sc_require('extensions'); SC.Handlebars.ViewHelper = SC.Object.create({ helper: function(thisContext, path, options) { var inverse = options.inverse; var data =; var view = data.view; var fn = options.fn; var newView; if (path.isClass || path.isObject) { newView = path; if (!newView) { throw "Null or undefined object was passed to the #view helper. Did you mean to pass a property path string?"; } } else { // Path is relative, look it up with this view as the root if (path.charAt(0) === '.') { newView = SC.objectForPropertyPath(path.slice(1), view); } else { // Path is absolute, look up path on global (window) object newView = SC.objectForPropertyPath(path); } if (!newView) { throw "Unable to find view at path '" + path + "'"; } } var currentView = data.view; var childViews = currentView.get('childViews'); var childView = currentView.createChildView(newView); // Set the template of the view to the passed block if we got one if (fn) { childView.template = fn; } childViews.pushObject(childView); var context = SC.RenderContext(childView.get('tagName')); // Add id and class names passed to view helper this.applyAttributes(options.hash, childView, context); childView.applyAttributesToContext(context); // tomdale wants to make SproutCore slow childView.render(context, YES); return new Handlebars.SafeString(context.join()); }, applyAttributes: function(options, childView, context) { var id =; var classNames = options['class']; if (classNames) { context.addClass(classNames.split(' ')); } if (id) { childView.set('layerId', id);; } var classBindings = options.classBinding; if (classBindings) { this.addClassBindings(classBindings, childView, context); } }, addClassBindings: function(classBindings, view, context) { var classObservers = view._classObservers; // Teardown any existing observers on the view. if (classObservers) { for (var prop in classObservers) { if (classObservers.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { view.removeObserver(prop, classObservers[prop]); } } } classObservers = view._classObservers = {}; // For each property passed, loop through and setup // an observer. classBindings.split(' ').forEach(function(property) { // Normalize property path to be suitable for use // as a class name. For exaple, // becomes bar-baz. var dasherizedProperty = property.split('.').get('lastObject'); dasherizedProperty = dasherizedProperty.dasherize(); // Set up an observer on the view. If the bound property // changes, toggle the class name var observer = classObservers[property] = function() { var shouldDisplay = view.getPath(property); var elem = view.$(); elem.toggleClass(dasherizedProperty, shouldDisplay); }; view.addObserver(property, observer); // Add the class name to the view context.setClass(dasherizedProperty, view.getPath(property)); }); } }); Handlebars.registerHelper('view', function(path, options) { return SC.Handlebars.ViewHelper.helper(this, path, options); });