# Ubox 友宝开放api ## Status 代码 已经打包发布到 RubyGems. [![image](https://ruby-china-files.b0.upaiyun.com/photo/5982eaaa64f467d9dbda03ad4f40ea27.png)](https://rubygems.org/gems/ubox) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'ubox' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install ubox ## Config ```ruby Ubox.configure do |ubox| ubox.app_id = 'your_app_id' ubox.app_key = 'your_app_key' ubox.api_url = 'http://uboxapi.dev.uboxol.com/opentrade' #正式环境请用正式环境url end ``` ## Usage ###getProductDetail 获取商品信息(扫码) ```ruby detail=Ubox.product_detail(qr_string:'http://v.dev.uboxol.com/qr/c0081801_10000870_1') ``` ```json { "head": { "return_code": 200, "return_msg": "正常响应" }, "body": { "vm": { "id": "0081801", "name": "友宝在线六层富二代完鼎测试需要改动名称完鼎测试需要改动名称完", "address": "北京111111", "distance": "", "is_shop": false, "has_box": false, "has_meal": false, "lat": "116.480557", "lng": "39.960201", "vm_connected": true }, "product": { "id": 10000870, "name": "双层咖啡杯", "oldPrice": 200, "price": 200, "expire_time": 1464856997, "pic": "http://vms.dev.uboxol.com/upload/box-tmp/m/10000870/10000870.jpg?t=1357177524", "num": 16 }, "tran_id": "100031290" } } ``` ### notifyOrder 扫码下单请求 ```ruby notify = Ubox.notify_order(tran_id: detail['body']['tran_id'], retain_period: 300, app_tran_id: Random.rand_str(32), app_uid: Random.rand_str(32) ) ``` ```json {"head":{ "return_code":200, "return_msg":"正常响应" } } ``` ### notifyPament 买取货码(支付结果通知) ```ruby payment = Ubox.notify_payment(tran_id: detail['body']['tran_id'], pay_time: Time.now.to_i, app_current_time: Time.now.to_i, deliver_now: true) ``` #### 商品已售空 ```json {"head":{ "return_code":410, "return_msg":"该商品已售空" } } ``` ### getTradeOrderStatus 出货结果询问 ```ruby status = Ubox.trade_order_status(tran_id: detail['body']['tran_id']) ``` #### 出货失败 ```json {"head":{ "return_code":200, "return_msg":"正常响应" }, "body":{ "code":500, "msg":"出货失败" } } ``` ### searchVmList 搜索售货机接口 ```ruby list = Ubox.search_vm_list(keyword:'北京香颂') ``` ```json { "head": { "return_code": 200, "return_msg": "正常响应" }, "body": { "node_list": [ { "id": "1611", "name": "北京香颂", "address": "望京北京香颂224号楼306室", "distance": "", "is_shop": true, "has_box": true, "has_meal": false, "lat": "39.998533", "lng": "116.45923", "vm_connected": true } ], "has_more": false } } ``` ### productList 根据售货机获取商品列表 ```ruby products = Ubox.product_list(vmid: '0061029') ``` ```json { "head": { "return_code": 200, "return_msg": "正常响应" }, "body": { "shelfs": [ { "id": 1, "name": "热销", "url": "", "products": [ 19401, 24605, 19492, 24602, 19458, 19450, 19497, 19461, 19463, 24601, 19474 ] }, { "id": 113, "name": "百货", "url": "", "products": [ 19401, 19450, 19458, 19461, 19463, 19474, 19492, 19497, 24601, 24602, 24605 ] } ], "products": [ { "id": 19401, "name": "魅蓝伸缩飞机杯", "sName": "魅蓝伸缩飞机杯", "price": 39900, "oldPrice": 39900, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/19401/19401.jpg?t=20151117135023", "num": 1 }, { "id": 19450, "name": "品色国际帝王之器转珠棒", "sName": "品色国际帝王之器转珠棒", "price": 16800, "oldPrice": 16800, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/19450/19450.jpg?t=20151118130540", "num": 1 }, { "id": 19497, "name": "冈本skin纯淡香味3只装", "sName": "冈本skin纯淡香味", "price": 1200, "oldPrice": 1200, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/19497/19497.jpg?t=20151118140955", "num": 1 }, { "id": 19461, "name": "玩爆潮品震动水晶套飞毛腿", "sName": "玩爆潮品震动水晶套飞毛腿", "price": 4900, "oldPrice": 4900, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/19461/19461.jpg?t=20151118131354", "num": 1 }, { "id": 19492, "name": "MOVO女用提升欲望润滑液100ml", "sName": "MOVO女用提升欲望润滑", "price": 13800, "oldPrice": 13800, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/19492/19492.jpg?t=20151118140611", "num": 1 }, { "id": 24605, "name": "瑟诗芭比缕空露乳连体袜", "sName": "缕空露乳连体袜", "price": 9900, "oldPrice": 9900, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/24605/24605.jpg?t=20160519174238", "num": 1 }, { "id": 19463, "name": "玩爆潮品震动水晶套流星锤", "sName": "玩爆潮品震动水晶套流星锤", "price": 4900, "oldPrice": 4900, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/19463/19463.jpg?t=20151118131515", "num": 1 }, { "id": 24602, "name": "久兴20频狂舔魔舌震动器颗粒型", "sName": "狂舔魔舌震动器颗粒型", "price": 12800, "oldPrice": 12800, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/24602/24602.jpg?t=20160519173901", "num": 1 }, { "id": 19458, "name": "VNA藏帝男用延时喷剂15ml", "sName": "VNA藏帝男用延时喷剂", "price": 19900, "oldPrice": 19900, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/19458/19458.jpg?t=20151118131152", "num": 1 }, { "id": 24601, "name": "蒂贝女用振动棒潮吹蛇王", "sName": "潮吹蛇王", "price": 16800, "oldPrice": 16800, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/24601/24601.jpg?t=20160519173745", "num": 1 }, { "id": 19474, "name": "倍耐力男用延时喷剂", "sName": "倍耐力男用延时喷剂", "price": 3900, "oldPrice": 3900, "desc": "", "expire_time": 1464934974, "pic": "http://img.ubox.cn/box-tmp/m/19474/19474.jpg?t=20151118135030", "num": 1 } ] } } ``` ### orderCode 根据商品和售货机买码接口 ```ruby delivery_code = Ubox.order_code(vmid: '0061029', product_id: list['body']['products'][0]['id'], app_uid: Random.rand_str(32), app_tran_id: Random.rand_str(32)) ``` ```json { "head": { "return_code": 200, "return_msg": "正常响应" }, "body": { "delivery_code": "53830", "vmid": "0061029", "expire_time": 1464862845, "box_number": "A07", "tran_id": "106179946" } } ``` ### deliverTrade 出货接口 ```ruby deliver = Ubox.deliver_trade(tran_id: delivery_code['body']['delivery_code']) ``` ```json ``` ### checkProductInVm 查询售货机货道是否售卖某个商品 ```ruby in_vm = Ubox.check_product_in_vm(vmid: '0061029', product_id: 19458, vTypeId: 1) ``` ```json { "head": { "return_code": 504, "return_msg": "不支持售卖" } } ```json ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/ubox. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).