This sub-project is dedicated to allow a simple local bootstrap of the Apache Kafka ecosystem with the help of containers/Docker. **Heads up!** This configuration is not designed to be used in production. - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [What's in the box](#whats-in-the-box) - [Examples](#examples) - [Simple Message Producing/Consuming](#simple-message-producingconsuming) - [Message Producing/Consuming with Rimless (Apache Avro)](#message-producingconsuming-with-rimless-apache-avro) ## Requirements * [GNU Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/) (>=4.2.1) * [Docker](https://www.docker.com/get-docker) (>=17.06.0-ce) * [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) (>=1.15.0) * [Host enabled mDNS stack](#mdns-host-configuration) ## Getting started First you need to clone this repository from Github: ```bash # Clone the repository $ git clone git@github.com:hausgold/rimless.git # Go in the repository directory $ cd rimless/doc/kafka-playground ``` We assume you have prepared the requirements in advance. The only thing which is left, is to install and start the application: ```shell $ make install $ make start ``` ## mDNS host configuration If you running Ubuntu/Debian, all required packages should be in place out of the box. On older versions (Ubuntu < 18.10, Debian < 10) the configuration is also fine out of the box. When you however find yourself unable to resolve the domains or if you are a lucky user of newer Ubuntu/Debian versions, read on. **Heads up:** This is the Arch Linux way. (package and service names may differ, config is the same) Install the `nss-mdns` and `avahi` packages, enable and start the `avahi-daemon.service`. Then, edit the file `/etc/nsswitch.conf` and change the hosts line like this: ```bash hosts: ... mdns4 [NOTFOUND=return] resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns ... ``` Afterwards create (or overwrite) the `/etc/mdns.allow` file when not yet present with the following content: ```bash .local. .local ``` This is the regular way for nss-mdns > 0.10 package versions (the default now). If you use a system with 0.10 or lower take care of using `mdns4_minimal` instead of `mdns4` on the `/etc/nsswitch.conf` file and skip the creation of the `/etc/mdns.allow` file. **Further readings** * Archlinux howto: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/avahi * Ubuntu/Debian howto: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Avahi/ * Further detail on nss-mdns: https://github.com/lathiat/nss-mdns ## What's in the box After the installation and bootup processes are finished you should have a working Apache Kafka setup which includes the following: * A single node [Apache Kafka](https://kafka.apache.org/) broker via [Zookeeper](https://zookeeper.apache.org/) * [Confluent Schema Registry](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/schema-registry/index.html), used for [Apache Avro](https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/) schemas * [Lenses.io Schema Registry UI](https://github.com/lensesio/schema-registry-ui), you can access it via mDNS at http://schema-registry-ui.playground.local * A Ruby 2.5 enabled playground container with configured Rimless support ## Examples ### Simple Message Producing/Consuming Start a playground container with `$ make start` and run the following: ```shell $ create-topic -v test ``` ```shell $ list-topics Metadata for all topics (from broker 1001: kafka.playground.local:9092/1001): 1 brokers: broker 1001 at kafka.playground.local:9092 (controller) 2 topics: topic "_schemas" with 1 partitions: partition 0, leader 1001, replicas: 1001, isrs: 1001 topic "test" with 1 partitions: ``` Now start a second teminal playground container with `$ make shell` and run: ```shell # Terminal B $ consume-topic test % Waiting for group rebalance % Group kcat rebalanced (memberid kcat-1ec7324b-463c-4c1e-ab47-b58aa886a98d): assigned: test [0] % Reached end of topic test [0] at offset 0 ``` At the first container session run: ```shell # Terminal A $ echo '{"test":true}' | produce-event test - Processing lines of '/dev/stdin' .. {"test":true} ``` And see that the consumer at the second terminal output changed to: ```shell # Terminal B $ consume-topic test % Waiting for group rebalance % Group kcat rebalanced (memberid kcat-1ec7324b-463c-4c1e-ab47-b58aa886a98d): assigned: test [0] % Reached end of topic test [0] at offset 0 {"test":true} % Reached end of topic test [0] at offset 1 ``` ### Message Producing/Consuming with Rimless (Apache Avro) Setup two terminal playground session containers with `$ make shell` and run the following snippets to produce an Apache Avro message and consume it with [kcat](https://github.com/edenhill/kcat): ```shell # Terminal A $ create-topic production.playground-app.payments $ consume-topic -s value=avro production.playground-app.payments ``` And at the otherside run: ```shell # Terminal B $ examples/rimless-produce {"event"=>"payment_authorized", "payment"=> {"gid"=>"gid://playground-app/Payment/19da4f09-56c8-47d6-8a01-dc7ec2f9daff", "currency"=>"eur", "net_amount_sum"=>500, "items"=> [{"gid"=> "gid://playground-app/PaymentItem/9f2d9746-52a8-4b8a-a614-4f8f8b4ef4a5", "net_amount"=>499, "tax_rate"=>19, "created_at"=>"2021-10-27T15:09:06.990+00:00", "updated_at"=>nil}, {"gid"=> "gid://playground-app/PaymentItem/c8f9f718-03fd-442a-9677-1a4e64349c2c", "net_amount"=>1, "tax_rate"=>19, "created_at"=>"2021-10-27T15:09:06.990+00:00", "updated_at"=>nil}], "state"=>"authorized", "created_at"=>"2021-10-27T15:09:06.990+00:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-10-27T15:09:06.990+00:00"}} ```