# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michael Dvorkin and contributors. # # Fat Free CRM is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See MIT-LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # == Schema Information # # Table name: versions # # id :integer not null, primary key # user_id :integer # item_id :integer # item_type :string(255) # event :string(32) default("create") # info :string(255) default("") # private :boolean default(FALSE) # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') describe Version, :versioning => true do before do login PaperTrail.whodunnit = current_user.id.to_s end it "should create a new instance given valid attributes" do FactoryGirl.create(:version, :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit, :item => FactoryGirl.create(:lead)) end describe "with multiple version records" do before do @lead = FactoryGirl.create(:lead) %w(create destroy update view).each do |event| FactoryGirl.create(:version, :event => event, :item => @lead, :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit) FactoryGirl.create(:version, :event => event, :item => @lead, :whodunnit => "1") end end it "should not include view events" do @versions = Version.for(current_user).exclude_events(:view) @versions.map(&:event).sort.should_not include('view') end it "should exclude create, update and destroy events" do @versions = Version.for(current_user).exclude_events(:create, :update, :destroy) @versions.map(&:event).should_not include('create') @versions.map(&:event).should_not include('update') @versions.map(&:event).should_not include('destroy') end it "should include only destroy events" do @versions = Version.for(current_user).include_events(:destroy) @versions.map(&:event).uniq.should == %w(destroy) end it "should include create and update events" do @versions = Version.for(current_user).include_events(:create, :update) @versions.map(&:event).uniq.sort.should == %w(create update) end it "should select all versions for a given user" do @versions = Version.for(current_user) @versions.map(&:whodunnit).uniq.should == [current_user.id.to_s] end end %w(account campaign contact lead opportunity task).each do |item| describe "Create, update, and delete (#{item})" do before :each do @item = FactoryGirl.create(item.to_sym, :user => current_user) @conditions = {:item_id => @item.id, :item_type => @item.class.name, :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit} end it "should add a version when creating new #{item}" do @version = Version.where(@conditions.merge(:event => 'create')).first @version.should_not == nil end it "should add a version when updating existing #{item}" do if @item.respond_to?(:full_name) @item.update_attributes(:first_name => "Billy", :last_name => "Bones") else @item.update_attributes(:name => "Billy Bones") end @version = Version.where(@conditions.merge(:event => 'update')).first @version.should_not == nil end it "should add a version when deleting #{item}" do @item.destroy @version = Version.where(@conditions.merge(:event => 'destroy')).first @version.should_not == nil end it "should add a version when commenting on a #{item}" do @comment = FactoryGirl.create(:comment, :commentable => @item, :user => current_user) @version = Version.where({:related_id => @item.id, :related_type => @item.class.name, :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit, :event => 'create'}).first @version.should_not == nil end end end describe "Recently viewed items (task)" do before do @task = FactoryGirl.create(:task) @conditions = {:item_id => @task.id, :item_type => @task.class.name} end it "creating a new task should not add it to recently viewed items list" do @versions = Version.where(@conditions) @versions.map(&:event).should include('create') # but not view end it "updating a new task should not add it to recently viewed items list" do @task.update_attribute(:updated_at, 1.second.ago) @versions = Version.where(@conditions) @versions.map(&:event).sort.should == %w(create update) # but not view end end describe "Action refinements for task updates" do before do @task = FactoryGirl.create(:task, :user => current_user) @conditions = {:item_id => @task.id, :item_type => @task.class.name, :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit} end it "should create 'completed' task event" do @task.update_attribute(:completed_at, 1.second.ago) @versions = Version.where(@conditions) @versions.map(&:event).should include('complete') end it "should create 'reassigned' task event" do @task.update_attribute(:assigned_to, current_user.id + 1) @versions = Version.where(@conditions) @versions.map(&:event).should include('reassign') end it "should create 'rescheduled' task event" do @task.update_attribute(:bucket, "due_tomorrow") # FactoryGirl creates :due_asap task @versions = Version.where(@conditions) @versions.map(&:event).should include('reschedule') end end describe "Rejecting a lead" do before do @lead = FactoryGirl.create(:lead, :user => current_user, :status => "new") @conditions = {:item_id => @lead.id, :item_type => @lead.class.name, :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit} end it "should create 'rejected' lead event" do @lead.update_attribute(:status, "rejected") @versions = Version.where(@conditions) @versions.map(&:event).should include('reject') end end describe "Permissions" do before do @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user) Version.delete_all end it "should not show the create/update versions if the item is private" do @item = FactoryGirl.create(:account, :user => current_user, :access => "Private") @item.update_attribute(:updated_at, 1.second.ago) @versions = Version.where({:item_id => @item.id, :item_type => @item.class.name}) @versions.map(&:event).sort.should == %w(create update) @versions = Version.latest.visible_to(@user) @versions.should == [] end it "should not show the destroy version if the item is private" do @item = FactoryGirl.create(:account, :user => current_user, :access => "Private") @item.destroy @versions = Version.where({:item_id => @item.id, :item_type => @item.class.name}) @versions.map(&:event).sort.should == %w(create destroy) @versions = Version.latest.visible_to(@user) @versions.should == [] end it "should not show create/update versions if the item was not shared with the user" do @item = FactoryGirl.create(:account, :user => current_user, :access => "Shared", :permissions => [ FactoryGirl.build(:permission, :user => current_user, :asset => @item) ] ) @item.update_attribute(:updated_at, 1.second.ago) @versions = Version.where({:item_id => @item.id, :item_type => @item.class.name}) @versions.map(&:event).sort.should == %w(create update) @versions = Version.latest.visible_to(@user) @versions.should == [] end it "should not show the destroy version if the item was not shared with the user" do @item = FactoryGirl.create(:account, :user => current_user, :access => "Shared", :permissions => [ FactoryGirl.build(:permission, :user => current_user, :asset => @item) ] ) @item.destroy @versions = Version.where({:item_id => @item.id, :item_type => @item.class.name}) @versions.map(&:event).sort.should == %w(create destroy) @versions = Version.latest.visible_to(@user) @versions.should == [] end it "should show create/update versions if the item was shared with the user" do @item = FactoryGirl.create(:account, :user => current_user, :access => "Shared", :permissions => [ FactoryGirl.build(:permission, :user => @user, :asset => @item) ] ) @item.update_attribute(:updated_at, 1.second.ago) @versions = Version.where({:item_id => @item.id, :item_type => @item.class.name}) @versions.map(&:event).sort.should == %w(create update) @versions = Version.latest.visible_to(@user) @versions.map(&:event).sort.should == %w(create update) end end describe "Exportable" do before do end it_should_behave_like("exportable") do v1 = FactoryGirl.create(:version, :whodunnit => FactoryGirl.create(:user).id, :item => FactoryGirl.create(:account)) v2 = FactoryGirl.create(:version, :whodunnit => FactoryGirl.create(:user, :first_name => nil, :last_name => nil).id, :item => FactoryGirl.create(:account)) let(:exported) { [v1,v2] } end end end