package org.msgpack.jruby; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyObject; import org.jruby.RubyNil; import org.jruby.RubyBoolean; import org.jruby.RubyBignum; import org.jruby.RubyInteger; import org.jruby.RubyFixnum; import org.jruby.RubyFloat; import org.jruby.RubyString; import org.jruby.RubySymbol; import org.jruby.RubyArray; import org.jruby.RubyHash; import org.jruby.RubyEncoding; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.util.ByteList; import org.jcodings.Encoding; import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding; import static org.msgpack.jruby.Types.*; public class Encoder { private static final int CACHE_LINE_SIZE = 64; private static final int ARRAY_HEADER_SIZE = 24; private final Ruby runtime; private final Encoding binaryEncoding; private final Encoding utf8Encoding; private final boolean compatibilityMode; private final ExtensionRegistry registry; private ByteBuffer buffer; public Encoder(Ruby runtime, boolean compatibilityMode, ExtensionRegistry registry) { this.runtime = runtime; this.buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(CACHE_LINE_SIZE - ARRAY_HEADER_SIZE); this.binaryEncoding = runtime.getEncodingService().getAscii8bitEncoding(); this.utf8Encoding = UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE; this.compatibilityMode = compatibilityMode; this.registry = registry; } public boolean isCompatibilityMode() { return compatibilityMode; } private void ensureRemainingCapacity(int c) { if (buffer.remaining() < c) { int newLength = Math.max(buffer.capacity() + (buffer.capacity() >> 1), buffer.capacity() + c); newLength += CACHE_LINE_SIZE - ((ARRAY_HEADER_SIZE + newLength) % CACHE_LINE_SIZE); buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(newLength).put(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position()); } } private IRubyObject readRubyString() { IRubyObject str = runtime.newString(new ByteList(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position(), binaryEncoding, false)); buffer.clear(); return str; } public IRubyObject encode(IRubyObject object) { appendObject(object); return readRubyString(); } public IRubyObject encode(IRubyObject object, IRubyObject destination) { appendObject(object, destination); return readRubyString(); } public IRubyObject encodeArrayHeader(int size) { appendArrayHeader(size); return readRubyString(); } public IRubyObject encodeMapHeader(int size) { appendHashHeader(size); return readRubyString(); } private void appendObject(IRubyObject object) { appendObject(object, null); } private void appendObject(IRubyObject object, IRubyObject destination) { if (object == null || object instanceof RubyNil) { ensureRemainingCapacity(1); buffer.put(NIL); } else if (object instanceof RubyBoolean) { ensureRemainingCapacity(1); buffer.put(((RubyBoolean) object).isTrue() ? TRUE : FALSE); } else if (object instanceof RubyBignum) { appendBignum((RubyBignum) object); } else if (object instanceof RubyInteger) { appendInteger((RubyInteger) object); } else if (object instanceof RubyFloat) { appendFloat((RubyFloat) object); } else if (object instanceof RubyString) { appendString((RubyString) object); } else if (object instanceof RubySymbol) { appendString(((RubySymbol) object).asString()); } else if (object instanceof RubyArray) { appendArray((RubyArray) object); } else if (object instanceof RubyHash) { appendHash((RubyHash) object); } else if (object instanceof ExtensionValue) { appendExtensionValue((ExtensionValue) object); } else { appendOther(object, destination); } } private void appendBignum(RubyBignum object) { BigInteger value = ((RubyBignum) object).getBigIntegerValue(); if (value.bitLength() > 64 || (value.bitLength() > 63 && value.signum() < 0)) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(String.format("Cannot pack big integer: %s", value)); } ensureRemainingCapacity(9); buffer.put(value.signum() < 0 ? INT64 : UINT64); byte[] b = value.toByteArray(); buffer.put(b, b.length - 8, 8); } private void appendInteger(RubyInteger object) { long value = ((RubyInteger) object).getLongValue(); if (value < 0) { if (value < Short.MIN_VALUE) { if (value < Integer.MIN_VALUE) { ensureRemainingCapacity(9); buffer.put(INT64); buffer.putLong(value); } else { ensureRemainingCapacity(5); buffer.put(INT32); buffer.putInt((int) value); } } else if (value >= -0x20L) { ensureRemainingCapacity(1); byte b = (byte) (value | 0xe0); buffer.put(b); } else if (value < Byte.MIN_VALUE) { ensureRemainingCapacity(3); buffer.put(INT16); buffer.putShort((short) value); } else { ensureRemainingCapacity(2); buffer.put(INT8); buffer.put((byte) value); } } else { if (value < 0x10000L) { if (value < 128L) { ensureRemainingCapacity(1); buffer.put((byte) value); } else if (value < 0x100L) { ensureRemainingCapacity(2); buffer.put(UINT8); buffer.put((byte) value); } else { ensureRemainingCapacity(3); buffer.put(UINT16); buffer.putShort((short) value); } } else if (value < 0x100000000L) { ensureRemainingCapacity(5); buffer.put(UINT32); buffer.putInt((int) value); } else { ensureRemainingCapacity(9); buffer.put(INT64); buffer.putLong(value); } } } private void appendFloat(RubyFloat object) { double value = object.getDoubleValue(); float f = (float) value; //TODO: msgpack-ruby original does encode this value as Double, not float // if (, value) == 0) { // ensureRemainingCapacity(5); // buffer.put(FLOAT32); // buffer.putFloat(f); // } else { ensureRemainingCapacity(9); buffer.put(FLOAT64); buffer.putDouble(value); // } } private void appendString(RubyString object) { Encoding encoding = object.getEncoding(); boolean binary = !compatibilityMode && encoding == binaryEncoding; if (encoding != utf8Encoding && encoding != binaryEncoding) { object = (RubyString) ((RubyString) object).encode(runtime.getCurrentContext(), runtime.getEncodingService().getEncoding(utf8Encoding)); } ByteList bytes = object.getByteList(); int length = bytes.length(); if (length < 32 && !binary) { ensureRemainingCapacity(1 + length); buffer.put((byte) (length | FIXSTR)); } else if (length <= 0xff && !compatibilityMode) { ensureRemainingCapacity(2 + length); buffer.put(binary ? BIN8 : STR8); buffer.put((byte) length); } else if (length <= 0xffff) { ensureRemainingCapacity(3 + length); buffer.put(binary ? BIN16 : STR16); buffer.putShort((short) length); } else { ensureRemainingCapacity(5 + length); buffer.put(binary ? BIN32 : STR32); buffer.putInt((int) length); } buffer.put(bytes.unsafeBytes(), bytes.begin(), length); } private void appendArray(RubyArray object) { appendArrayHeader(object); appendArrayElements(object); } private void appendArrayHeader(RubyArray object) { appendArrayHeader(object.size()); } private void appendArrayHeader(int size) { if (size < 16) { ensureRemainingCapacity(1); buffer.put((byte) (size | 0x90)); } else if (size < 0x10000) { ensureRemainingCapacity(3); buffer.put(ARY16); buffer.putShort((short) size); } else { ensureRemainingCapacity(5); buffer.put(ARY32); buffer.putInt(size); } } private void appendArrayElements(RubyArray object) { int size = object.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { appendObject(object.eltOk(i)); } } private void appendHash(RubyHash object) { appendHashHeader(object); appendHashElements(object); } private void appendHashHeader(RubyHash object) { appendHashHeader(object.size()); } private void appendHashHeader(int size) { if (size < 16) { ensureRemainingCapacity(1); buffer.put((byte) (size | 0x80)); } else if (size < 0x10000) { ensureRemainingCapacity(3); buffer.put(MAP16); buffer.putShort((short) size); } else { ensureRemainingCapacity(5); buffer.put(MAP32); buffer.putInt(size); } } private void appendHashElements(RubyHash object) { int size = object.size(); HashVisitor visitor = new HashVisitor(size); object.visitAll(visitor); if (visitor.remain != 0) { object.getRuntime().newConcurrencyError("Hash size changed while packing"); } } private class HashVisitor extends RubyHash.Visitor { public int remain; public HashVisitor(int size) { remain = size; } public void visit(IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { if (remain-- > 0) { appendObject(key); appendObject(value); } } } private void appendExt(int type, ByteList payloadBytes) { int payloadSize = payloadBytes.length(); int outputSize = 0; boolean fixSize = payloadSize == 1 || payloadSize == 2 || payloadSize == 4 || payloadSize == 8 || payloadSize == 16; if (fixSize) { outputSize = 2 + payloadSize; } else if (payloadSize < 0x100) { outputSize = 3 + payloadSize; } else if (payloadSize < 0x10000) { outputSize = 4 + payloadSize; } else { outputSize = 6 + payloadSize; } ensureRemainingCapacity(outputSize); if (payloadSize == 1) { buffer.put(FIXEXT1); } else if (payloadSize == 2) { buffer.put(FIXEXT2); } else if (payloadSize == 4) { buffer.put(FIXEXT4); } else if (payloadSize == 8) { buffer.put(FIXEXT8); } else if (payloadSize == 16) { buffer.put(FIXEXT16); } else if (payloadSize < 0x100) { buffer.put(VAREXT8); buffer.put((byte) payloadSize); } else if (payloadSize < 0x10000) { buffer.put(VAREXT16); buffer.putShort((short) payloadSize); } else { buffer.put(VAREXT32); buffer.putInt(payloadSize); } buffer.put((byte) type); buffer.put(payloadBytes.unsafeBytes(), payloadBytes.begin(), payloadSize); } private void appendExtensionValue(ExtensionValue object) { long type = ((RubyFixnum)object.get_type()).getLongValue(); if (type < -128 || type > 127) { throw object.getRuntime().newRangeError(String.format("integer %d too big to convert to `signed char'", type)); } ByteList payloadBytes = ((RubyString)object.payload()).getByteList(); appendExt((int) type, payloadBytes); } private void appendOther(IRubyObject object, IRubyObject destination) { if (registry != null) { IRubyObject[] pair = registry.lookupPackerByClass(object.getType()); if (pair != null) { RubyString bytes = pair[0].callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "call", object).asString(); int type = (int) ((RubyFixnum) pair[1]).getLongValue(); appendExt(type, bytes.getByteList()); return; } } appendCustom(object, destination); } private void appendCustom(IRubyObject object, IRubyObject destination) { if (destination == null) { IRubyObject result = object.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "to_msgpack"); ByteList bytes = result.asString().getByteList(); int length = bytes.length(); ensureRemainingCapacity(length); buffer.put(bytes.unsafeBytes(), bytes.begin(), length); } else { object.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "to_msgpack", destination); } } }