# Copyright 2017 Pixar

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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#    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
#    6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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#    You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
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module JSS

  module Scopable

    # Classes

    # This class represents a Scope in the JSS, as can be applied to Scopable objects like
    # Policies, Profiles, etc. Instances of this class are generally used as the value of the @scope attribute
    # of those objects.
    # Scope data comes from the API as a hash within the overall object data. The main keys of the hash
    # define the included targets of the scope. A sub-hash defines limitations on those inclusions,
    # and another sub-hash defines explicit exclusions.
    # This class provides methods for adding, removing, or fully replacing the
    # various parts of the scope's inclusions, limitations, and exclusions.
    # @todo Implement simple LDAP queries using the defined {LDAPServer}s to confirm the
    #   existance of users or groups used in limitations and exclusions. As things are now
    #   if you add invalid user or group names, you'll get a 409 conflict error when you try
    #   to save your changes to the JSS.
    # @see JSS::Scopable
    class Scope

      # Class Constants

      # These are the classes that Scopes can use for defining a scope,
      # keyed by appropriate symbols.
        computers: JSS::Computer,
        computer: JSS::Computer,
        computer_groups: JSS::ComputerGroup,
        computer_group: JSS::ComputerGroup,
        mobile_devices: JSS::MobileDevice,
        mobile_device: JSS::MobileDevice,
        mobile_device_groups: JSS::MobileDeviceGroup,
        mobile_device_group: JSS::MobileDeviceGroup,
        buildings: JSS::Building,
        building: JSS::Building,
        departments: JSS::Department,
        department: JSS::Department,
        network_segments: JSS::NetworkSegment,
        network_segment: JSS::NetworkSegment,
        users: JSS::User,
        user: JSS::User,
        user_groups: JSS::UserGroup,
        user_group: JSS::UserGroup

      # Some things get checked in LDAP as well as the JSS
      LDAP_USER_KEYS = %i[user users].freeze
      LDAP_GROUP_KEYS = %i[user_groups user_group].freeze

      # This hash maps the availble Scope Target keys from SCOPING_CLASSES to
      # their corresponding target group keys from SCOPING_CLASSES.
      TARGETS_AND_GROUPS = { computers: :computer_groups, mobile_devices: :mobile_device_groups }.freeze

      # These can be part of the base inclusion list of the scope,
      # along with the appropriate target and target group keys
      INCLUSIONS = %i[buildings departments].freeze

      # These can limit the inclusion list
      LIMITATIONS = %i[network_segments users user_groups].freeze

      # any of them can be excluded

      # Here's a default scope as it might come from the API.
        all_computers: true,
        all_mobile_devices: true,
        limitations: {},
        exclusions: {}

      # Attributes

      # @return [JSS::APIObject subclass]
      # A reference to the object that contains this Scope
      # For telling it when a change is made and an update needed
      attr_accessor :container

      # @return [Boolean] should we expect a potential 409 Conflict
      #   if we can't connect to LDAP servers for verification?
      attr_accessor :unable_to_verify_ldap_entries

      # what type of target is this scope for? Computers or Mobiledevices?
      attr_reader :target_class

      # @return [Hash<Array>]
      # The items which form the base scope of included targets
      # This is the group of targets to which the limitations and exclusions apply.
      # they keys are:
      # - :targets
      # - :target_groups
      # - :departments
      # - :buildings
      # and the values are Arrays of names of those things.
      attr_reader :inclusions

      # @return [Boolean]
      # Does this scope cover all targets?
      # If this is true, the @inclusions Hash is ignored, and all
      # targets in the JSS form the base scope.
      attr_reader :all_targets

      # @return [Hash<Array>]
      # The items in these arrays are the limitations applied to targets in the @inclusions .
      # The arrays of names are:
      # - :network_segments
      # - :users
      # - :user_groups
      attr_reader :limitations

      # @return [Hash<Array>]
      # The items in these arrays are the exclusions applied to targets in the @inclusions .
      # The arrays of names are:
      # - :targets
      # - :target_groups
      # - :departments
      # - :buildings
      # - :network_segments
      # - :users
      # - :user_groups
      attr_reader :exclusions

      # Public Instance Methods

      # If raw_scope is empty, a default scope, scoped to all targets, is created, and can be modified
      # as needed.
      # @param target_key[Symbol] the kind of thing we're scopeing, one of {TARGETS_AND_GROUPS}
      # @param raw_scope[Hash] the JSON :scope data from an API query that is scopable, e.g. a Policy.
      def initialize(target_key, raw_scope = nil)
        raw_scope ||= DEFAULT_SCOPE
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "The target class of a Scope must be one of the symbols :#{TARGETS_AND_GROUPS.keys.join(', :')}" unless TARGETS_AND_GROUPS.keys.include? target_key

        @target_key = target_key
        @target_class = SCOPING_CLASSES[@target_key]
        @group_key = TARGETS_AND_GROUPS[@target_key]
        @group_class = SCOPING_CLASSES[@group_key]

        @inclusion_keys = [@target_key, @group_key] + INCLUSIONS
        @exclusion_keys = [@target_key, @group_key] + EXCLUSIONS

        @all_key = "all_#{target_key}".to_sym
        @all_targets = raw_scope[@all_key]

        # Everything gets mapped from an Array of Hashes to an Array of names (or an empty array)
        # since names are all that really matter when submitting the scope.
        @inclusions = {}
        @inclusion_keys.each { |k| @inclusions[k] = raw_scope[k] ? raw_scope[k].map { |n| n[:name] } : [] }

        @limitations = {}
        if raw_scope[:limitations]
          LIMITATIONS.each { |k| @limitations[k] = raw_scope[:limitations][k] ? raw_scope[:limitations][k].map { |n| n[:name] } : [] }

        @exclusions = {}
        if raw_scope[:exclusions]
          @exclusion_keys.each { |k| @exclusions[k] = raw_scope[:exclusions][k] ? raw_scope[:exclusions][k].map { |n| n[:name] } : [] }

        @container = nil
      end # init

      # Set the scope's inclusions to all targets.
      # By default, the limitations and exclusions remain.
      # If a non-false parameter is provided, they will be removed also.
      # @param clear[Boolean] Should the limitations and exclusions be removed also?
      # @return [void]
      def include_all(clear = false)
        @inclusions = {}
        @inclusion_keys.each { |k| @inclusions[k] = [] }
        @all_targets = true
        if clear
          @limitations = {}
          LIMITATIONS.each { |k| @limitations[k] = [] }

          @exclusions = {}
          @exclusion_keys.each { |k| @exclusions[k] = [] }
        @container.should_update if @container

      # Replace a list of item names for inclusion in this scope.
      # The list must be an Array of names of items of the Class represented by the key.
      # Each will be checked for existence in the JSS, and an exception raised if the item doesn't exist.
      # @param key[Symbol] the key from #{SCOPING_CLASSES} for the kind of items being included, :computer, :building, etc...
      # @param list[Array] the names of the items being added
      # @example
      #   set_inclusion(:computers, ['kimchi','mantis'])
      # @return [void]
      def set_inclusion(key, list)
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Inclusion key must be one of :#{@inclusion_keys.join(', :')}" unless @inclusion_keys.include? key
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "List must be an Array of #{key} names, it may be empty." unless list.is_a? Array

        return nil if list.sort == @inclusions[key].sort

        # emptying the list?
        if list.empty?
          @inclusion[key] = list
          # if ALL the @inclusion keys are empty, then set all targets to true.
          @all_targets =  @inclusions.values.reject { |a| a.nil? || a.empty? }.empty?
          @container.should_update if @container
          return list

        # check the names
        list.each do |name|
          raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No existing #{key} with name '#{name}'" unless check_name key, name
          raise JSS::AlreadyExistsError, "Can't set #{key} scope to '#{name}' because it's already an explicit exclusion." if @exclusions[key] && @exclusions[key].include?(name)
        end # each

        @inclusions[key] = list
        @all_targets = false
        @container.should_update if @container
      end # sinclude_in_scope

      # Add a single item for this inclusion in this scope.
      # The item name will be checked for existence in the JSS, and an exception raised if the item doesn't exist.
      # @param key[Symbol] the key from #{SCOPING_CLASSES} for the kind of item being added, :computer, :building, etc...
      # @param item[String] the name of the item being added
      # @example
      #   add_inclusion(:computer, "mantis")
      # @return [void]
      def add_inclusion(key, item)
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Inclusion key must be one of :#{@inclusion_keys.join(', :')}" unless @inclusion_keys.include? key
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Item must be a #{key} name." unless item.is_a? String

        return nil if @inclusions[key] && @inclusions[key].include?(item)

        # check the name
        raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No existing #{key} with name '#{item}'" unless check_name key, item
        raise JSS::AlreadyExistsError, "Can't set #{key} scope to '#{item}' because it's already an explicit exclusion." if @exclusions[key] && @exclusions[key].include?(item)

        @inclusions[key] << item
        @all_targets = false
        @container.should_update if @container

      # Remove a single item for this scope.
      # @param key[Symbol] the key from #{SCOPING_CLASSES} for the kind of item being removed, :computer, :building, etc...
      # @param item[String] the name of the item being removed
      # @example
      #   remove_inclusion(:computer, "mantis")
      # @return [void]
      def remove_inclusion(key, item)
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Inclusion key must be one of :#{@inclusion_keys.join(', :')}" unless @inclusion_keys.include? key
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Item must be a #{key} name." unless item.is_a? String

        return nil unless @inclusions[key] && @inclusions[key].include?(item)

        @inclusions[key] -= [item]

        # if ALL the @inclusion keys are empty, then set all targets to true.
        @all_targets = @inclusions.values.reject { |a| a.nil? || a.empty? }.empty?

        @container.should_update if @container

      # Replace a limitation list for this scope.
      # The list must be an Array of names of items of the Class represented by the key.
      # Each will be checked for existence in the JSS, and an exception raised if the item doesn't exist.
      # @param key[Symbol] the type of items being set as limitations, :network_segments, :users, etc...
      # @param list[Array] the names of the items being set as limitations
      # @example
      #   set_limitation(:network_segments, ['foo','bar'])
      # @return [void]
      # @todo  handle ldap user group lookups
      def set_limitation(key, list)
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Limitation key must be one of :#{LIMITATIONS.join(', :')}" unless LIMITATIONS.include? key
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "List must be an Array of #{key} names, it may be empty." unless list.is_a? Array
        return nil if list.sort == @limitations[key].sort

        if list.empty?
          @limitations[key] = []
          @container.should_update if @container
          return list

        # check the names
        list.each do |name|
          raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No existing #{key} with name '#{name}'" unless check_name key, name
          raise JSS::AlreadyExistsError, "Can't set #{key} limitation for '#{name}' because it's already an explicit exclusion." if @exclusions[key] && @exclusions[key].include?(name)
        end # each

        @limitations[key] = list
        @container.should_update if @container
      end # limit scope

      # Add a single item for limiting this scope.
      # The item name will be checked for existence in the JSS, and an exception raised if the item doesn't exist.
      # @param key[Symbol] the type of item being added, :computer, :building, etc...
      # @param item[String] the name of the item being added
      # @example
      #   add_limitation(:network_segments, "foo")
      # @return [void]
      # @todo  handle ldap user/group lookups
      def add_limitation(key, item)
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Limitation key must be one of :#{LIMITATIONS.join(', :')}" unless LIMITATIONS.include? key
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Item must be a #{key} name." unless item.is_a? String

        return nil if @limitations[key] && @limitations[key].include?(item)

        # check the name
        raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No existing #{key} with name '#{item}'" unless check_name key, item
        raise JSS::AlreadyExistsError, "Can't set #{key} limitation for '#{name}' because it's already an explicit exclusion." if @exclusions[key] && @exclusions[key].include?(item)

        @limitations[key] << item
        @container.should_update if @container

      # Remove a single item for limiting this scope.
      # @param key[Symbol] the type of item being removed, :computer, :building, etc...
      # @param item[String] the name of the item being removed
      # @example
      #   remove_limitation(:network_segments, "foo")
      # @return [void]
      # @todo  handle ldap user/group lookups
      def remove_limitation(key, item)
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Limitation key must be one of :#{LIMITATIONS.join(', :')}" unless LIMITATIONS.include? key
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Item must be a #{key} name." unless item.is_a? String

        return nil unless @limitations[key] && @limitations[key].include?(item)

        @limitations[key] -= [item]
        @container.should_update if @container
      end ###

      # Replace an exclusion list for this scope
      # The list must be an Array of names of items of the Class being excluded from the scope
      # Each will be checked for existence in the JSS, and an exception raised if the item doesn't exist.
      # @param key[Symbol] the type of item being excluded, :computer, :building, etc...
      # @param list[Array] the names of the items being added
      # @example
      #   set_exclusion(:network_segments, ['foo','bar'])
      # @return [void]
      def set_exclusion(key, list)
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Exclusion key must be one of :#{@exclusion_keys.join(', :')}" unless @exclusion_keys.include? key
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "List must be an Array of #{key} names, it may be empty." unless list.is_a? Array
        return nil if list.sort == @exclusions[key].sort

        if list.empty?
          @exclusions[key] = []
          @container.should_update if @container
          return list

        # check the names
        list.each do |name|
          raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No existing #{key} with name '#{name}'" unless check_name key, name
          case key
          when *@inclusion_keys
            raise JSS::AlreadyExistsError, "Can't exclude #{key} '#{name}' because it's already explicitly included." if @inclusions[key] && @inclusions[key].include?(name)
          when *LIMITATIONS
            raise JSS::AlreadyExistsError, "Can't exclude #{key} '#{name}' because it's already an explicit limitation." if @limitations[key] && @limitations[key].include?(name)
        end # each

        @exclusions[key] = list
        @container.should_update if @container
      end # limit scope

      # Add a single item for exclusions of this scope.
      # The item name will be checked for existence in the JSS, and an exception raised if the item doesn't exist.
      # @param key[Symbol] the type of item being added to the exclusions, :computer, :building, etc...
      # @param item[String] the name of the item being added
      # @example
      #   add_exclusion(:network_segments, "foo")
      # @return [void]
      def add_exclusion(key, item)
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Exclusion key must be one of :#{@exclusion_keys.join(', :')}" unless @exclusion_keys.include? key
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Item must be a #{key} name." unless item.is_a? String

        return nil if @exclusions[key] && @exclusions[key].include?(item)

        # check the name
        raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No existing #{key} with name '#{item}'" unless check_name key, item
        raise JSS::AlreadyExistsError, "Can't exclude #{key} scope to '#{item}' because it's already explicitly included." if @inclusions[key] && @inclusions[key].include?(item)
        raise JSS::AlreadyExistsError, "Can't exclude #{key} '#{item}' because it's already an explicit limitation." if @limitations[key] && @limitations[key].include?(item)

        @exclusions[key] << item
        @container.should_update if @container

      # Remove a single item for exclusions of this scope
      # @param key[Symbol] the type of item being removed from the excludions, :computer, :building, etc...
      # @param item[String] the name of the item being removed
      # @example
      #   remove_exclusion(:network_segments, "foo")
      # @return [void]
      def remove_exclusion(key, item)
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Exclusion key must be one of :#{@exclusion_keys.join(', :')}" unless @exclusion_keys.include? key
        raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Item must be a #{key} name." unless item.is_a? String

        return nil unless @exclusions[key] && @exclusions[key].include?(item)

        @exclusions[key] -= [item]
        @container.should_update if @container

      # @api private
      # Return a REXML Element containing the current state of the Scope
      # for adding into the XML of the container.
      # @return [REXML::Element]
      def scope_xml
        scope = REXML::Element.new 'scope'
        scope.add_element(@all_key.to_s).text = @all_targets

        @inclusions.each do |klass, list|
          list_as_hash = list.map { |i| { name: i } }
          scope << SCOPING_CLASSES[klass].xml_list(list_as_hash, :name)

        limitations = scope.add_element('limitations')
        @limitations.each do |klass, list|
          list_as_hash = list.map { |i| { name: i } }
          limitations << SCOPING_CLASSES[klass].xml_list(list_as_hash, :name)

        exclusions = scope.add_element('exclusions')
        @exclusions.each do |klass, list|
          list_as_hash = list.map { |i| { name: i } }
          exclusions << SCOPING_CLASSES[klass].xml_list(list_as_hash, :name)
      end # scope_xml

      # Aliases

      alias all_targets? all_targets

      # Private Instance Methods

      # Given a name of some class of item to be used in the scope, check that it
      # exists in the JSS.
      # @return [Boolean] does the name exist for the key in JSS or LDAP?
      def check_name(key, name)
        found_in_jss = SCOPING_CLASSES[key].all_names(api: container.api).include?(name)

        return true if found_in_jss

        return false unless CHECK_LDAP_KEYS.include?(key)

          return JSS::LDAPServer.user_in_ldap?(name, api: container.api) if LDAP_USER_KEYS.include?(key)
          return JSS::LDAPServer.group_in_ldap?(name, api: container.api) if LDAP_GROUP_KEYS.include?(key)

        # if an ldap server isn't connected, make a note of it and return true
        rescue JSS::InvalidConnectionError
          @unable_to_verify_ldap_entries = true
          return true
        end # begin


    end # class Scope

  end # module Scopable

end # module