module Pacer module Core::SideEffect def cap(opts = {}) back.chain_route({:transform => :cap, :with => self, :element_type => :object}.merge(opts)) end end module Transform module Cap import com.tinkerpop.pipes.transform.SideEffectCapPipe def help(section = nil) case section when nil puts < # Obj-Cap(V-Counted)> r.to_a #=> [123] In this example, #counted is a side effect pipe. Side effect pipes can be used on their own but their value is not reliable until the full pipeline has been processed: pipe = g.v.counted.pipe pipe.getSideEffect #=> 0 #=> # pipe.getSideEffect #=> 1 HELP else super end description end def with=(route) @side_effect = route end protected def pipe_source s, e = super if not s and not e s = e = end [s, e] end def side_effect_pipe(end_pipe) old_back = @side_effect.back begin empty = Pacer::Route.empty self @side_effect.back = empty _, side_effect_pipe = @side_effect.send :build_pipeline side_effect_pipe.setStarts end_pipe if end_pipe side_effect_pipe ensure @side_effect.back = old_back end end def attach_pipe(end_pipe) pipe = side_effect_pipe(end_pipe) pipe.setStarts end_pipe if end_pipe pipe end def inspect_string "#{ inspect_class_name }(#{ @side_effect.send(:inspect_string) })" end end end end