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arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: #17275A; font-weight: bold;}\n.cnewshdl {font-size: 13px; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: #17275A; text-decoration: none;}\n.cadbg0 {background-color: #505050;}\n.cadbg1 {background-color: #ffffff;}&nbsp;.storyHeader {position: relative; margin-left: 5px;}\n.storyInfo {padding: 5px;}\n.storyhdl {display: block; margin: 8px; padding: 0px;}Jacquelin and Khan head qualifying at 9-underMay 25, 2009&nbsp;function shareLinks(){};shareLinks.prototype.allowClose = false;shareLinks.prototype.showButtons = function() {this.allowClose=false;document.getElementById('shareBoxi').style.visibility=\"visible\";}shareLinks.prototype.shareOff = function() {if (this.allowClose==true) {document.getElementById('shareBoxi').style.visibility=\"hidden\";}}shareLinks.prototype.hideButtons = function() {this.allowClose=true;setTimeout(\"shareLinks.prototype.shareOff()\",1000);}TADWORTH, England &#040;AP&#041; -Raphael Jacquelin and Simon Khan shot 9-under totals of 135 over 36 holes Monday to head final international qualifying for next month's U.S. Open at Bethpage.Peter Hanson grabbed the last of the 11 places available with a hole in one at the second extra hole.\"I was so pumped up that I switched from a 5-iron to a 6-iron,\" Hanson said.\"This game is just so stupid sometimes... Obviously I am delighted to get through, but to do it like that is unbelievable. We were between clubs on the tee but I thought that I would go for a full 6-iron and play for the middle of the green. You need a bit of luck with any hole in one and I got my share today.\"Jacquelin had 67-68 and Khan 68-67 over the Old and New Courses at Walton Heath, south of London. They finished a stroke clear of Simon Dyson, who added a 70 to his morning's-best 66 to finish at 8-under.Thomas Levet of France and Andrew McLardy were at 137 with European Tour rookie David Horsey a stroke back.Seventy-five players were competing for 11 places over two rounds on the two courses.There was further drama as seven players shot 139 and played off for five spots.Jose-Manuel Lara, Jean-Francois Lucquin, Johan Edfors and Francesco Molinari all birdied the first playoff hole, leaving Hanson, Richard Bland and Stephen Gallacher to battle on for the last spot.Hanson grabbed it with a hole in one on the second playoff hole, the 206-yard 17th on the Old Course which he aced with a 6-iron.This will be Jacquelin's first U.S.Open after he failed to qualify four times.\"I played fantastically today. I hope I can play the tournament the same way because I hit the ball very straight today and I am going to have to do that in America.\"I am delighted to be going - the Majors are the tournaments we all want to play in.\"Khan has been off his form this year and was restrained in his approach Monday.\"If you can make the birdies on the par fives and keep the mistakes off the card then you have a great chance and that's what I did well today,\" he said.Dyson said his morning 66 on the New Course \"could have been 59. I kind of had it on a string,\" he said. \"I was two under this afternoon but just played so much better than that,\" said Dyson, tied sixth in the 2007 U.S. PGA.Levet, who used to be based on the U.S. Tour, was eager to qualify.\"I want to play in the majors and not commentate on French TV like I did at the Masters. I feel that my game is good enough right now for me to belong in the majors.\"I knew that I could do it today if I kept calm,\" Levet said.Copyright 2009 by STATS LLC and The Associated Press. Any commercial use or\ndistribution without the express written consent of STATS LLC and The\nAssociated Press is strictly prohibited.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Headlines&#183;&nbsp;Right place, right time&nbsp;\n&#183;&nbsp;UPDATED: Mon, May 25, 3:28 PMRaphael Jacquelin and Simon Khan shot 9-under totals of 135 over 36 holes Monday to head final international qualifying for next month\\'s U.S. Open at Bethpage.',0,event)\" onmouseout=\"javaScript:tooltipOff()\">11 Europeans qualify for U.S. Open; ace ends playoff&nbsp;\n&#183;&nbsp;UPDATED: Mon, May 25, 8:03 AMRory Sabbatini won the Byron Nelson Championship on Sunday, finishing with a two-stroke victory over late-charging Brian Davis.',0,event)\" onmouseout=\"javaScript:tooltipOff()\">Sabbatini tops Davis at Nelson for first title since '07&nbsp;\n&#183;&nbsp;UPDATED: Sun, May 24, 4:29 PMPaul Casey coolly birdied the last two holes to win the BMW PGA Championship by one stroke Sunday and rose to No. 3 in the world.',0,event)\" onmouseout=\"javaScript:tooltipOff()\">Birdies give Casey Euro PGA&nbsp;| UPDATED: Sun, May 24, 2:26 PM John Daly wore bright pink trousers during Sunday\\'s final round of the BMW PGA Championship in a gesture of support for Phil Mickelson\\'s wife after she was diagnosed with breast cancer.',0,event)\" onmouseout=\"javaScript:tooltipOff()\">Pink Daly honors Amy28&nbsp;\n&#183;&nbsp;UPDATED: Sun, May 24, 7:56 PMYani Tseng of South Korea won the LPGA Corning Classic on Sunday by one shot over Soo-Yun Kang and Paula Creamer.',0,event)\" onmouseout=\"javaScript:tooltipOff()\">Tseng edges Kang, charging Creamer to win Corning4&nbsp;\n&#183;&nbsp;UPDATED: Fri, May 22, 8:48 PMPurdue\\'s Maria Hernandez shot a 1-under 71 on Friday for a one-stroke victory in the NCAA Division I Women\\'s Golf Championship, and Arizona State beat UCLA by eight shots for its seventh team title.',0,event)\" onmouseout=\"javaScript:tooltipOff()\">Purdue's Hernandez, Ariz. State win women's NCAAs\n&nbsp;\n&nbsp;\nMore Headlines | Columns | Newsletters | RSS&nbsp;&nbsp;-1) document.write('');document.write('');}\n// -->&nbsp;CBS Sports StoreGolf BagsCaddy, Cart, Travel and More Shop Now!&nbsp;&#149;&nbsp;New Club Arrivals&nbsp;&#149;&nbsp;Save on Fan Gear and more in the Outlet&nbsp;&#149;&nbsp;Left Handed ShopShop Now&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;= 0 || this.server_name.indexOf('qa') >=0 ) ? 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