Loggable Activity 🌟

Secure protect data and log how it is handled - Keep an activity log of how data in the db are handled. - Protect and secure the privacy of data stored in Activity Logs - Prepare for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. - Handles activities that involves more than one table in the DB.

What it is not


Most organizations needs to keep a log of how users interact with data stored in the DB - Finance - Healthcare - Sales and Support

Super simplified example from the healthcare. - Each patient has a journal, that is updated on a regular basis. - Supervisor needs to follow the journal, how was it updated, who read it. - Security personnel needs to know how the journal is handled, who did what when. - Patients has the right to know how their journal is handled and that the log is deleted.

Beside the journal in the db, an activity log is kept so it is possible to track how the journal is used.<br/> At some point in time the patients data from the DB and the activity log has to be removed according to GDPR.

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