require 'spec_helper' describe CollectionsController do before do allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:groups).and_return([]) end let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:asset1) { build(:generic_work, title: ['First of the Assets'], user: user) } let(:asset2) { build(:generic_work, title: ['Second of the Assets'], user: user, depositor: user.user_key) } let(:asset3) { build(:generic_work, title: ['Third of the Assets']) } let!(:asset4) { create(:generic_work, title: ['Fourth of the Assets'], user: user) } let(:bogus_depositor_asset) { create(:generic_work, title: ['Bogus Asset'], depositor: 'abc') } let(:collection_attrs) do { title: ['My First Collection'], description: ["The Description\r\n\r\nand more"] } end let(:collection) { create(:collection, title: ['Collection Title'], user: user) } describe '#new' do before { sign_in user } it 'assigns @collection' do get :new expect(assigns(:collection)).to be_kind_of(Collection) end end describe '#create' do before { sign_in user } it 'creates a Collection' do expect do post :create, params: { collection: collection_attrs.merge(visibility: 'open') } change { Collection.count }.by(1) expect(assigns[:collection].visibility).to eq 'open' end it 'removes blank strings from params before creating Collection' do expect do post :create, params: { collection: collection_attrs.merge(creator: ['']) } change { Collection.count }.by(1) expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq ['My First Collection'] expect(assigns[:collection].creator).to eq([]) end it 'creates a Collection with files I can access' do [asset1, asset2].map(&:save) # bogus_depositor_asset is already saved expect do post :create, params: { collection: collection_attrs, batch_document_ids: [,,] } change { Collection.count }.by(1) collection = assigns(:collection) expect(collection.members).to match_array [asset1, asset2] end it 'adds docs to the collection if a batch id is provided and add the collection id to the documents in the collection' do post :create, params: { batch_document_ids: [], collection: collection_attrs } expect(assigns[:collection].members).to eq [asset1] asset_results = ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance.conn.get 'select', params: { fq: ["id:\"#{}\""], fl: ['id'] } expect(asset_results['response']['numFound']).to eq 1 doc = asset_results['response']['docs'].first expect(doc['id']).to eq end end describe '#index' do before { sign_in user } let!(:collection1) { create(:collection, title: ['Beta'], user: user) } let!(:collection2) { create(:collection, title: ['Alpha'], user: user) } let!(:generic_work) { create(:generic_work, user: user) } it 'shows a list of collections sorted alphabetically' do get :index expect(response).to be_successful expect(assigns[:document_list].map(&:id)).not_to include expect(assigns[:document_list].map(&:id)).to match_array [,] end end describe '#update' do before { sign_in user } context 'collection members' do before do [asset1, asset2].map(&:save) # bogus_depositor_asset is already saved collection.members = [asset1, asset2]! end # Collections are unordered by default, which disallows duplicates. xit 'appends members to the collection in order, allowing duplicates' do # TODO: Using size until count is fixed expect { put :update, params: { id: collection, collection: { members: 'add' }, batch_document_ids: [,] } }.to change { collection.reload.members.size }.by(2) expect(response).to redirect_to routes.url_helpers.collection_path(collection) expect(assigns[:collection].members).to eq [asset1, asset2, asset2, asset1] asset_results = ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance.conn.get 'select', params: { fq: ["id:\"#{}\""], fl: ['id'] } expect(asset_results['response']['numFound']).to eq 1 doc = asset_results['response']['docs'].first expect(doc['id']).to eq end it "adds members to the collection" do expect { put :update, params: { id: collection, collection: { members: 'add' }, batch_document_ids: [] } }.to change { collection.reload.members.size }.by(1) expect(response).to redirect_to routes.url_helpers.collection_path(collection) expect(assigns[:collection].members).to match_array [asset1, asset2, asset4] asset_results = ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance.conn.get 'select', params: { fq: ["id:\"#{}\""], fl: ['id'] } expect(asset_results['response']['numFound']).to eq 1 doc = asset_results['response']['docs'].first expect(doc['id']).to eq end it "removes members from the collection" do # TODO: Using size until count is fixed expect { put :update, params: { id: collection, collection: { members: 'remove' }, batch_document_ids: [asset2] } }.to change { collection.reload.members.size }.by(-1) asset_results = ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance.conn.get 'select', params: { fq: ["id:\"#{}\""], fl: ['id'] } expect(asset_results['response']['numFound']).to eq 1 doc = asset_results['response']['docs'].first expect(doc['id']).to eq end end context 'when moving members between collections' do let(:asset1) { create(:generic_work, user: user) } let(:asset2) { create(:generic_work, user: user) } let(:asset3) { create(:generic_work, user: user) } let(:collection2) do Collection.create(title: ['Some Collection']) do |col| col.apply_depositor_metadata(user.user_key) end end before do collection.members = [asset1, asset2, asset3]! end it 'moves the members' do put :update, params: { id: collection, collection: { members: 'move' }, destination_collection_id: collection2, batch_document_ids: [asset2, asset3] } expect(collection.reload.members).to eq [asset1] expect(collection2.reload.members).to match_array [asset2, asset3] end end context 'updating a collections metadata' do it 'saves the metadata' do put :update, params: { id: collection, collection: { creator: ['Emily'], visibility: 'open' } } collection.reload expect(collection.creator).to eq ['Emily'] expect(collection.visibility).to eq 'open' end it 'removes blank strings from params before updating Collection metadata' do put :update, params: { id: collection, collection: collection_attrs.merge(creator: ['']) } expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq ['My First Collection'] expect(assigns[:collection].creator).to eq([]) end end end describe '#show' do context 'when signed in' do before do sign_in user [asset1, asset2, asset3].map do |a| a.apply_depositor_metadata(user) end collection.members = [asset1, asset2, asset3] end it 'returns the collection and its members' do get :show, params: { id: collection } expect(response).to be_successful expect(assigns[:presenter]).to be_kind_of CurationConcerns::CollectionPresenter expect(assigns[:presenter].to_s).to eq 'Collection Title' expect(assigns[:member_docs].map(&:id)).to match_array [asset1, asset2, asset3].map(&:id) end context 'when the q parameter is passed' do it 'loads the collection (paying no attention to the q param)' do get :show, params: { id: collection, q: 'no matches' } expect(response).to be_successful expect(assigns[:presenter]).to be_kind_of CurationConcerns::CollectionPresenter expect(assigns[:presenter].to_s).to eq 'Collection Title' end end context 'when the page parameter is passed' do it 'loads the collection (paying no attention to the page param)' do get :show, params: { id: collection, page: '2' } expect(response).to be_successful expect(assigns[:presenter]).to be_kind_of CurationConcerns::CollectionPresenter expect(assigns[:presenter].to_s).to eq 'Collection Title' end end end context 'not signed in' do before do collection.members = [asset1, asset2, asset3] end it 'forces me to log in' do get :show, params: { id: collection } expect(response).to redirect_to(main_app.new_user_session_path) end end end describe '#edit' do before { sign_in user } it 'does not show flash' do get :edit, params: { id: collection } expect(flash[:notice]).to be_nil end end end