import {DataSource} from './BrandDetailModel.js'; import InfoPlistStringCatalogManager from "./InfoPlistStringCatalogManager.js"; class BrandDetailController { constructor(model, view) { this.model = model; this.view = view; this.onSectionChanged = this.onSectionChanged.bind(this); this.deleteField = this.deleteField.bind(this); this.initializeEventListeners(); this.view.setOnSectionChangedHandler(this.onSectionChanged.bind(this)); this.view.setOnDeleteFieldHandler(this.deleteField.bind(this)); } async initializeApp() { switch (this.model.source) { case DataSource.LOCAL: return await this.setupLoal(); case DataSource.REMOTE: return await this.setupRemote(); default: throw new Error('Unknown data source'); } } async setupRemote() { this.view.uploadJsonBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => { await this.uploadJson() }); this.view.uploadBrandBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => { await this.uploadBrand() }); this.view.addNewBrandBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => { await this.addNewBrand() }); } async uploadJson() { try { const [fileHandle] = await window.showOpenFilePicker({ types: [{ description: 'JSON File', accept: { 'application/json': ['.json'], }, }], }); const file = await fileHandle.getFile(); const json = await this.model.getBrandConfigurationsJsonFromDirectory(file); if (!json) { return } await this.addBrand(json.brand.key,, json.configurations) } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } } async uploadBrand() { try { const dirHandle = await window.showDirectoryPicker(); const configurations = await this.model.createBrandConfigurationsFromDirectory(dirHandle); if (configurations.length === 0) { alert("Please choose the appropriate brand folder that includes the brand JSON files.") return } this.view.showOnboardBrandForm((key, name) => { this.addBrand(key, name, configurations) }) } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } } async addNewBrand() { this.view.showOnboardBrandForm(async (key, name) => { const configurations = await this.model.createNewBrandConfogurations() console.log(configurations) await this.addBrand(key, name, configurations) }) } async addBrand(key, name, configurations) { const result = await this.model.createBrandDetail(key, name, configurations) await this.onLoadSections(result) this.view.toggleAddBrandContainer(false); } async setupLoal() { try { const response = await this.model.fetchBrandDetails(); await this.onLoadSections(response.result); const {isCurrentBrand, contentChanged} = await this.model.fetchCurrentBrand(); if (!isCurrentBrand) { this.view.showSwitchButton(); } else if (contentChanged) { this.view.showApplyChangesButton(); } await this.checkBrandHealth(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error initializing app:', error); alert(error.message); } } async onLoadSections(configuraationsResult) { try { = 'none' = 'flex'; this.view.updateAppNameTitle(`${configuraationsResult.brand.key} (${})`); await this.showSections(configuraationsResult); this.view.showIndex(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error initializing app:', error); alert(error.message); } } initializeEventListeners() { this.view.allBrandsButton.addEventListener('click', () => { window.location.href = `../brands/brands.html?source=${this.model.source}`; }); document.getElementById('applyChangesButton').addEventListener('click', () => this.switchToBrand()); document.getElementById('switchButton').addEventListener('click', () => this.switchToBrand()); this.view.exportBrandBtn.addEventListener('click', () => this.exportBrand()); } async showSections(configuraationsResult) { try { this.view.sectionsContainer.dataset.brandName = this.view.sectionsContainer.dataset.brandKey = configuraationsResult.brand.key const sectionItems = configuraationsResult.configurations for (let i = 0; i < sectionItems.length; i++) { const sectionInfo = sectionItems[i]; console.log('Processing section:', i, sectionInfo); if (sectionInfo.key === 'theme.json') { this.createThemeSections(sectionInfo) } else if (sectionInfo.key === 'InfoPlist.xcstrings') { this.createSection( sectionInfo.key, sectionInfo, new InfoPlistStringCatalogManager(sectionInfo.content).extractLocalizations(),, sectionInfo.inputType) } else { this.createSection(sectionInfo.key, sectionInfo, sectionInfo.content,, sectionInfo.inputType) } } } catch (error) { console.error('Error loading configurations:', error); alert(error.message); } } createThemeSections(sectionInfo) { this.createSection(`${sectionInfo.key}_colors`, sectionInfo, sectionInfo.content.colors, 'Theme Colors', 'color', 'colors') this.createSection(`${sectionInfo.key}_typography`, sectionInfo, sectionInfo.content.typography, 'Theme Typography', 'text', 'typography') this.createSection(`${sectionInfo.key}_spacing`, sectionInfo, sectionInfo.content.spacing, 'Theme Spacing', 'text', 'spacing') this.createSection( `${sectionInfo.key}_borderRadius`, sectionInfo, sectionInfo.content.borderRadius, 'Theme Border Radius', 'text', 'borderRadius') this.createSection( `${sectionInfo.key}_elevation`, sectionInfo, sectionInfo.content.elevation, 'Theme Elevation', 'text', 'elevation') } createSection(id, sectionInfo, content, sectionName, inputType, propertiesGroupName = null) { const sectionElement = this.view.createSection(sectionInfo.key, sectionName, inputType); = id; sectionElement.dataset.propertiesGroupName = propertiesGroupName this.view.sectionsContainer.appendChild(sectionElement); console.log('Section element created:', sectionElement); this.view.populateSection(sectionInfo, sectionElement, content, inputType); const addButton = document.createElement('button'); addButton.textContent = 'Add Field'; addButton.className = 'add-field-btn'; addButton.onclick = () => this.addNewField(sectionInfo, sectionElement, inputType); sectionElement.appendChild(addButton); } async onSectionChanged(sectionItem, sectionElement) { try { const configuration = await this.getSectionData(sectionElement.dataset.key) await this.model.saveSection(sectionItem, configuration); this.view.showApplyChangesButton(); await this.checkBrandHealth(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error saving section:', error); alert(error.message); } } getSectionConfiguration(sectionElement) { const configuration = {}; const inputs = sectionElement.querySelectorAll('input:not(.array-item-input)'); inputs.forEach(input => { const keys ='.'); let current = configuration; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length - 1; i++) { if (!current[keys[i]]) { current[keys[i]] = {}; } current = current[keys[i]]; } const lastKey = keys[keys.length - 1]; if (input.classList.contains('array-input')) { const arrayItemsContainer = input.closest('.input-wrapper').querySelector('.array-items-container'); current[lastKey] = this.getArrayValue(arrayItemsContainer); } else if (input.type === 'checkbox') { current[lastKey] = input.checked; } else { let value = input.value; if (input.type === 'color') { value = `#${value.substring(1).toUpperCase()}`; } else if (!isNaN(value) && value.trim() !== '') { // Convert to number if it's a valid number string value = parseFloat(value); } current[lastKey] = value; } }); return configuration; } addNewField(sectionItem, sectionElement, inputType) { this.view.showAddFieldForm(sectionItem, sectionElement, inputType); } deleteField(sectionItem, fieldContainer) { this.view.showConfirmationDialog( 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?', () => { const sectionElement = fieldContainer.closest('.section'); fieldContainer.remove(); this.onSectionChanged(sectionItem, sectionElement); } ); } getArrayValue(container) { const arrayItems = container.querySelectorAll('.array-item-input'); return Array.from(arrayItems).map(item => item.value); } async switchToBrand() { try { await this.model.switchToBrand(); const applyChangesButton = document.getElementById('applyChangesButton'); = 'none'; location.reload(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error switching to brand:', error); alert(error.message); } } async checkBrandHealth() { try { const result = await this.model.checkBrandHealth(); const errorButton = document.getElementById('error-button'); if (!result.passed) { = "flex"; const errors = result.errors .map((error, index) => `${index + 1}. ${error}`) .join('\n'); this.view.updateErrorCount(result.errors.length); errorButton.onclick = () => { this.view.showMessage(`Health check for all brands completed with errors: \n\n${errors}`); }; } else { = "none"; } } catch (error) { console.error('Error checking brand health:', error); alert(error.message); } } async getSectionData(sectionKey) { try { const container = this.view.sectionsContainer; const sectionElements = Array.from(container.querySelectorAll('.section')) .filter(element => element.dataset.key === sectionKey); if (sectionElements.length === 1) { return this.getSectionConfiguration(sectionElements[0]) } const configurations = => { const propertiesGroupName = sectionElement.dataset.propertiesGroupName; const config = this.getSectionConfiguration(sectionElement); if (propertiesGroupName !== "null") { return {[propertiesGroupName]: config}; } else { return config; } }); const result = configurations.reduce((acc, config) => { const key = Object.keys(config)[0]; // Get the key from the configuration item acc[key] = config[key]; // Assign the value to the dynamic object return acc; }, {}); const json = JSON.stringify(result, null, 2); // Pretty-printing JSON console.log(json); return result; } catch (error) { console.error('Error downloading brand:', error); alert(error.message); } } async exportBrand() { try { const sectionsContainer = this.view.sectionsContainer; const brandKey = this.view.sectionsContainer.dataset.brandKey; const brandName = this.view.sectionsContainer.dataset.brandName; const sectionElements = Array.from(sectionsContainer.querySelectorAll('.section')); const uniqueSections = new Map(); // The theme section has been divided into multiple categories (e.g., colors, typography). // In the getSectionData function, we merge these sections. To prevent duplication when // processing the sections, we will ensure that each section key is processed only once. await Promise.all( sectionElement => { const key = sectionElement.dataset.key; // Check if the key already exists in the map if (!uniqueSections.has(key)) { const configurations = await this.getSectionData(key); uniqueSections.set( key, { key: key, name:, inputType: sectionElement.dataset.inputType, content: configurations }); } })); // Convert the map values to an array const result = Array.from(uniqueSections.values()); this.model.exportBrand(brandKey, brandName, result); } catch (error) { console.error('Error downloading brand:', error); alert(error.message); } } } export default BrandDetailController;