# Infinum JSON:API setup Preconfigured set of libraries for building JSON:API compliant endpoints, with matchers for writing more declarative JSON:API specs. This library presumes host project is compliant with using - [rails](https://github.com/rails/rails) as an application server - [jsonapi_parameters](https://github.com/visualitypl/jsonapi_parameters) for incoming data parsing - [json_schemer](https://github.com/davishmcclurg/json_schemer) for validating JSON structures - [responders](https://github.com/heartcombo/responders) for writing declarative actions ## Installation 1. Add Infinum JSON:API setup to your Gemfile ```ruby gem 'infinum_json_api_setup', github: 'infinum/infinum-json-api-setup' ``` 2. Next, run the generator ```bash bundle exec rails generate infinum_json_api_setup:install ``` The generator will copy the [default translations](https://github.com/infinum/infinum-json-api-setup/blob/master/lib/generators/infinum_json_api_setup/templates/config/locales/json_api.en.yml) into the host project (`config/locales/json_api.en.yml`), where they can be customized. ## Application configuration Create abstract class for your controllers, include common JSON:API request processing behaviour, and configure responders. ```ruby module Api class BaseController < ActionController::API include InfinumJsonApiSetup::JsonApi::ErrorHandling include InfinumJsonApiSetup::JsonApi::ContentNegotiation self.responder = InfinumJsonApiSetup::JsonApi::Responder respond_to :json_api end end ``` ## Basic usage ### Permitted parameter handling Use [jsonapi_parameters](https://github.com/visualitypl/jsonapi_parameters) to transform incoming JSON:API compliant data into common Rails parameters ```ruby def permitted_params params.from_jsonapi .require(:user) .permit(:first_name, :last_name) end ``` ### Responding Use `respond_with` to initiate transformation (serialization) of domain objects into HTTP response. ```ruby def show respond_with User.find(params[:id]) end ``` `respond_with` is well integrated with `ActiveRecord::Model` interface. Given a compliant object, the method will correctly set a response status and handle object(or error) serialization based on the presence of `.errors`. For a successful domain operation, HTTP status will be 200 OK (or 201 in case of `create` controller action). Unsuccessful operations will have HTTP status 422 Unprocessable Entity with errors structured according to [JSON:API specification](https://jsonapi.org/format/#error-objects). ```ruby def create respond_with User.create(permitted_params) end ``` `respond_with` also detects usage from a `destroy` controller action and responds with HTTP status 204 No Content and an empty body. ```ruby def destroy respond_with User.destroy(params[:id]) end ``` ## Internals This section explains the under-the-hood behavior of the library. ### Content negotiation `InfinumJsonApiSetup::JsonApi::ContentNegotiation` module is designed to integrate [server responsibilities](https://jsonapi.org/format/#content-negotiation-servers) of content negotiation protocol described by the JSON:API specification. ### Error handling `InfinumJsonApiSetup::JsonApi::ErrorHandling` module is designed to catch and handle common exceptions that might bubble up when processing a request. | Exception | HTTP status | Bugsnag notification | | --- | :---: | :---: | | `ActionController::ParameterMissing` | 400 | | | `ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters::ParseError` | 400 | | | `Jure::UnpermittedSortParameters` | 400 | :white_check_mark: | | `I18n::InvalidLocale` | 400 | | | `Pundit::NotAuthorizedError` | 403 | :white_check_mark: | | `ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound` | 404 | | | `PG::Error` | 500 | | ### Error serialization `InfinumJsonApiSetup::JsonApi::ErrorSerializer` is responsible for serializing domain errors according to [JSON:API specification](https://jsonapi.org/format/#error-objects). ## Testing ### RSpec configuration Library ships with a set of declarative matchers and request/response helpers. To use them in your specs, configure your RSpec setup in the following way which - includes all defined matchers - includes request and response helper methods into specs tagged with `:request` metadata - configures search paths for resolving JSON schema files ```ruby require 'infinum_json_api_setup/rspec' RSpec.configure do |config| # Helpers config.include InfinumJsonApiSetup::Rspec::Helpers::RequestHelper, type: :request config.include InfinumJsonApiSetup::Rspec::Helpers::ResponseHelper, type: :request # Schema paths config.schema_response_root = Rails.application.root.join('path/to/response_schemas') config.schema_request_root = Rails.application.root.join('path/to/request_schemas') end ``` ### Matchers #### Have empty data ```ruby expect(response).to have_empty_data ``` #### Have error pointer ```ruby expect(response).to have_error_pointer('data/attributes/first_name') ``` #### Have resource count of ```ruby expect(response).to have_resource_count_of(3) ``` #### Include all resource ids ```ruby expect(response).to include_all_resource_ids(records.map(&:id)) ``` #### Include all resource ids sorted ```ruby expect(response).to include_all_resource_ids_sorted(records.map(&:id)) ``` #### Include all resource string ids ```ruby expect(response).to include_all_resource_string_ids(records.map(&:id).map(&:to_s)) ``` #### Include error detail ```ruby expect(response).to include_error_detail('name has been taken') ``` #### Include related resource ```ruby expect(response).to include_related_resource('user', user.id) ``` ## Credits **JSON:API setup** is maintained and sponsored by [Infinum](https://infinum.co) ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).