# This module points the FileSet to the location of the technical metdata. # By default, the file holding the metadata is :original_file and the terms # are listed under ::characterization_terms. # Implementations may define their own terms or use a different source file, but # any terms must be set on the ::characterization_proxy by the Hydra::Works::CharacterizationService # # class MyFileSet # include CurationConcerns::FileSetBehavior # end # # MyFileSet.characterization_proxy = :master_file # MyFileSet.characterization_terms = [:term1, :term2, :term3] module CurationConcerns module Characterization extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :characterization_terms, :characterization_proxy self.characterization_terms = [ :format_label, :file_size, :height, :width, :filename, :well_formed, :page_count, :file_title, :last_modified, :original_checksum, :mime_type ] self.characterization_proxy = :original_file delegate(*characterization_terms, to: :characterization_proxy) def characterization_proxy send(self.class.characterization_proxy) || NullCharacterizationProxy.new end end class NullCharacterizationProxy def method_missing(*_args) [] end def mime_type end end end end