# @@views desc 'List available custom views. Specify view names to see YAML configurations.' arg_name 'NAME(S)', optional: true command :views do |c| c.example 'doing views', desc: 'list all views' c.example 'doing views -c', desc: 'list views in column, ideal for shell completion' c.example 'doing views color', desc: 'dump the YAML for a single view' c.example 'doing views -e color', desc: 'edit the YAML configuration for a single view' c.example 'doing views -e -o json color finished', desc: 'edit multiple view configs as JSON' c.desc 'List in single column' c.switch %i[c column], default_value: false, negatable: false c.desc 'Open YAML for view in editor (requires argument)' c.switch %i[e editor], negatable: false c.desc 'Output/edit view in alternative format (json, yaml)' c.arg_name 'FORMAT' c.flag %i[o output], must_match: /^[jy]/i, default_value: 'yaml' c.desc 'Delete view config' c.switch %i[r remove], negatable: false c.action do |_global_options, options, args| cmd = Doing::ViewsCommand.new(options, args, @wwid) if args.count.positive? if options[:remove] cmd.remove_views elsif options[:editor] cmd.edit_views else cmd.output_views end else cmd.list_views end end end module Doing # views Command class ViewsCommand def initialize(options, args, wwid) @options = options @args = args @wwid = wwid @views = {} args.each do |v| view = @wwid.get_view(v) raise InvalidArgument, 'Unrecognized view' unless view @views[v] = view if view end end def list_views joiner = @options[:column] ? "\n" : "\t" print @wwid.views.join(joiner) end def save_view(view, res) val = if res.nil? || !res.key?(view) || res[view]&.empty? nil else res[view] end Doing.set("views.#{view}", val) end def remove_views @args.each do |v| Doing.set("views.#{v}", nil) end save_config end def edit_views res = if @options[:output] =~ /^j/i JSON.parse(@wwid.fork_editor(JSON.pretty_generate(@views), message: nil)) else YAML.safe_load(@wwid.fork_editor(YAML.dump(@views), message: nil)) end @args.each do |v| save_view(v, res) end save_config end def output_views out = if @options[:output] =~ /^j/i JSON.pretty_generate(@views) else YAML.dump(@views) end Doing::Pager.page out end def save_config Doing::Util.write_to_file(Doing.config.config_file, YAML.dump(Doing.settings), backup: true) Doing.logger.warn('Config:', "#{Doing.config.config_file} updated") end end end