en: vagrant_openstack: already_created: |- The server is already created. deleting_server: |- Deleting server... finding_flavor: |- Finding flavor for server... finding_image: |- Finding image for server... finding_network: |- Finding network for server... launching_server: |- Launching a server with the following settings... not_created: |- The server hasn't been created yet. Run `vagrant up` first. active: |- The server was built in %{elapsed} seconds! ready: |- The server is ready after %{elapsed} seconds! rsync_folder: |- Rsyncing folder: %{hostpath} => %{guestpath} waiting_for_build: |- Waiting for the server to be built... waiting_for_ssh: |- Waiting for SSH to become available... config: api_key_required: |- An API key is required. username_required: |- A username is required. errors: create_bad_state: |- While creating the server, it transitioned to an unexpected state: '%{state}', instead of properly booting. Run `vagrant status` to find out what can be done about this state, or `vagrant destroy` if you want to start over. ssh_wait_timeout: |- The server is not ready for SSH communication after %{seconds} seconds. ssh_unavailable: |- The server's SSH failed to become available because: %{error}. no_matching_flavor: |- No matching flavor was found! Please check your flavor setting to make sure you have a valid flavor chosen. no_matching_image: |- No matching image was found! Please check your image setting to make sure you have a valid image chosen. no_matching_network: |- No network was found for name "%{network_name}". Please check your network setting to make sure you have a valid network chosen. rsync_error: |- There was an error when attemping to rsync a share folder. Please inspect the error message below for more info. Host path: %{hostpath} Guest path: %{guestpath} Error: %{stderr} states: short_active: |- active long_active: |- The server is up and running. Run `vagrant ssh` to access it. short_build: |- building long_build: |- The server is currently being built. You must wait for this to complete before you can access it. You can delete the server, however, by running `vagrant destroy`. short_shutoff: |- shutoff long_shutoff: |- The server is shutoff. short_error: |- error long_error: |- The server is in an erroneous state. Destroy the machine with `vagrant destroy`. short_not_created: |- not created long_not_created: |- The server is not created. Run `vagrant up` to create it.