class Object def _nydp_get a ; raise "_nydp_get : not gettable: #{a._nydp_inspect} on #{}" ; end def _nydp_set a, v ; raise "_nydp_get : not settable: #{a._nydp_inspect} on #{}" ; end def _nydp_keys ; [] ; end def _nydp_wrapper ; self ; end def _nydp_inspect ; inspect ; end def _nydp_to_s ; to_s ; end def _nydp_compact_inspect ; _nydp_inspect ; end def lexical_reach n ; n ; end def to_ruby ; self ; end def compile_to_ruby indent, srcs, opts=nil ; "#{indent}#{inspect}" ; end end class Method include Nydp::Converter def _nydp_call *args ; (call *(rubify args))._nydp_wrapper ; end end class Proc alias _nydp_call call end class TrueClass def _nydp_inspect ; 't' ; end def assign *_ ; self ; end def nydp_type ; :truth ; end def _nydp_get a ; self ; end def _nydp_set a, v ; self ; end def _nydp_to_s ; "t" ; end def compile_to_ruby indent, srcs, opts=nil ; "#{indent}true" ; end end class CantCallNil < NoMethodError end class NilClass def car ; self ; end def cdr ; self ; end def size ; 0 ; end def is? other ; self.equal? other ; end def isnt? other ; !self.equal? other ; end def + other ; other ; end def copy ; self ; end def assign *_ ; self ; end def nydp_type ; :nil ; end def _nydp_get a ; self ; end def _nydp_set a, v ; self ; end def & other ; self ; end def | other ; other ; end def _nydp_call *_ ; raise CantCallNil ; end def compile_to_ruby i, s, o=nil ; "#{i}nil" ; end end class FalseClass def _nydp_wrapper ; nil ; end end class ::Symbol def _nydp_inspect _ins = to_s _nydp_untidy?(_ins) ? "|#{_ins.gsub(/\|/, '\|')}|" : _ins end def nydp_type ; :symbol ; end # def execute vm ; self ; end alias :inspect_before_nydp :inspect def inspect if self == :"#=" ':"#="' else inspect_before_nydp end end private def _nydp_untidy? s (s == "") || (s == nil) || (s =~ /[\s\|,\(\)"]/) end end class ::Date def _nydp_get key ; _nydp_date.lookup key, self ; end def _nydp_date ; @__nydp_date ||= ; end def nydp_type ; :date ; end end class ::Time @@wl = %i{ year month day hour min sec } def _nydp_time_get key ; send(key) if @@wl.include?(key) ; end def _nydp_get key ; _nydp_time_get(key.to_s.to_sym) ; end def nydp_type ; :time ; end end class ::Array def _nydp_wrapper ; Nydp::Pair.from_list map &:_nydp_wrapper ; end def _nydp_inspect ; "[" + map(&:_nydp_inspect).join(" ") + "]" ; end end class ::String # _hex_ord only works for characters whose #ord is < 256, ie #bytes returns a single-element array # this should allow for two-way conversion of names containing the characters in the regexp # even though we don't use two-way conversion anywhere just yet def _nydp_name_to_rb_name ; self.gsub(/[\x00-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7F]/) { |chr| "_#{chr._hex_ord}"}.to_sym ; end def as_method_name ; self.gsub(/-/, '_').to_sym ; end def nydp_type ; :string ; end def _hex_ord ; ord.to_s(16).rjust(2, '0') ; end end class ::Hash include Nydp::Helper def _nydp_get a ; self[a]._nydp_wrapper ; end def _nydp_set a, v ; self[a] = v ; end def _nydp_keys ; keys ; end def _nydp_inspect ; "{" + map { |k,v| [k._nydp_inspect, v._nydp_inspect].join(" ")}.join(" ") + "}" ; end def nydp_type ; :hash ; end end