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gsutil getcors uri
Gets the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configuration for a given
bucket. This command is supported for buckets only, not objects and you
can get the CORS settings for only one bucket at a time. The output from
getcors can be redirected into a file, edited and then updated via the
setcors sub-command. The CORS configuration is expressed by an XML document
with the following structure:
For more info about CORS, see http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/.
t GetCorsCommandc B sˆ e Z d Z i d e 6g e 6d e 6d e 6d e 6e e 6e e
6d e 6e e
6Z i d e 6g e 6e j e 6d e 6e e 6Z d „ Z RS( s) Implementation of gsutil getcors command.t getcorsi t i s Get a bucket's CORS XML documentc C sı t | j | j d ƒ j ƒ ƒ } t | ƒ d k rC t d ƒ ‚ n t | ƒ d k rx t d | j d | j f ƒ ‚ n | d } | j ƒ s¤ t d | j ƒ ‚ n | j t | j
ƒ } t j j
j | j ƒ j d ƒ ƒ } t j j | j d d ƒ ƒ d S( Ni s No URIs matchedi sD %s matched more than one URI, which is not
allowed by the %s commands" "%s" command must specify a buckets utf-8t indents ( t listt WildcardIteratort argst IterUrist lenR
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parsed_xml( ( s4 /tmp/tmp.yUYbTOKr8o/gsutil/gslib/commands/getcors.pyt
RunCommandi s "
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