= Revs::Utils
Shared methods and functions used by revs-indexer, pre-assembly and bulk metadata loading code.
== Releases
- 0.0.1 Initial release
- 0.0.3 Add collection name cleaning method
- 0.0.5 Lock down the version of countries gem to avoid problems
- 0.0.5 Lock down the version of countries gem to avoid problems
- 0.0.7 Don't use this version, it uses the wrong method of Dir.pwd to find the root directory for loading assets.
- 0.0.8 Add in helper functions to check the .csv files for registration and metadata updates
- 0.0.9 Add in a clean marque function
- 1.0.0 Make format fixing case insensitive; add a method for loading CSV files with UTF-8 compliance
- 1.0.1 Remove a couple methods from Revs code and update the methods to make them consistent in gem
- 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 Make invalid two digit years in dates return as false
- 1.0.4 Revs-Utils now assumes .csv files are in UTF-8 format instead of Latin-1
- 1.0.5 Parse location using commas as well as pipes
- 1.0.6 Add some more conditions to CSV header checks
- 1.0.7 Label column needs to be there but does not need to have a value to register
- 1.0.8 Update clean_collection_name method to deal with other possible names
== Running tests
rake spec
== Release the gem to the gemserver
1. Bump the version number in lib/revs-utils/version.rb
2. Add to the release notes in this readme.
3. Ensure the tests pass.
4. Git commit and push
5. rake dlss_release
== Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'revs-utils'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install revs-utils
== Updating LC Automobile Terms in Gem
1. Check out Gem code.
2. CD into Gem directory
3. ruby bin/revs_lc_automobile_terms.rb
4. Update Gem in git, bump version number and rake dlss_release