# Ethos Styles These are Ethos's main styles. Note: These are foundational styles, and should be edited sparingly. You can still add styles to Moonbeam and OrCA in the `stylesheets` directories. ## Stardust Development Guide 1. **Building Stardust Locally**: - Download [Stardust repo](https://git.corp.adobe.com/adobe-platform/stardust). - Build with command `make dev` **Troubleshooting**: - You may need to [install sass](https://sass-lang.com/install). - If you're using a VPN, you may need to re-run `docker-machine-nfs [MACHINE-NAME]` 2. **Develop new elements in Moonbeam** **Goal**: Create elements available for use in current and future Moonbeam UI. Develop new elements for Moonbeam in `moonbeam/app/assets/stylesheets/components/_rf-for-gem.scss`. - Prefix new styles with `.rf-` - Make sure new styles are [BEM-ified](https://csswizardry.com/2013/01/mindbemding-getting-your-head-round-bem-syntax/) 3. **Port new elements to Stardust repo**: **Goal**: Add styles to Stardust and demonstrate their intended use. Involved files: - `app/assets/stylesheets/components/.scss` - Copy the styles directly from `_rf-for-gem.scss` in Moonbeam and paste them here. Your code here must match what is in `_rf-for-gem.scss`. - Demonstrate suggested use with HTML in the comments. For example, from [\_tables.scss](https://git.corp.adobe.com/adobe-platform/stardust/blob/master/app/assets/stylesheets/components/_tables.scss): ``` // // Tables // // // Structure // // // // // // // // // // // // //
Cell #1 Cell #2
// // Best Practices // // Set column widths in the header // ``` - `index.php`: Add a new section to the display page for the new element - `app/views/`: - `.php` Create new section for the new element - `partial_.php`: Use to prevent repetitive code - `app/assets/stylesheets/_ethosstyles.scss` - Add an `@import` statement for the new element's stylesheet 4. **Update GEM** Follow [these instructions](https://adobe.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/EthosPlatformEngineering/Shared%20Documents/Component%20and%20Initiative%20Folders/UI%26UX/Documentation/How%20to%20Publish%20Stardust.docx?d=w27fb8ea13235422d93a52b5608b05791&csf=1&e=IA7QwM) to update the GEM version. In order for changes to show up in Moonbeam you may need to: - Clear containters: ``` docker rm -f $(docker ps -a|grep -v moonbeam_db|grep -v CONTAINER|awk '{print $1}') docker start moonbeam_db flotilla up moonbeam ``` - Force a recompiling of the scss elements by editing `application.scss` (for example, add `body {background-color: yellow;}` and save). 5. **Update Moonbeam** **Goal**: Styles are sourced solely from Stardust GEM. Remove redundant code from: - Outdated Moonbeam stylehseets - `_rf-for-gem.scss` ## To edit gem To develop this gem locally: 1. Clone this repo to your computer. 2. Replace gem name with gem file path in Gemfile: # gem "ethosstyles" gem "ethosstyles", :path => "/usr/ethosstyles" 3. Add directory to `docker-compose.yml` under volumes within web: web: ... volumes: ... - ../ethosstyles:/usr/ethosstyles 4. You may need to rebuild moonbeam. flotilla rebuild moonbeam ## Process **Review any changes on Moonbeam and OrCA before pushing to [prod](https://rubygems.org/gems/ethosstyles).** ## Dependencies Stardust uses the .scss icon files from [Font Awesome 5.6.3](https://fontawesome.com/changelog/latest)