shared_examples 'an authenticator' do let(:handler) { nil } let(:receiver) do build_class do def receive(_, _) [200, {}, ['Permitted']] end def logout(_) [200, {}, ['Logged Out!']] end def register_jti(*) true end end end context 'get /nonexistent' do before { get '/auth/nonexistent' } it { be_not_found } end context 'get /login' do before { get '/auth/login' } it 'redirects to the url' do expect(last_response).to be_redirect expect(last_response['Location']).to eq(url) end end context 'post /login' do before { post '/auth/login' } it { be_method_not_allowed } end context 'get /logout' do before { get '/auth/logout' } it 'responds using the receiver' do expect(last_response).to be_successful expect(last_response.body).to have_content('Logged Out!') end end context 'post /logout' do before { post '/auth/logout' } it { be_method_not_allowed } end context 'get /jwt' do before { get '/auth/jwt' } it { be_method_not_allowed } end context 'post /jwt' do before { post '/auth/jwt', assertion: assertion } let(:attrs) do { cn: 'Test User', displayname: 'Test User X', surname: 'User', givenname: 'Test', mail: '', o: 'Test Org', edupersonscopedaffiliation: '', edupersonprincipalname: '', edupersontargetedid: "#{issuer}!#{audience}!abcd" } end let(:valid_claims) do { aud: audience, iss: issuer, iat:, typ: 'authnresponse', nbf: 1.minute.ago, exp: 2.minutes.from_now, jti: 'accept', :'' => attrs } end let(:assertion) { } context 'with an invalid assertion' do let(:assertion) { 'x.y.z' } it { be_bad_request } end context 'with a valid assertion' do let(:claims) { valid_claims } it 'responds using the receiver' do expect(last_response).to be_successful expect(last_response.body).to have_content('Permitted') end end shared_examples 'an invalid claims set' do |field| it { be_bad_request } context 'with an error handler' do let(:handler) do build_class do def handle(_env, exception) [403, {}, ["Surprise!\n", exception.message]] end end end it 'uses the error handler to respond' do expect(subject).to be_forbidden expect(subject.body).to have_content('Surprise!') end it 'complains about the invalid field' do val = claims[field] expected = if val.nil? "nil #{field}" else "bad #{field}: #{val}" end expect(subject.body).to have_content(expected) end end end context 'with a nil audience' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(aud: nil) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :aud end context 'with an invalid audience' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(aud: 'invalid') } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :aud end context 'with a nil issuer' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(iss: nil) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :iss end context 'with an invalid issuer' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(iss: 'invalid') } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :iss end context 'with a nil type' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(typ: nil) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :typ end context 'with an invalid type' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(typ: 'blarghn') } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :typ end context 'with a nil jti' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(jti: nil) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :jti end context 'with a replayed jti' do let(:receiver) do build_class do def register_jti(*) false end end end let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(jti: 'blarghn') } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :jti end context 'with a nil nbf' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(nbf: nil) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :nbf end context 'with an invalid nbf' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(nbf: 2.minutes.from_now) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :nbf end context 'with a non-numeric nbf' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(nbf: 'a') } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :nbf end context 'with a nil exp' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(exp: nil) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :exp end context 'with an invalid exp' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(exp: 1.minute.ago) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :exp end context 'with a non-numeric exp' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(exp: 'a') } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :exp end context 'with a nil iat' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(iat: nil) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :iat end context 'with an invalid iat' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(iat: 10.minutes.ago) } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :iat end context 'with a non-numeric iat' do let(:claims) { valid_claims.merge(iat: 'a') } it_behaves_like 'an invalid claims set', :iat end end end