# Kentucky ###### Straight from the source. *** ## What is Kentucky? Kentucky is LookThink's contribution to further enhance an already stellar SCSS library put together by the people at [ThoughtBot](http://www.thoughtbot.com/). Their mixin library, [Bourbon](http://bourbon.io/), and grid system, [Neat](http://neat.bourbon.io/), now serve as the base to all LookThink projects. Kentucky also includes a variety of mixins from various projects that we find useful and weren't included in Bourbon. Additionally, it includes a handy-dandy file (_defaults.scss) for handling all of your variables, keeping them centralized and easy to maintain. *** ## What's changed? LookThink now uses SCSS exclusively as it's CSS preprocessor language of choice. The previous framework was written in LESS and we've taken steps to continually evolve how we code projects. We've also lessened the maintenance burden by relying on libraries that already exist and do the exact same things our previous framework did. The new method for acquiring the framework also means you'll always have the most up to date version of the components. Lastly, we've opened a Trello board for all feedback, issue / bug reporting, and additions to the framework. You can track it's growth as well as alert us to potential or existing problems in Kentucky. *** ## How do I get Kentucky? To install Kentucky: + Open Terminal. + Navigate to your project folder (`cd LookThink/Project`). At this point there are two options - you may install Kentucky in an existing SCSS folder or, for static (non-CMS) projects, you may install a full project directory. + **For CMS or existing folder structures:** + Navigate to your SCSS/styles folder (`cd scss`). + Type `gem install kentucky`. + Type `kentucky install`. + **For static, non-CMS projects:** + Type `gem install kentucky`. + Type `kentucky install --dir`. After installing Kentucky, you need to set SCSS to watch your stylesheets for changes and compile your usable CSS file. + Navigate to your project's home folder (if you are in the SCSS folder, type `cd ../`) + Type `sass --watch input:output` (i.e., `sass --watch scss/style.scss:css/style.css`) Now, whenever a change is made to an SCSS file, your code will be compiled and exported to the location dictated. *** ## Need help? Fear not! Bourbon and Neat are fully documented and easy to follow. Need more general help? The SCSS documentation isn't grand, but it's better than not having any. See the list below for help with coding out your projects! + [Official SCSS Reference](http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#) + [Bourbon Documentation](http://bourbon.io/docs/) + [Neat Documentation](http://neat.bourbon.io/docs/) + *Updated code manual coming soon!*