class RichI18nTranslationGenerator < Rails::Generator::Base def initialize(runtime_args, runtime_options = {}) super @name = @args.first || "translation" end def manifest record do |m| "app/models" m.template "model.rb", "app/models/#{model_file_name}.rb" m.template "config.rb", "config/initializers/enrichments.rb", {:collision => :skip} m.migration_template "migration.rb", "db/migrate", :migration_file_name => migration_file_name end end def after_generate"config/initializers/enrichments.rb"), "a+") do |file| file << "\nRich::I18n::Engine.enable_i18n_cms" end system "rake db:migrate" if options[:migrate] end def model_file_name @name.underscore end def model_class_name @name.classify end def table_name model_file_name.gsub("/", "_").pluralize end def migration_file_name "create_#{table_name}" end def migration_class_name migration_file_name.camelize end protected def add_options!(opt) opt.separator "" opt.separator "Options:" opt.on("-m", "--migrate", "Run 'rake db:migrate' after generating model and migration.") { options[:migrate] = true } end def banner <<-EOS Creates Rich-i18n translation model and migration. USAGE: #{$0} #{} [model_name] EOS end end