#encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'gherkin/json_parser' require 'gherkin/formatter/json_formatter' module Gherkin describe JSONParser do def check_json(json) io = StringIO.new f = Formatter::JSONFormatter.new(io) p = JSONParser.new(f, f) p.parse(json, 'unknown.json', 0) expected = JSON.parse(json) actual = JSON.parse(io.string) actual.should == expected end it "should parse a barely empty feature" do check_json(%{{ "keyword": "Feature", "name": "One", "description": "", "line" : 3 }}) end it "should parse feature with tags and one scenario" do check_json(%{{ "tags": [ { "name": "@foo", "line": 22 } ], "keyword": "Feature", "name": "One", "description": "", "line": 3, "elements": [ { "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "Hello", "rows": [ { "cells": ["foo", "bar"] } ] } ] } ] }}) end it "should parse feature with match, result and embedding" do check_json(%{{ "tags": [ { "name": "@foo", "line": 22 } ], "keyword": "Feature", "name": "One", "description": "", "line": 3, "elements": [ { "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "a passing step", "line": 6, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 22, "val": "cukes" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/steps.rb:1" }, "result": { "status": "failed", "error_message": "You suck", "duration": -1 }, "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "Tm8sIEknbSBub3QgaW50ZXJlc3RlZCBpbiBkZXZlbG9waW5nIGEgcG93ZXJmdWwgYnJhaW4uIEFsbCBJJ20gYWZ0ZXIgaXMganVzdCBhIG1lZGlvY3JlIGJyYWluLCBzb21ldGhpbmcgbGlrZSB0aGUgUHJlc2lkZW50IG9mIHRoZSBBbWVyaWNhbiBUZWxlcGhvbmUgYW5kIFRlbGVncmFwaCBDb21wYW55Lg==" } ] } ] } ] }}) end it "shoud parse a complex feature" do check_json(fixture("complex.json")) end end end