#!/usr/bin/env rake require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'rake/testtask' require 'appraisal' Rake::TestTask.new do |t| t.libs << "test" t.test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'] t.verbose = true if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) t.ruby_opts = ["-J-javaagent:/usr/local/tracelytics/tracelyticsagent.jar"] end end if !ENV["APPRAISAL_INITIALIZED"] && !ENV["TRAVIS"] task :default => :appraisal else task :default => :test end desc "Build the gem's c extension" task :compile do unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) puts "== Building the c extension against Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}" pwd = Dir.pwd ext_dir = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal') lib_dir = File.expand_path('lib') symlink = File.expand_path('lib/oboe_metal.so') so_file = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/oboe_metal.so') Dir.chdir ext_dir cmd = [ Gem.ruby, 'extconf.rb'] sh cmd.join(' ') sh '/usr/bin/env make' File.delete symlink if File.exist? symlink if File.exists? so_file File.symlink so_file, symlink Dir.chdir pwd puts "== Extension built and symlink'd to #{symlink}" else Dir.chdir pwd puts "!! Extension failed to build (see above). Are the base TraceView packages installed?" puts "!! See https://support.appneta.com/cloud/installing-traceview" end else puts "== Nothing to do under JRuby." end end desc "Clean up extension build files" task :clean do unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) pwd = Dir.pwd ext_dir = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal') lib_dir = File.expand_path('lib') symlink = File.expand_path('lib/oboe_metal.so') so_file = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/oboe_metal.so') Dir.chdir ext_dir sh '/usr/bin/env make clean' Dir.chdir pwd else puts "== Nothing to do under JRuby." end end desc "Remove all built files and extensions" task :distclean do unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) pwd = Dir.pwd ext_dir = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal') lib_dir = File.expand_path('lib') symlink = File.expand_path('lib/oboe_metal.so') so_file = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/oboe_metal.so') mkmf_log = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/mkmf.log') if File.exists? mkmf_log Dir.chdir ext_dir File.delete symlink if File.exist? symlink sh '/usr/bin/env make distclean' Dir.chdir pwd else puts "Nothing to distclean. (nothing built yet?)" end else puts "== Nothing to do under JRuby." end end desc "Rebuild the gem's c extension" task :recompile => [ :distclean, :compile ] task :console do Bundler.require(:default, :development) Oboe::Config[:tracing_mode] = :always ARGV.clear Pry.start end