# iruby-chartkick [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/Absolventa/iruby-chartkick.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/Absolventa/iruby-chartkick) You like writing [Ruby within Juypter](https://github.com/SciRuby/iruby/) notebooks? Awesome, you're not alone - we do so, too ☀️ Since we also fell in love with the handy charting API of [ankane/chartkick](https://github.com/ankane/chartkick), we wrote this little gem bringing them together. `iruby-chartkick` was made for easy plug-n-play plotting data using the awesomeness of chartkick within IRuby-backed Jupyter notebooks. ### Installation gem install iruby-chartkick ### Usage You can either include the module `IRuby::Chartkick` and use the wrapper methods, like `line_chart`: ```Ruby include IRuby::Chartkick data = { 2019 => 1, 2020 => 122, 2021 => 34 } line_chart(data) ``` Or you use the chart wrapper classes directly: ```Ruby include IRuby::Chartkick data = { 2019 => 1, 2020 => 122, 2021 => 34 } IRuby::Chartkick::LineChart.new(data).plot ``` ### In a Jupyter notebook: ![Bildschirmfoto 2019-10-31 um 14 13 27](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3685123/67949871-d9688180-fbe8-11e9-9930-ceea4f42bf61.png)