require 'test_helper' class SessionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase tests Clearance::SessionsController should_filter_params :password context "on GET to /sessions/new" do setup { get :new } should_respond_with :success should_render_template :new should_not_set_the_flash should_display_a_sign_in_form end context "on POST to #create with unconfirmed credentials" do setup do @user = Factory(:user) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post :create, :session => { :email =>, :password => @user.password } end should_deny_access(:flash => /User has not confirmed email. Confirmation email will be resent./i) should "send the confirmation email" do assert_not_nil email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries[0] assert_match /account confirmation/i, email.subject end end context "on POST to #create with good credentials" do setup do @user = Factory(:email_confirmed_user) @user.update_attribute(:remember_token, "old-token") post :create, :session => { :email =>, :password => @user.password } end should_set_the_flash_to /signed in/i should_redirect_to_url_after_create should 'set the cookie' do assert ! cookies['remember_token'].empty? end should "not change the remember token" do assert_equal "old-token", @user.reload.remember_token end end context "on POST to #create with good credentials and a session return url" do setup do @user = Factory(:email_confirmed_user) @return_url = '/url_in_the_session' @request.session[:return_to] = @return_url post :create, :session => { :email =>, :password => @user.password } end should_redirect_to("the return URL") { @return_url } end context "on POST to #create with good credentials and a request return url" do setup do @user = Factory(:email_confirmed_user) @return_url = '/url_in_the_request' post :create, :session => { :email =>, :password => @user.password }, :return_to => @return_url end should_redirect_to("the return URL") { @return_url } end context "on POST to #create with good credentials and a session return url and request return url" do setup do @user = Factory(:email_confirmed_user) @return_url = '/url_in_the_session' @request.session[:return_to] = @return_url post :create, :session => { :email =>, :password => @user.password }, :return_to => '/url_in_the_request' end should_redirect_to("the return URL") { @return_url } end context "on POST to #create with bad credentials" do setup do post :create, :session => { :email => '', :password => "bad value" } end should_set_the_flash_to /bad/i should_respond_with :unauthorized should_render_template :new should_not_be_signed_in should 'not create the cookie' do assert_nil cookies['remember_token'] end end context "on DELETE to #destroy given a signed out user" do setup do sign_out delete :destroy end should_set_the_flash_to(/signed out/i) should_redirect_to_url_after_destroy end context "on DELETE to #destroy with a cookie" do setup do @user = Factory(:email_confirmed_user) @user.update_attribute(:remember_token, "old-token") @request.cookies["remember_token"] = "old-token" delete :destroy end should_set_the_flash_to(/signed out/i) should_redirect_to_url_after_destroy should "delete the cookie token" do assert_nil cookies['remember_token'] end should "reset the remember token" do assert_not_equal "old-token", @user.reload.remember_token end should "unset the current user" do assert_nil @controller.current_user end end end