// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #undef DLIB_ONE_VS_ONE_TRAiNER_ABSTRACT_Hh_ #ifdef DLIB_ONE_VS_ONE_TRAiNER_ABSTRACT_Hh_ #include "one_vs_one_decision_function_abstract.h" #include #include "../any/any_trainer_abstract.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename any_trainer, typename label_type_ = double > class one_vs_one_trainer { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON any_trainer must be an instantiation of the dlib::any_trainer template. REQUIREMENTS ON label_type_ label_type_ must be default constructable, copyable, and comparable using operator < and ==. It must also be possible to write it to an std::ostream using operator<<. WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object is a tool for turning a bunch of binary classifiers into a multiclass classifier. It does this by training the binary classifiers in a one vs. one fashion. That is, if you have N possible classes then it trains N*(N-1)/2 binary classifiers which are then used to vote on the identity of a test sample. This object works with any kind of binary classification trainer object capable of being assigned to an any_trainer object. (e.g. the svm_nu_trainer) !*/ public: typedef label_type_ label_type; typedef typename any_trainer::sample_type sample_type; typedef typename any_trainer::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef typename any_trainer::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; typedef one_vs_one_decision_function trained_function_type; one_vs_one_trainer ( ); /*! ensures - This object is properly initialized - This object will not be verbose unless be_verbose() is called. - No binary trainers are associated with *this. I.e. you have to call set_trainer() before calling train(). - #get_num_threads() == 4 !*/ void set_trainer ( const any_trainer& trainer ); /*! ensures - sets the trainer used for all pairs of training. Any previous calls to set_trainer() are overridden by this function. Even the more specific set_trainer(trainer, l1, l2) form. !*/ void set_trainer ( const any_trainer& trainer, const label_type& l1, const label_type& l2 ); /*! requires - l1 != l2 ensures - Sets the trainer object used to create a binary classifier to distinguish l1 labeled samples from l2 labeled samples. !*/ void be_verbose ( ); /*! ensures - This object will print status messages to standard out so that a user can observe the progress of the algorithm. !*/ void be_quiet ( ); /*! ensures - this object will not print anything to standard out !*/ void set_num_threads ( unsigned long num ); /*! ensures - #get_num_threads() == num !*/ unsigned long get_num_threads ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of threads used during training. You should usually set this equal to the number of processing cores on your machine. !*/ struct invalid_label : public dlib::error { /*! This is the exception thrown by the train() function below. !*/ label_type l1, l2; }; trained_function_type train ( const std::vector& all_samples, const std::vector& all_labels ) const; /*! requires - is_learning_problem(all_samples, all_labels) ensures - trains a bunch of binary classifiers in a one vs one fashion to solve the given multiclass classification problem. - returns a one_vs_one_decision_function F with the following properties: - F contains all the learned binary classifiers and can be used to predict the labels of new samples. - if (new_x is a sample predicted to have a label of L) then - F(new_x) == L - F.get_labels() == select_all_distinct_labels(all_labels) - F.number_of_classes() == select_all_distinct_labels(all_labels).size() throws - invalid_label This exception is thrown if there are labels in all_labels which don't have any corresponding trainer object. This will never happen if set_trainer(trainer) has been called. However, if only the set_trainer(trainer,l1,l2) form has been used then this exception is thrown if not all necessary label pairs have been given a trainer. invalid_label::l1 and invalid_label::l2 will contain the label pair which is missing a trainer object. Additionally, the exception will contain an informative error message available via invalid_label::what(). !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_ONE_VS_ONE_TRAiNER_ABSTRACT_Hh_