require 'spec_helper' class ClassMixedWithDSLInstallUtils include Beaker::DSL::InstallUtils include Beaker::DSL::Structure include Beaker::DSL::Roles end describe ClassMixedWithDSLInstallUtils do let(:basic_hosts) { make_hosts( { :pe_ver => '3.0', :platform => 'linux', :roles => [ 'agent' ] } ) } let(:hosts) { basic_hosts[0][:roles] = ['master', 'database', 'dashboard'] basic_hosts[1][:platform] = 'windows' basic_hosts } let(:winhost) { make_host( 'winhost', { :platform => 'windows', :pe_ver => '3.0', :working_dir => '/tmp' } ) } let(:unixhost) { make_host( 'unixhost', { :platform => 'linux', :pe_ver => '3.0', :working_dir => '/tmp', :dist => 'puppet-enterprise-3.1.0-rc0-230-g36c9e5c-debian-7-i386' } ) } context 'extract_repo_info_from' do [{ :protocol => 'git', :path => 'git://' }, { :protocol => 'ssh', :path => '' }, { :protocol => 'https', :path => '' }, { :protocol => 'file', :path => 'file:///home/example/project' } ].each do |type| it "handles #{ type[:protocol] } uris" do uri = "#{ type[:path] }#master" repo_info = subject.extract_repo_info_from uri expect( repo_info[:name] ).to be == 'project' expect( repo_info[:path] ).to be == type[:path] expect( repo_info[:rev] ).to be == 'master' end end end context 'order_packages' do it 'orders facter, hiera before puppet, before anything else' do named_repos = [ { :name => 'puppet_plugin' }, { :name => 'puppet' }, { :name => 'facter' } ] ordered_repos = subject.order_packages named_repos expect( ordered_repos[0][:name] ).to be == 'facter' expect( ordered_repos[1][:name] ).to be == 'puppet' expect( ordered_repos[2][:name] ).to be == 'puppet_plugin' end end context 'find_git_repo_versions' do it 'returns a hash of :name => version' do host = double( 'Host' ) repository = { :name => 'name' } path = '/path/to/repo' cmd = 'cd /path/to/repo/name && git describe || true' logger = double.as_null_object subject.should_receive( :logger ).and_return( logger ) subject.should_receive( :on ).with( host, cmd ).and_yield subject.should_receive( :stdout ).and_return( '2' ) version = subject.find_git_repo_versions( host, path, repository ) expect( version ).to be == { 'name' => '2' } end end context 'install_from_git' do it 'does a ton of stuff it probably shouldnt' do repo = { :name => 'puppet', :path => 'git://', :rev => 'master' } path = '/path/to/repos' host = { 'platform' => 'debian' } logger = double.as_null_object subject.should_receive( :logger ).exactly( 3 ).times.and_return( logger ) subject.should_receive( :on ).exactly( 4 ).times subject.install_from_git( host, path, repo ) end end describe 'sorted_hosts' do it 'can reorder so that the master comes first' do subject.stub( :hosts ).and_return( [ hosts[1], hosts[0], hosts[2] ] ) expect( subject.sorted_hosts ).to be === hosts end it 'leaves correctly ordered hosts alone' do subject.stub( :hosts ).and_return( hosts ) expect( subject.sorted_hosts ).to be === hosts end end describe 'version_is_less' do it 'reports 3.0.0-160-gac44cfb is not less than 3.0.0' do expect( subject.version_is_less( '3.0.0-160-gac44cfb', '3.0.0' ) ).to be === false end it 'reports 3.0.0-160-gac44cfb is not less than 2.8.2' do expect( subject.version_is_less( '3.0.0-160-gac44cfb', '2.8.2' ) ).to be === false end it 'reports 3.0.0 is less than 3.0.0-160-gac44cfb' do expect( subject.version_is_less( '3.0.0', '3.0.0-160-gac44cfb' ) ).to be === true end it 'reports 2.8.2 is less than 3.0.0-160-gac44cfb' do expect( subject.version_is_less( '2.8.2', '3.0.0-160-gac44cfb' ) ).to be === true end it 'reports 2.8 is less than 3.0.0-160-gac44cfb' do expect( subject.version_is_less( '2.8', '3.0.0-160-gac44cfb' ) ).to be === true end it 'reports 2.8 is less than 2.9' do expect( subject.version_is_less( '2.8', '2.9' ) ).to be === true end end describe 'installer_cmd' do it 'generates a windows PE install command for a windows host' do expect( subject.installer_cmd( winhost, {} ) ).to be === "cd /tmp && msiexec.exe /qn /i puppet-enterprise-3.0.msi" end it 'generates a unix PE install command for a unix host' do expect( subject.installer_cmd( unixhost, { :installer => 'puppet-enterprise-installer' } ) ).to be === "cd /tmp/puppet-enterprise-3.1.0-rc0-230-g36c9e5c-debian-7-i386 && ./puppet-enterprise-installer -a /tmp/answers" end end describe 'fetch_puppet' do it 'can push a local PE .tar.gz to a host and unpack it' do File.stub( :directory? ).and_return( true ) #is local File.stub( :exists? ).and_return( true ) #is a .tar.gz unixhost['pe_dir'] = '/local/file/path' subject.stub( :scp_to ).and_return( true ) path = unixhost['pe_dir'] filename = "#{ unixhost['dist'] }" extension = '.tar.gz' subject.should_receive( :scp_to ).with( unixhost, "#{ path }/#{ filename }#{ extension }", "#{ unixhost['working_dir'] }/#{ filename }#{ extension }" ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( unixhost, /gunzip/ ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( unixhost, /tar -xvf/ ).once subject.fetch_puppet( [unixhost], {} ) end it 'can download a PE .tar from a URL to a host and unpack it' do File.stub( :directory? ).and_return( false ) #is not local unixhost['pe_dir'] = '' subject.stub( :link_exists? ) do |arg| if arg =~ /.tar.gz/ #there is no .tar.gz link, only a .tar false else true end end subject.stub( :on ).and_return( true ) path = unixhost['pe_dir'] filename = "#{ unixhost['dist'] }" extension = '.tar' subject.should_receive( :on ).with( unixhost, "cd #{ unixhost['working_dir'] }; curl #{ path }/#{ filename }#{ extension } -o #{ filename }#{ extension }" ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( unixhost, /tar -xvf/ ).once subject.fetch_puppet( [unixhost], {} ) end it 'can download a PE .tar.gz from a URL to a host and unpack it' do File.stub( :directory? ).and_return( false ) #is not local unixhost['pe_dir'] = '' subject.stub( :link_exists? ).and_return( true ) #is a tar.gz subject.stub( :on ).and_return( true ) path = unixhost['pe_dir'] filename = "#{ unixhost['dist'] }" extension = '.tar.gz' subject.should_receive( :on ).with( unixhost, "cd #{ unixhost['working_dir'] }; curl #{ path }/#{ filename }#{ extension } -o #{ filename }#{ extension }" ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( unixhost, /gunzip/ ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( unixhost, /tar -xvf/ ).once subject.fetch_puppet( [unixhost], {} ) end it 'can push a local PE package to a windows host' do File.stub( :directory? ).and_return( true ) #is local File.stub( :exists? ).and_return( true ) #is present winhost['pe_dir'] = '/local/file/path' subject.stub( :scp_to ).and_return( true ) path = winhost['pe_dir'] filename = "puppet-enterprise-#{ winhost['pe_ver'] }" extension = '.msi' subject.should_receive( :scp_to ).with( winhost, "#{ path }/#{ filename }#{ extension }", "#{ winhost['working_dir'] }/#{ filename }#{ extension }" ).once subject.fetch_puppet( [winhost], {} ) end it "does nothing for a frictionless agent" do unixhost['roles'] << 'frictionless' subject.should_not_receive(:scp_to) subject.should_not_receive(:on) subject.fetch_puppet( [unixhost], {} ) end end describe 'do_install' do it 'can preform a simple installation' do subject.stub( :on ).and_return( {}, '' ) ) subject.stub( :fetch_puppet ).and_return( true ) subject.stub( :create_remote_file ).and_return( true ) subject.stub( :sign_certificate_for ).and_return( true ) subject.stub( :stop_agent_on ).and_return( true ) subject.stub( :sleep_until_puppetdb_started ).and_return( true ) subject.stub( :wait_for_host_in_dashboard ).and_return( true ) subject.stub( :puppet_agent ).and_return( "puppet agent" ) subject.stub( :hosts ).and_return( hosts ) #determine mastercert subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[0], /uname/ ).once #create working dirs per-host subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[0], /mkdir/ ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[1], /mkdir/ ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[2], /mkdir/ ).once #create answers file per-host, except windows subject.should_receive( :create_remote_file ).with( hosts[0], /answers/, /q/ ).once subject.should_receive( :create_remote_file ).with( hosts[2], /answers/, /q/ ).once #run installer on all hosts subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[0], /puppet-enterprise-installer/ ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[1], /msiexec.exe/ ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[2], /puppet-enterprise-installer/ ).once #sign certificate per-host subject.should_receive( :sign_certificate_for ).with( hosts[0] ).once subject.should_receive( :sign_certificate_for ).with( hosts[1] ).once subject.should_receive( :sign_certificate_for ).with( hosts[2] ).once #stop puppet agent on all hosts subject.should_receive( :stop_agent_on ).with( hosts[0] ).once subject.should_receive( :stop_agent_on ).with( hosts[1] ).once subject.should_receive( :stop_agent_on ).with( hosts[2] ).once #wait for puppetdb to start subject.should_receive( :sleep_until_puppetdb_started ).with( hosts[0] ).once #run each puppet agent once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[0], /puppet agent/, :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2] ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[1], /puppet agent/, :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2] ).once subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[2], /puppet agent/, :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2] ).once #run rake task on dashboard subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts[0], /\/opt\/puppet\/bin\/rake -sf \/opt\/puppet\/share\/puppet-dashboard\/Rakefile .* RAILS_ENV=production/ ).once #wait for all hosts to appear in the dashboard subject.should_receive( :wait_for_host_in_dashboard ).with( hosts[0] ).once subject.should_receive( :wait_for_host_in_dashboard ).with( hosts[1] ).once subject.should_receive( :wait_for_host_in_dashboard ).with( hosts[2] ).once #run puppet agent now that installation is complete subject.should_receive( :on ).with( hosts, /puppet agent/, :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2] ).once subject.do_install( hosts ) end end describe 'install_pe' do it 'calls do_install with sorted hosts' do subject.stub( :hosts ).and_return( [ hosts[1], hosts[0], hosts[2] ] ) subject.stub( :do_install ).and_return( true ) subject.should_receive( :do_install ).with( hosts ) subject.install_pe end it 'fills in missing pe_ver' do hosts.each do |h| h['pe_ver'] = nil end Beaker::Options::PEVersionScraper.stub( :load_pe_version ).and_return( '2.8' ) subject.stub( :hosts ).and_return( [ hosts[1], hosts[0], hosts[2] ] ) subject.stub( :options ).and_return( {} ) subject.stub( :do_install ).and_return( true ) subject.should_receive( :do_install ).with( hosts ) subject.install_pe hosts.each do |h| expect( h['pe_ver'] ).to be === '2.8' end end end describe 'upgrade_pe' do it 'calls puppet-enterprise-upgrader for pre 3.0 upgrades' do Beaker::Options::PEVersionScraper.stub( :load_pe_version ).and_return( '2.8' ) Beaker::Options::PEVersionScraper.stub( :load_pe_version_win ).and_return( '2.8' ) subject.stub( :hosts ).and_return( [ hosts[1], hosts[0], hosts[2] ] ) subject.stub( :options ).and_return( {} ) version = version_win = '2.8' path = "/path/to/upgradepkg" subject.should_receive( :do_install ).with( hosts, { :type => :upgrade, :pe_dir => path, :pe_ver => version, :pe_ver_win => version_win, :installer => 'puppet-enterprise-upgrader' } ) subject.upgrade_pe( path ) end it 'uses standard upgrader for post 3.0 upgrades' do Beaker::Options::PEVersionScraper.stub( :load_pe_version ).and_return( '3.1' ) Beaker::Options::PEVersionScraper.stub( :load_pe_version_win ).and_return( '3.1' ) subject.stub( :hosts ).and_return( [ hosts[1], hosts[0], hosts[2] ] ) subject.stub( :options ).and_return( {} ) version = version_win = '3.1' path = "/path/to/upgradepkg" subject.should_receive( :do_install ).with( hosts, { :type => :upgrade, :pe_dir => path, :pe_ver => version, :pe_ver_win => version_win } ) subject.upgrade_pe( path ) end it 'updates pe_ver post upgrade' do Beaker::Options::PEVersionScraper.stub( :load_pe_version ).and_return( '2.8' ) Beaker::Options::PEVersionScraper.stub( :load_pe_version_win ).and_return( '2.8' ) subject.stub( :hosts ).and_return( [ hosts[1], hosts[0], hosts[2] ] ) subject.stub( :options ).and_return( {} ) version = version_win = '2.8' path = "/path/to/upgradepkg" subject.should_receive( :do_install ).with( hosts, { :type => :upgrade, :pe_dir => path, :pe_ver => version, :pe_ver_win => version_win, :installer => 'puppet-enterprise-upgrader' } ) subject.upgrade_pe( path ) hosts.each do |h| expect( h['pe_ver'] ).to be === '2.8' end end end end