--- http_interactions: - request: method: get uri: https://VMWARE_CLOUD_HOST/api/vdc/cf6ea964-a67f-4ba1-b69e-3dd5d6cb0c89 body: encoding: US-ASCII string: '' headers: User-Agent: - fog-core/2.1.0 Accept: - application/*+xml;version=9.0 X-Vcloud-Authorization: - 8c2ecbf6a8d74f0084f58ebed94bf00a response: status: code: 200 message: OK headers: Date: - Tue, 15 May 2018 11:42:43 GMT X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Id: - 40a22d9d-43e9-416d-97f9-11e8996c0c2b X-Vcloud-Authorization: - 8c2ecbf6a8d74f0084f58ebed94bf00a Content-Type: - application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml;version=9.0 X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Execution-Time: - '109' Vary: - Accept-Encoding, User-Agent Content-Length: - '7954' body: encoding: ASCII-8BIT string: | Secondary VDC AllocationPool MHz 7160 7160 3580 0 0 MB 29378 29378 14689 0 0 vmx-04 vmx-07 vmx-08 vmx-09 vmx-10 vmx-11 vmx-12 vmx-13 0 1000 0 100 true 1000 http_version: recorded_at: Tue, 15 May 2018 11:42:43 GMT - request: method: get uri: https://VMWARE_CLOUD_HOST/api/vApp/vapp-5d61572f-f76d-45fc-9f59-f36ca6651781 body: encoding: US-ASCII string: '' headers: User-Agent: - fog-core/2.1.0 Accept: - application/*+xml;version=9.0 X-Vcloud-Authorization: - 8c2ecbf6a8d74f0084f58ebed94bf00a response: status: code: 200 message: OK headers: Date: - Tue, 15 May 2018 11:42:43 GMT X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Id: - 929339f0-eb80-4148-9e0a-9da5521d2b25 X-Vcloud-Authorization: - 8c2ecbf6a8d74f0084f58ebed94bf00a Content-Type: - application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vapp+xml;version=9.0 X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Execution-Time: - '184' Vary: - Accept-Encoding, User-Agent body: encoding: ASCII-8BIT string: | Lease settings section 604800 2592000 2018-04-13T16:45:36.711+02:00 VApp startup section The list of logical networks Localhost RedHat Private network 43 The configuration parameters for logical networks Localhost false true isolated false false RedHat Private network 43 true true bridged false false Snapshot information section 2018-03-14T15:45:18.019+01:00 false Virtual hardware requirements Virtual Hardware Family 0 Demo Database VM vmx-13 00:50:56:01:00:ff 0 true Localhost PCNet32 ethernet adapter on "Localhost" Network adapter 0 1 PCNet32 10 0 SCSI Controller SCSI Controller 0 2 lsilogicsas 6 0 Hard disk Hard disk 1 2000 2 17 42949672960 byte 0 IDE Controller IDE Controller 0 3 5 0 false CD/DVD Drive CD/DVD Drive 1 3000 3 15 0 false Floppy Drive Floppy Drive 1 8000 14 hertz * 10^6 Number of Virtual CPUs 1 virtual CPU(s) 4 0 3 1 0 1 byte * 2^20 Memory Size 512 MB of memory 5 0 4 512 0 Specifies the operating system installed Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) Specifies the available VM network connections 0 0 true 00:50:56:01:00:ff MANUAL PCNet32 Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings true true 98d5ae0b-e112-48b2-a5ba-c5030026718b false false true false PLAIN-PASSWORD false 0 true DatabaseVM-123 Specifies Runtime info Snapshot information section 2018-03-14T15:45:27.851+01:00 5e7d406b-0adf-43d7-8240-0f98b3bed031 false false Virtual hardware requirements Virtual Hardware Family 0 Web VM vmx-13 00:50:56:01:01:00 0 true RedHat Private network 43 PCNet32 ethernet adapter on "RedHat Private network 43" Network adapter 0 1 PCNet32 10 00:50:56:01:01:01 1 true Localhost PCNet32 ethernet adapter on "Localhost" Network adapter 1 2 PCNet32 10 0 SCSI Controller SCSI Controller 0 3 lsilogicsas 6 0 Hard disk Hard disk 1 2000 3 17 4294967296 byte 0 IDE Controller IDE Controller 0 4 5 0 false CD/DVD Drive CD/DVD Drive 1 3000 4 15 0 false Floppy Drive Floppy Drive 1 8000 14 hertz * 10^6 Number of Virtual CPUs 1 virtual CPU(s) 5 0 3 1 0 1 byte * 2^20 Memory Size 512 MB of memory 6 0 4 512 0 Specifies the operating system installed Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) Specifies the available VM network connections 0 0 true 00:50:56:01:01:00 DHCP PCNet32 1 true 00:50:56:01:01:01 DHCP PCNet32 Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings true true ef4404ec-514c-4bad-b487-27d0ce87f40e false false true true false 0 false WebVM Specifies Runtime info Snapshot information section 2018-03-14T15:45:27.875+01:00 675f1088-e5ea-440c-8c3c-70bc1d860569 false false http_version: recorded_at: Tue, 15 May 2018 11:42:43 GMT recorded_with: VCR 4.0.0