require File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../helper") # TODO - refactor me into manageable chunks describe StateFu::Transition do include MySpecHelper before do reset! make_pristine_class("Klass") end describe "transition args / options" do before do make_pristine_class('Alphabet') do machine do connect_states :a, :b end end @abc = evt =[:a_to_b] tgt = Alphabet.machine.states[:b] @t =, evt, tgt, :a, :b, 'c' => 'cat') end it "should behave like this" do @t.args.should == [:a, :b, {'c' => 'cat'}] @t.options.should == {:c => 'cat'} @t.apply!({'d' => :e}) @t.options.should == {:c => 'cat', :d => :e} @t.args.should == [:a, :b, {'c' => 'cat'}] @t.args = [:A, :B] @t.args.should == [:A, :B] @t.options.should == {:c => 'cat', :d => :e} @t.args = [:X, :Y, {:scale => :metric }] @t.options.should == { :c => 'cat', :d => :e , :scale => :metric } @t.args.options.should == @t.options end end # # # describe "A simple machine with 2 states and a single event" do before do @machine = Klass.state_fu_machine do state :src do event :transfer, :to => :dest end end @origin = @machine.states[:src] @target = @machine.states[:dest] @event = @obj = end it "should have two states named :src and :dest" do @machine.states.length.should == 2 @machine.states.should == [@origin, @target] == :src == :dest @machine.state_names.should == [:src, :dest] end it "should have one event :transfer, from :src to :dest" do == 1 @event.origin.should == @origin == @target end describe "instance methods on a transition" do before do @t = @obj.state_fu.transition( :transfer ) end describe "the transition before firing" do it "should not be fired" do @t.should_not be_fired end it "should not be halted" do @t.should_not be_halted end it "should not be accepted" do @t.should_not be_accepted end it "should have a current_state of the origin state" do @t.current_state.should == @origin end it "should have a current_hook of nil" do @t.current_hook.should == nil end end # transition before fire! describe "calling fire! on a transition with no conditions or hooks" do it "should change the state of the binding" do @obj.state_fu.state.should == @origin! @obj.state_fu.state.should == @target end it "should have an empty set of hooks" do == [] end it "should change the field when persistence is via an attribute" do @obj.state_fu.persister.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Persistence::Attribute ) @obj.state_fu.persister.field_name.to_s.should == StateFu::DEFAULT_FIELD.to_s @obj.send( :state_fu_field ).should == "src"! @obj.send( :state_fu_field ).should == "dest" end end #! describe "the transition after firing is complete" do before do!() end it "should be fired" do @t.should be_fired end it "should not be halted" do @t.should_not be_halted end it "should be accepted" do @t.should be_accepted end it "should have a current_state of the target state" do @t.current_state.should == @target end it "should have a current_hook && current_hook_slot of nil" do @t.current_hook.should == nil @t.current_hook_slot.should == nil end end # transition after fire end # transition instance methods # binding instance methods # TODO move these to binding spec describe "instance methods on the binding" do describe "constructing a new transition with state_fu.transition" do it "should raise an ArgumentError if a bad event name is given" do lambda do trans = @obj.state_fu.transition( :transfibrillate ) end.should raise_error( ArgumentError ) end it "should create a new transition given an event_name" do trans = @obj.state_fu.transition( :transfer ) trans.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) trans.binding.should == @obj.state_fu trans.object.should == @obj trans.origin.should == @origin == @target trans.options.should == {} trans.errors.should == [] trans.args.should == [] end it "should create a new transition given a StateFu::Event" do e = == :transfer trans = @obj.state_fu.transition( e ) trans.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) trans.binding.should == @obj.state_fu trans.object.should == @obj trans.origin.should == @origin == @target trans.options.should == {} trans.errors.should == [] trans.args.should == [] end it "should define any methods declared in a block given to .transition" do trans = @obj.state_fu.transition( :transfer ) do def snoo return [self] end end trans.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) trans.should respond_to(:snoo) trans.snoo.should == [trans] t2 = @obj.state_fu.transition( :transfer ) t2.should_not respond_to( :snoo) end end # state_fu.transition describe "" do it "should be an array with the only event as its single element" do == [@event] end end describe "!( :transfer )" do it "should change the state when called" do @obj.state_fu.should respond_to( :fire_transition! ) @obj.state_fu.state.should == @origin @obj.state_fu.fire_transition!( :transfer ) @obj.state_fu.state.should == @target end it "should return a transition object" do @obj.state_fu.fire_transition!( :transfer ).should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) end end #! describe "calling cycle!()" do it "should raise a TransitionNotFound error" do lambda { @obj.state_fu.cycle!() }.should raise_error( StateFu::TransitionNotFound ) end end # cycle! describe "calling next!()" do it "should change the state" do @obj.state_fu.state.should == @origin t = @obj.state_fu.transfer t.should be_valid @obj.state_fu.valid_transitions.length.should == 1! @obj.state_fu.state.should == @target end it "should return a transition" do trans =!() trans.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) end it "should define any methods declared in a block given to .transition" do trans = @obj.state_fu.next_transition do def snoo return [self] end end trans.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) # trans.should respond_to(:snoo) trans.snoo.should == [trans] end it "should raise an error when there is no next state" do Klass.state_fu_machine(:noop) {} lambda {! }.should raise_error( StateFu::TransitionNotFound ) end it "should raise an error when there is more than one next state" do Klass.state_fu_machine(:toomany) { event( :go, :from => :one, :to => [:a,:b,:c] ) } lambda {! }.should raise_error( StateFu::TransitionNotFound ) end end # next! describe "passing args / options to the transition" do before do @args = [:a, :b, {:c => :d }] end describe "calling transition( :transfer, :a, :b, :c => :d )" do it "should set args and options on the transition" do t = @obj.state_fu.transition( :transfer, *@args ) t.args.should == [ :a, :b, {:c => :d} ] t.options.should == { :c => :d } end end describe "calling next!( :a, :b, :c => :d )" do it "should set args and options on the transition" do t =!( *@args ) t.args.should == [ :a, :b, {:c => :d}] t.options.should == { :c => :d } end end end # passing args / options end # binding instance methods end # simple machine w/ 2 states, 1 transition # # # describe "A simple machine with 1 state and an event cycling at the same state" do before do @machine = Klass.state_fu_machine do state :state_fuega do event :transfer, :to => :state_fuega end end @state = @machine.states[:state_fuega] @event = @obj = end describe "state_fu instance methods" do describe "calling state_fu.cycle!()" do it "should not change the state" do @obj.state_fu.state.should == @state @obj.state_fu.cycle! @obj.state_fu.state.should == @state end it "should pass args / options to the transition" do t = @obj.state_fu.cycle!( nil, :a, :b , { :c => :d } ) t.args.should == [ :a, :b, { :c => :d } ] t.options.should == { :c => :d } end it "should not raise an error" do @obj.state_fu.cycle! end it "should return an accepted transition" do @obj.state_fu.state.should == @state t = @obj.state_fu.cycle! t.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) t.should be_accepted end end # state_fu.cycle! end # state_fu instance methods end # 1 state w/ cyclic event # # # describe "A simple machine with 3 states and an event to & from multiple states" do before do @machine = Klass.state_fu_machine do states :a, :b states :x, :y event( :go ) do from :a, :b to :x, :y end initial_state :a end @a = @machine.states[:a] @b = @machine.states[:b] @x = @machine.states[:x] @y = @machine.states[:y] @event = @obj = end it "should have an event from [:a, :b] to [:x, :y]" do == [@a, @b] @event.targets.should == [@x, @y] @obj.state_fu.state.should == @a end describe "transition instance methods" do end describe "state_fu instance methods" do describe "state_fu.transition" do it "should raise StateFu::UnknownTarget unless a valid targets state is supplied or can be inferred" do lambda do @obj.state_fu.transition( :go ) end.should raise_error( StateFu::UnknownTarget ) lambda do @obj.state_fu.transition( [:go, nil] ) end.should raise_error( StateFu::UnknownTarget ) lambda do @obj.state_fu.transition( [:go, :awol] ) end.should raise_error( StateFu::UnknownTarget ) lambda do @obj.state_fu.transition( [:go, :x] ) @obj.state_fu.transition( [:go, :y] ) end.should_not raise_error( StateFu::UnknownTarget ) end it "should return a transition with the specified destination" do t = @obj.state_fu.transition( [:go, :x] ) t.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) == :go == :x lambda do @obj.state_fu.transition( [:go, :y] ) end.should_not raise_error( ) end end # state_fu.transition describe "state_fu.fire_transition!" do it "should raise an StateFu::UnknownTarget unless a valid targets state is supplied" do lambda do @obj.state_fu.fire_transition!( :go ) end.should raise_error( StateFu::UnknownTarget ) lambda do @obj.state_fu.fire_transition!( [ :go, :awol ] ) end.should raise_error( StateFu::UnknownTarget ) end end #! describe "!" do it "should raise an StateFu::TransitionNotFound" do lambda do! end.should raise_error( StateFu::TransitionNotFound ) end end # next! describe "state_fu.cycle!" do it "should raise StateFu::TransitionNotFound" do lambda do @obj.state_fu.cycle! end.should raise_error( StateFu::TransitionNotFound ) end end # cycle! end # state_fu instance methods end # 1 state w/ cyclic event describe "A simple machine w/ 2 states, 1 event and named hooks " do before do Klass.class_eval do attr_reader :calls def called name (@calls ||= [])<< name end def before_go ; called :before_go end def after_go ; called :after_go end def execute_go ; called :execute_go end def entering_a ; called :entering_a end def accepted_a ; called :accepted_a end def exiting_a ; called :exiting_a end def entering_b ; called :entering_b end def accepted_b ; called :accepted_b end def exiting_b ; called :exiting_b end end @machine = Klass.state_fu_machine do state :a do on_exit( :exiting_a ) end state :b do on_entry( :entering_b ) accepted( :accepted_b ) end event( :go ) do from :a, :to => :b before :before_go execute :execute_go after :after_go end initial_state :a end @a = @machine.states[:a] @b = @machine.states[:b] @event =[:go] @obj = end # before describe "state :a" do it "should have a hook for on_exit" do @a.hooks[:exit].should == [ :exiting_a ] end end describe "state :b" do it "should have a hook for on_entry" do @b.hooks[:entry].should == [ :entering_b ] end end describe "event :go" do it "should have a hook for before" do @event.hooks[:before].should == [ :before_go ] end it "should have a hook for execute" do @event.hooks[:execute].should == [ :execute_go ] end it "should have a hook for after" do @event.hooks[:execute].should == [ :execute_go ] end end describe "a transition for the event" do it "should have all defined hooks in correct order of execution" do t = @obj.state_fu.transition( :go ) hooks = hooks.should be_kind_of( Array ) hooks.should_not be_empty hooks.should == [ :before_go, :exiting_a, :execute_go, :entering_b, :after_go, :accepted_b ] end end # a transition .. describe "fire! calling hooks" do before do @t = @obj.state_fu.transition(:go) end it "should change state between state:entering and event:after" do @binding = @obj.state_fu @obj.should_receive(:entering_b).and_return do == :a end @obj.should_receive(:after_go).and_return do == :b end! end it "should call the method for each hook on @obj in order, with the transition" do hooks = [:before_go, :exiting_a, :execute_go, :entering_b, :after_go, :accepted_b] hooks.each do |hook| @obj.should_receive(hook).and_return do @obj.called hook end end!() @obj.calls.should == hooks end describe "adding an anonymous hook for event.hooks[:execute]" do before do Klass.state_fu_machine do event( :go ) do execute do |ctx| called :execute_proc end end end end it "should be called at the correct point" do @event.hooks[:execute].length.should == 2 @event.hooks[:execute].first.class.should == Symbol @event.hooks[:execute].last.class.should == Proc!() @obj.calls.should == [ :before_go, :exiting_a, :execute_go, :execute_proc, :entering_b, :after_go, :accepted_b ] end it "should be replace the previous proc for a slot if redefined" do called = @called # get us a ref for the closure Klass.state_fu_machine do event( :go ) do execute do |ctx| called(:updated) end end end! @obj.calls.should == [:before_go, :exiting_a, :execute_go, :updated, :entering_b, :after_go, :accepted_b] end end # anonymous hook describe "adding a named hook with a block" do describe "with arity of -1/0" do it "should call the block in the context of the transition" do Klass.state_fu_machine do event( :go ) do execute(:named_execute) do called :execute_named_proc end end end!() @obj.calls.should == [ :before_go, :exiting_a, :execute_go, :execute_named_proc, :entering_b, :after_go, :accepted_b ] end end # arity 0 describe "with arity of 1" do it "should call the proc in the context of the object, passing the transition as the argument" do Klass.state_fu_machine do event( :go ) do execute(:named_execute) do |t| called [:execute_named_proc, t] end end end!() @obj.calls.should == [:before_go, :exiting_a, :execute_go, [:execute_named_proc, @t], :entering_b, :after_go, :accepted_b] end end # arity 1 end # named proc describe "halting the transition during the execute hook" do before do Klass.state_fu_machine do event( :go ) do execute do |transition| transition.halt!("stop") end end end end # before it "should prevent the transition from being accepted" do == :a!() == :a @t.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) @t.should be_halted @t.should_not be_accepted @obj.calls.flatten.should == [ :before_go, :exiting_a, :execute_go ] end it "should have current_hook_slot set to where it halted" do == :a!() @t.current_hook_slot.should == [:event, :execute] end it "should have current_hook set to where it halted" do == :a!() @t.current_hook.should be_kind_of( Proc ) end end # halting from execute end # fire! calling hooks end # machine w/ hooks describe "A binding for a machine with an event transition requirement" do before do @machine = Klass.state_fu_machine do event( :go, :from => :a, :to => :b ) do requires( :ok? ) end initial_state :a end Klass.class_eval do attr_accessor :ok def ok?; ok; end end @obj = @binding = @obj.state_fu @event =[:go] @a = @machine.states[:a] @b = @machine.states[:b] end describe "when no block is supplied for the requirement" do it "should have an event named :go" do[:go].requirements.should == [:ok?][:go].targets.should_not be_blank[:go].origins.should_not be_blank == [:a, :b] @a.should be_kind_of( StateFu::State ) @event.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Event ) == [:a] @binding.current_state.should == @machine.states[:a] @event.from?( @machine.states[:a] ).should be_true[:go].from?( @binding.current_state ).should be_true be_empty end it "should contain the event in @binding.valid_events if @obj.ok? is true" do @obj.ok = true @binding.current_state.should == @machine.initial_state == @binding.valid_events.should == [@event] end it "should not contain :go in @binding.valid_events if !@obj.ok?" do @obj.ok = false == @binding.valid_events.should == [] end it "should raise a RequirementError if requirements are not satisfied" do @obj.ok = false lambda do @obj.state_fu.fire_transition!( :go ) end.should raise_error( StateFu::RequirementError ) end end # no block describe "when a block is supplied for the requirement" do it "should be a valid event if the block is true " do @machine.named_procs[:ok?] = { true } @binding.valid_events.should == [@event] @machine.named_procs[:ok?] = { |binding| true } @binding.valid_events.should == [@event] end it "should not be a valid event if the block is false" do @machine.named_procs[:ok?] = { false } @binding.valid_events.should == [] @machine.named_procs[:ok?] = { |binding| false } @binding.valid_events.should == [] end end # block supplied end # machine w/guard conditions describe "A binding for a machine with a state transition requirement" do before do @machine = Klass.state_fu_machine do event( :go, :from => :a, :to => :b ) state( :b ) do requires :entry_ok? end end Klass.class_eval do attr_accessor :entry_ok def entry_ok? entry_ok end end @obj = @binding = @obj.state_fu @obj.entry_ok = true @event =[:go] @a = @machine.states[:a] @b = @machine.states[:b] end describe "when no block is supplied for the requirement" do it "should be valid if @binding.valid_transitions' values includes the state" do t = @binding.transition([@event, @b]) @binding.valid_next_states.should == [@b] end it "should be invalid if @obj.entry_ok? is false" do @obj.entry_ok = false @b.entry_requirements.should == [:entry_ok?] @binding.valid_next_states.should == [] end it "should be valid if @obj.entry_ok? is true" do @obj.entry_ok = true @binding.valid_next_states.should == [@b] end end # no block describe "when a block is supplied for the requirement" do it "should be a valid event if the block is true " do @machine.named_procs[:entry_ok?] = { true } @binding.valid_next_states.should == [@b] @machine.named_procs[:entry_ok?] = { |binding| true } @binding.valid_next_states.should == [@b] end it "should not be a valid event if the block is false" do @machine.named_procs[:entry_ok?] = { false } @binding.valid_next_states.should == [] @machine.named_procs[:entry_ok?] = { |binding| false } @binding.valid_next_states.should == [] end end # block supplied end # machine with state transition requirement describe "a hook method accessing the transition, object, binding and arguments to fire!" do before do reset! make_pristine_class("Klass") @machine = Klass.state_fu_machine do event(:run, :from => :start, :to => :finish ) do execute( :run_exec ) end end # machine @obj = end # before describe "a method defined on the stateful object" do it "should be able to call methods on the transition mixed in via machine.helper" do t1 = @obj.state_fu.transition( :run) t1.should_not respond_to(:my_rad_method) @machine.helper :my_rad_helper module ::MyRadHelper def my_rad_method( x ) x end end t2 = @obj.state_fu.transition( :run ) t2.should respond_to( :my_rad_method ) t2.my_rad_method( 6 ).should == 6 @machine.instance_eval do helpers.pop end t3 = @obj.state_fu.transition( :run ) # triple check for contamination t1.should_not respond_to(:my_rad_method) t2.should respond_to(:my_rad_method) t3.should_not respond_to(:my_rad_method) end it "should be able to access the args / options passed to fire! via transition.args" do # NOTE a trailing hash gets munged into options - not args args = [:a, :b, { 'c' => :d }] Klass.state_fu_machine do event(:run, :from => :start, :to => :finish ) do execute( :run_exec ) do |t| t.args.should == [:a, :b, {'c' => :d}] t.options.should == {:c => :d} # options are symbolized end end end trans =!( *args ) trans.should be_accepted end end # method defined on object describe "a block passed to binding.transition" do it "should not be possible unless it's made less confusing" do pending "wtf is the use case?" end end end # args with fire! describe "next_transition" do describe "when there are multiple events but only one is fireable?" do before do reset! make_pristine_class("Klass") @machine = Klass.state_fu_machine do initial_state :alive do event :impossibility do to :afterlife requires :truth_of_patent_falsehoods? do false end end event :inevitability do to :plain_old_dead end end end @obj = @binding = @obj.state_fu == 2 end describe "when the fireable? event has only one target" do it "should return a transition for the fireable event & its target" do[:inevitability].targets.length.should == 1 t = @binding.next_transition t.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) t.from.should == @binding.current_state == @machine.states[:plain_old_dead] t.event.should ==[:inevitability] end end describe "when the fireable? event has multiple targets but only one can be entered" do before do reset! make_pristine_class("Klass") @machine = Klass.state_fu_machine do initial_state :alive state :cremated state :buried do requires :plot_at_cemetary? do false end end event :inevitability do from :alive to :cremated, :buried end end @obj = @binding = @obj.state_fu[:inevitability].should be_kind_of(StateFu::Event) == [[:inevitability]].map(&:name) @binding.valid_events.should == [[:inevitability]] == [:cremated] end # before it "should return a transition for the fireable event & the enterable target" do t = @binding.next_transition t.should be_kind_of( StateFu::Transition ) t.from.should == @binding.current_state == @machine.states[:cremated] t.event.should ==[:inevitability] end end describe "when the fireable? event has multiple targets and more than one can be entered" do before do @machine.lathe do event :inevitability do to :cremated, :buried end end @obj = @binding = @obj.state_fu end it "should not return a transition" do t = @binding.next_transition t.should be_nil end it "should raise TransitionNotFound if next! is called" do lambda {! }.should raise_error( StateFu::TransitionNotFound ) end end end end end