h1. parseitc h2. DESCRIPTION: parseitc is a Ruby gem written to parse iPhone app transaction reports from iTunes Connect. h2. FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Parsing of standard Sales/Trend Report tsv files from https://itts.apple.com/ Allows ruby applications as well as Bash Init scripts to use the same config. h2. SYNOPSIS: bc. require 'rubygems' require 'lib/parseitc' include ParseITC reports = TransactionParser.new('/path/to/tsv/file1') reports.add_file('/path/to/tsv/file2') by_country = report.numbers_by_country by_country.sort.each {|k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}"} h2. REQUIREMENTS: * Ruby (Developed on 1.8.7) * RubyGems h2. INSTALL: bc. sudo gem install parseitc h2. TODO: * parse monthly and weekly reports