module Base62 # BASE62_CHARS = ('0'..'9').to_a + ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a BASE62_MAP = {}{|ch,num| BASE62_MAP[ch]=num } def self.i_to_s i return '0' if i == 0 s = '' while i > 0 s << BASE62_CHARS[i.modulo(62)] i /= 62 end s.reverse end def self.s_to_i str i_out = 0 str.reverse.chars.each_with_index do |c, i| i_out += BASE62_MAP[c] * (62 ** i) end i_out end end module ShorturlSequence def self.encode_integer i, radix case radix.to_s when '36' then i.to_s(36) when '62' then Base62.i_to_s(i) else raise "Can't encode into base #{radix}" end end def self.decode_str s, radix s = s.gsub(%r{\W+$},'') case radix.to_s when '36' then s.to_i(36) when '62' then Base62.s_to_i(i) else raise "Can't encode into base #{radix}" end end end class Shorturl attr_accessor :base_url attr_accessor :token def initialize token self.token = token end end class Shorturl62 def to_i Base62.s_to_i token end def to_s url end def url "#{base_url}/#{token}" end end class IsgdShorturl < Shorturl62 def base_url '' end end class Monkeyshines::Store::SequentialUrlStream DEFAULT_MAX_URLSTR = '1zzzzz'.to_i(36) DEFAULT_RADIX = { '' => 36, '' => 62, '' => 62, } attr_accessor :base_url, :min_limit, :span, :encoding_radix def initialize base_url, min_limit=0, max_limit=nil, encoding_radix=nil self.base_url = self.class.fix_url(base_url) self.min_limit = min_limit.to_i max_limit ||= DEFAULT_MAX_URLSTR self.span = max_limit.to_i - self.min_limit self.encoding_radix = (encoding_radix || DEFAULT_RADIX[self.base_url]).to_i raise "Please specify either encoding_radix of 36 or 62" unless [36, 62].include?(self.encoding_radix) end def self.fix_url url url = 'http://' + url unless (url[0..6]=='http://') url = url + '/' unless (url[-1..-1]=='/') url end # An infinite stream of urls in range def each *args, &block (min_limit..max_limit).each(&block) end def self.new_from_command_line cmdline_opts, default_opts={} options = default_opts.merge(cmdline_opts) Trollop::die :base_url if options[:base_url].blank? *options.values_of(:base_url, :min_limit, :max_limit, :encoding_radix) end end class Monkeyshines::Store::RandomUrlStream < Monkeyshines::Store::SequentialUrlStream # An infinite stream of urls in range def each *args, &block loop do yield url_in_range end end def url_in_range idx = rand(span) + min_limit base_url + ShorturlSequence.encode_integer(idx, encoding_radix) end end