#!/usr/bin/env rake require 'rbconfig' require 'pathname' require 'tmpdir' begin require 'rake/extensiontask' rescue LoadError abort "This Rakefile requires rake-compiler (gem install rake-compiler)" end begin require 'hoe' rescue LoadError abort "This Rakefile requires hoe (gem install hoe)" end require 'rake/clean' # Build directory constants BASEDIR = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname SPECDIR = BASEDIR + 'spec' LIBDIR = BASEDIR + 'lib' EXTDIR = BASEDIR + 'ext' PKGDIR = BASEDIR + 'pkg' TMPDIR = BASEDIR + 'tmp' DLEXT = RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'] EXT = LIBDIR + "pg_ext.#{DLEXT}" GEMSPEC = 'pg.gemspec' TEST_DIRECTORY = BASEDIR + "tmp_test_specs" CLOBBER.include( TEST_DIRECTORY.to_s ) CLEAN.include( PKGDIR.to_s, TMPDIR.to_s ) # Set up Hoe plugins Hoe.plugin :mercurial Hoe.plugin :signing Hoe.plugin :deveiate Hoe.plugin :bundler Hoe.plugins.delete :rubyforge Hoe.plugins.delete :compiler load 'Rakefile.cross' # Hoe specification $hoespec = Hoe.spec 'pg' do self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' self.history_file = 'History.rdoc' self.extra_rdoc_files = Rake::FileList[ '*.rdoc' ] self.extra_rdoc_files.include( 'POSTGRES', 'LICENSE' ) self.extra_rdoc_files.include( 'ext/*.c' ) self.license :BSD self.developer 'Michael Granger', 'ged@FaerieMUD.org' self.developer 'Lars Kanis', 'lars@greiz-reinsdorf.de' self.dependency 'rake-compiler', '~> 0.9', :developer self.dependency 'hoe', '~> 3.12', :developer self.dependency 'hoe-deveiate', '~> 0.6', :developer self.dependency 'hoe-bundler', '~> 1.0', :developer self.dependency 'rspec', '~> 3.0', :developer self.spec_extras[:licenses] = ['BSD', 'Ruby', 'GPL'] self.spec_extras[:extensions] = [ 'ext/extconf.rb' ] self.require_ruby_version( '>= 1.9.3' ) self.hg_sign_tags = true if self.respond_to?( :hg_sign_tags= ) self.check_history_on_release = true if self.respond_to?( :check_history_on_release= ) self.spec_extras[:rdoc_options] = [ '-f', 'fivefish', '-t', 'pg: The Ruby Interface to PostgreSQL', '-m', 'README.rdoc', ] self.rdoc_locations << "deveiate:/usr/local/www/public/code/#{remote_rdoc_dir}" end ENV['VERSION'] ||= $hoespec.spec.version.to_s # Tests should pass before checking in task 'hg:precheckin' => [ :check_history, :check_manifest, :spec ] # Support for 'rvm specs' task :specs => :spec # Compile before testing task :spec => :compile # gem-testers support task :test do # rake-compiler always wants to copy the compiled extension into lib/, but # we don't want testers to have to re-compile, especially since that # often fails because they can't (and shouldn't have to) write to tmp/ in # the installed gem dir. So we clear the task rake-compiler set up # to break the dependency between :spec and :compile when running under # rubygems-test, and then run :spec. Rake::Task[ EXT.to_s ].clear Rake::Task[ :spec ].execute end desc "Turn on warnings and debugging in the build." task :maint do ENV['MAINTAINER_MODE'] = 'yes' end ENV['RUBY_CC_VERSION'] ||= '1.8.7:1.9.2:2.0.0' # Rake-compiler task Rake::ExtensionTask.new do |ext| ext.name = 'pg_ext' ext.gem_spec = $hoespec.spec ext.ext_dir = 'ext' ext.lib_dir = 'lib' ext.source_pattern = "*.{c,h}" ext.cross_compile = true ext.cross_platform = CrossLibraries.map &:for_platform ext.cross_config_options += CrossLibraries.map do |lib| { lib.for_platform => [ "--enable-windows-cross", "--with-pg-include=#{lib.static_postgresql_incdir}", "--with-pg-lib=#{lib.static_postgresql_libdir}", # libpq-fe.h resides in src/interfaces/libpq/ before make install "--with-opt-include=#{lib.static_postgresql_libdir}", ] } end # Add libpq.dll to windows binary gemspec ext.cross_compiling do |spec| # mingw32-platform strings differ (RUBY_PLATFORM=i386-mingw32 vs. x86-mingw32 for rubygems) spec.files << "lib/#{spec.platform.to_s.gsub(/^x86-/, "i386-")}/libpq.dll" end end # Make the ChangeLog update if the repo has changed since it was last built file '.hg/branch' do warn "WARNING: You need the Mercurial repo to update the ChangeLog" end file 'ChangeLog' do |task| if File.exist?('.hg/branch') $stderr.puts "Updating the changelog..." begin content = make_changelog() rescue NameError abort "Packaging tasks require the hoe-mercurial plugin (gem install hoe-mercurial)" end File.open( task.name, 'w', 0644 ) do |fh| fh.print( content ) end else touch 'ChangeLog' end end # Rebuild the ChangeLog immediately before release task :prerelease => 'ChangeLog' desc "Stop any Postmaster instances that remain after testing." task :cleanup_testing_dbs do require 'spec/lib/helpers' PgTestingHelpers.stop_existing_postmasters() Rake::Task[:clean].invoke end desc "Update list of server error codes" task :update_error_codes do URL_ERRORCODES_TXT = "http://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=blob_plain;f=src/backend/utils/errcodes.txt;hb=HEAD" ERRORCODES_TXT = "ext/errorcodes.txt" sh "wget #{URL_ERRORCODES_TXT.inspect} -O #{ERRORCODES_TXT.inspect} || curl #{URL_ERRORCODES_TXT.inspect} -o #{ERRORCODES_TXT.inspect}" end file 'ext/errorcodes.def' => ['ext/errorcodes.rb', 'ext/errorcodes.txt'] do ruby 'ext/errorcodes.rb', 'ext/errorcodes.txt', 'ext/errorcodes.def' end file 'ext/pg_errors.c' => ['ext/errorcodes.def'] do # trigger compilation of changed errorcodes.def touch 'ext/pg_errors.c' end task :gemspec => GEMSPEC file GEMSPEC => __FILE__ task GEMSPEC do |task| spec = $hoespec.spec spec.files.delete( '.gemtest' ) spec.version = "#{spec.version}.pre#{Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}" File.open( task.name, 'w' ) do |fh| fh.write( spec.to_ruby ) end end CLOBBER.include( GEMSPEC.to_s ) task :default => :gemspec