require 'test_helper'
require 'better_html/tokenizer/html_erb'
module BetterHtml
module Tokenizer
class HtmlErbTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test "text" do
scanner ="just some text"))
assert_equal 1, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({
type: :text,
loc: { begin_pos: 0, end_pos: 14, source: 'just some text' }
}), scanner.tokens[0]
test "statement" do
scanner ="<% statement %>"))
assert_equal 3, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { begin_pos: 0, end_pos: 2, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { begin_pos: 2, end_pos: 13, source: ' statement ' } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { begin_pos: 13, end_pos: 15, source: '%>' } }), scanner.tokens[2]
test "debug statement" do
scanner ="<%# statement %>"))
assert_equal 4, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { begin_pos: 0, end_pos: 2, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :indicator, loc: { begin_pos: 2, end_pos: 3, source: '#' } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { begin_pos: 3, end_pos: 14, source: ' statement ' } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { begin_pos: 14, end_pos: 16, source: '%>' } }), scanner.tokens[3]
test "when multi byte characters are present in erb" do
code = "<% ui_helper 'your store’s' %>"
scanner =
assert_equal 3, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { begin_pos: 0, end_pos: 2, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { begin_pos: 2, end_pos: 28, source: " ui_helper 'your store’s' " } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { begin_pos: 28, end_pos: 30, source: '%>' } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_equal code.length, scanner.current_position
test "when multi byte characters are present in text" do
code = "your store’s"
scanner =
assert_equal 1, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { begin_pos: 0, end_pos: 12, source: 'your store’s' } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_equal code.length, scanner.current_position
test "when multi byte characters are present in html" do
code = "
scanner =
assert_equal 14, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :tag_start, loc: { begin_pos: 0, end_pos: 1, source: '<' } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :tag_name, loc: { begin_pos: 1, end_pos: 4, source: "div" } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :whitespace, loc: { begin_pos: 4, end_pos: 5, source: " " } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :attribute_name, loc: { begin_pos: 5, end_pos: 10, source: "title" } }), scanner.tokens[3]
assert_attributes ({ type: :equal, loc: { begin_pos: 10, end_pos: 11, source: "=" } }), scanner.tokens[4]
assert_attributes ({ type: :attribute_quoted_value_start, loc: { begin_pos: 11, end_pos: 12, source: "'" } }), scanner.tokens[5]
assert_attributes ({ type: :attribute_quoted_value, loc: { begin_pos: 12, end_pos: 24, source: "your store’s" } }), scanner.tokens[6]
assert_attributes ({ type: :attribute_quoted_value_end, loc: { begin_pos: 24, end_pos: 25, source: "'" } }), scanner.tokens[7]
assert_equal code.length, scanner.current_position
test "expression literal" do
scanner ="<%= literal %>"))
assert_equal 4, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { begin_pos: 0, end_pos: 2, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :indicator, loc: { begin_pos: 2, end_pos: 3, source: '=' } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { begin_pos: 3, end_pos: 12, source: ' literal ' } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { begin_pos: 12, end_pos: 14, source: '%>' } }), scanner.tokens[3]
test "expression escaped" do
scanner ="<%== escaped %>"))
assert_equal 4, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { begin_pos: 0, end_pos: 2, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :indicator, loc: { begin_pos: 2, end_pos: 4, source: '==' } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { begin_pos: 4, end_pos: 13, source: ' escaped ' } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { begin_pos: 13, end_pos: 15, source: '%>' } }), scanner.tokens[3]
test "line number for multi-line statements" do
scanner ="before <% multi\nline %> after"))
assert_equal 5, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 1, source: 'before ' } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { line: 1, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { line: 1, start_line: 1, stop_line: 2, source: " multi\nline " } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { line: 2, source: "%>" } }), scanner.tokens[3]
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 2, source: " after" } }), scanner.tokens[4]
test "multi-line statements with trim" do
scanner ="before\n<% multi\nline -%>\nafter"))
assert_equal 7, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 1, source: "before\n" } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { line: 2, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { line: 2, source: " multi\nline " } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :trim, loc: { line: 3, source: "-" } }), scanner.tokens[3]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { line: 3, source: "%>" } }), scanner.tokens[4]
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 3, source: "\n" } }), scanner.tokens[5]
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 4, source: "after" } }), scanner.tokens[6]
test "right trim with =%>" do
scanner ="<% trim =%>"))
assert_equal 4, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { line: 1, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { line: 1, source: " trim " } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :trim, loc: { line: 1, source: "=" } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { line: 1, source: "%>" } }), scanner.tokens[3]
test "multi-line expression with trim" do
scanner ="before\n<%= multi\nline -%>\nafter"))
assert_equal 8, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 1, source: "before\n" } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { line: 2, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :indicator, loc: { line: 2, source: '=' } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { line: 2, source: " multi\nline " } }), scanner.tokens[3]
assert_attributes ({ type: :trim, loc: { line: 3, source: "-" } }), scanner.tokens[4]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { line: 3, source: "%>" } }), scanner.tokens[5]
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 3, source: "\n" } }), scanner.tokens[6]
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 4, source: "after" } }), scanner.tokens[7]
test "line counts with comments" do
scanner ="before\n<%# BO$$ Mode %>\nafter"))
assert_equal 7, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 1, source: "before\n" } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { line: 2, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :indicator, loc: { line: 2, source: '#' } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { line: 2, source: " BO$$ Mode " } }), scanner.tokens[3]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { line: 2, source: "%>" } }), scanner.tokens[4]
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 2, source: "\n" } }), scanner.tokens[5]
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 3, source: "after" } }), scanner.tokens[6]
test "escaped opening ERB tag <%%" do
scanner ="just some <%%= text %> no erb"))
assert_equal 6, scanner.tokens.size
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 1, source: "just some " } }), scanner.tokens[0]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_begin, loc: { line: 1, source: '<%' } }), scanner.tokens[1]
assert_attributes ({ type: :indicator, loc: { line: 1, source: "%" } }), scanner.tokens[2]
assert_attributes ({ type: :code, loc: { line: 1, source: "= text " } }), scanner.tokens[3]
assert_attributes ({ type: :erb_end, loc: { line: 1, source: "%>" } }), scanner.tokens[4]
assert_attributes ({ type: :text, loc: { line: 1, source: " no erb" } }), scanner.tokens[5]
def assert_attributes(attributes, token)
attributes.each do |key, value|
if value.nil?
assert_nil token.send(key)
elsif value.is_a?(Hash)
assert_attributes(value, token.send(key))
assert_equal value, token.send(key)