module MelissaData module Command class PackageCommand < Base # class_option :base, :type => :string, :default => nil # class_option :output, :type => :string, :default => nil # class_option :include, :type => :array, :default => nil # class_option :melissadatafile, :type => :string, :default => nil register "package", "Package up the MelissaData databases" def execute # desc "package", "Zips up data files from DVD and uploads them to remote servers" # # method_option :path, :type => :string, :default => '/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux', :desc => "Path to MelissaData DVD" # method_option :username, :aliases => '-u', :type => :string, :required => true, :desc => "CloudFiles Username" # method_option :api_key, :aliases => '-a', :type => :string, :required => true, :desc => "CloudFiles API Key" # method_option :bucket_name, :aliases => '-b', :type => :string, :desc => "CloudFiles Bucket name" # def package source_dir = Dir['/Volumes/*'].detect{ |path| path =~ /DVD-\d{4}-\d{2}$/ } raise Errors::DiscNotFound if source_dir.blank? # dest_dir = "/tmp" # possible_objects = %w[ address email name phone ] # # objects = Dir.entries(source_dir).select{ |path| possible_objects.include?(path) } # objects = %w[ email name ] # objects.each do |obj| # data_file = "#{dest_dir}/#{obj}.tgz" # inside "#{source_dir}/#{obj}" do # run "tar czf #{data_file} data" # end # say_status :upload, "#{obj}.tgz to #{options[:bucket_name]}" # cf = => options[:username], :api_key => options[:api_key]) # cont = cf.container options[:bucket_name] # remote_object = cont.create_object "#{obj}.tgz", false # remote_object.load_from_filename data_file # # "#{source_dir}/#{obj}/linux/gcc34_64bit/*.h" => /opt/melissadata/src/ # # "#{source_dir}/#{obj}/linux/gcc34_64bit/" => /opt/melissadata/lib/ # # "#{source_dir}/#{obj}/linux/interfaces/ruby/mdEmailRubyWrapper.cpp" => /opt/melissadata/lib/ # # inside "#{source_dir}/#{obj}/linux/gcc34_64bit" do # # run "tar czf #{data_file} data" # # end # end # end # return package_base if options[:base] # package_target end protected # def package_base # vm = VM.find(options[:base], env) # raise Errors::BaseVMNotFound, :name => options[:base] if !vm.created? # package_vm(vm) # end # def package_target # raise Errors::MultiVMTargetRequired, :command => "package" if target_vms.length > 1 # vm = target_vms.first # raise Errors::VMNotCreatedError if !vm.created? # package_vm(vm) # end # def package_vm(vm) # opts = options.inject({}) do |acc, data| # k,v = data # acc["package.#{k}"] = v # acc # end # vm.package(opts) # end end end end