- assign x_minute_read = strings.x_minute_read | default: "$x$ minute read" -%} {%- assign hero_title = strings.hero_title | default: "Welcome to Oscailte!
A powerful, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme." -%} {%- assign recent_posts = strings.recent_posts | default: "Recent posts" -%} {%- assign view_all = strings.view_all | default: "View all" -%} {%- assign read_full = strings.read_full | default: "Read full" -%} {%- assign disqus_enable_javascript = strings.disqus_enable_javascript | default: 'Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.' -%}