{: versionI"3.4.11 (Selective Steve):EF:shaI"-ccca5299640fbcae4a4981361d0f33a8f10456e2;F: contents"þo:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CharsetNode : @nameI" UTF-8:ET;[: @linei:@source_rangeo:Sass::Source::Range :@start_poso:Sass::Source::Position; i: @offseti: @end_poso;; i;i: @fileI"i/home/vicente/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0@psique/gems/neat-1.7.1/app/assets/stylesheets/settings/_grid.scss; T:@importero:Sass::Rails::SassImporter: @rootI"U/home/vicente/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0@psique/gems/neat-1.7.1/app/assets/stylesheets; F:@real_rootI"U/home/vicente/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0@psique/gems/neat-1.7.1/app/assets/stylesheets; F:@same_name_warningso:Set: @hash{: @options{o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I" /*/ Sets the relative width of a single grid column. The unit used should be the same one used to define `$gutter`. To learn more about golden-ratio() see [Bourbon docs](http://bourbon.io/docs/#golden-ratio). Set with a `!global` flag. */ */ @type Number (Unit) */; T: @type: silent;[; i;@o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;I" column; T: @expro: Sass::Script::Tree::Funcall;I"golden-ratio; T: @args[o: Sass::Script::Tree::Literal ;o: Sass::Script::Value::Number ;i:@numerator_units[I"em; T:@denominator_units[:@originalI"1em; F;@; i ; o; ; o;; i ;i;o;; i ;i;@ ;@:@filename@ o;" ;o;# ;i;$[;%[;&I"3; F;@; i ; o; ; o;; i ;i!;o;; i ;i";@ ;@;'@ :@keywordso:Sass::Util::NormalizedMap:@key_strings{: @map{: @splat0:@kwarg_splat0; i ; o; ; o;; i ;i;o;; i ;i#;@ ;@;'@ ;@: @guardedT: @global0;[; i ; o; ; o;; i ;i;o;; i ;i,;@ ;@;@o; ;[I" /*/ Sets the relative width of a single grid gutter. The unit used should be the same one used to define `$column`. To learn more about golden-ratio() see [Bourbon docs](http://bourbon.io/docs/#golden-ratio). Set with the `!global` flag. */ */ @type Number (Unit) */; T;;;[; i;@o; ;I" gutter; T;o; ;I"golden-ratio; T;![o;" ;o;# ;i;$[I"em; T;%[;&I"1em; F;@; i; o; ; o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@ ;@;'@ o;" ;o;# ;i;$[;%@);&I"1; F;@; i; o; ; o;; i;i!;o;; i;i";@ ;@;'@ ;(o;);*{;+{;,0;-0; i; o; ; o;; i;i;o;; i;i#;@ ;@;'@ ;@;.T;/0;[; i; o; ; o;; i;i;o;; i;i,;@ ;@;@o; ;[I"½/*/ Sets the total number of columns in the grid. Its value can be overridden inside a media query using the `media()` mixin. Set with the `!global` flag. */ */ @type Number (Unitless) */; T;;;[; i;@o; ;I"grid-columns; T;o;" ;o;# ;i;$[;%@);&I"12; F;@; i; o; ; o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@ ;@;'@ ;.T;/0;[; i; o; ; o;; i;i;o;; i;i ;@ ;@;@o; ;[I"â/*/ Sets the max-width property of the element that includes `outer-container()`. To learn more about `em()` see [Bourbon docs](http://bourbon.io/docs/#px-to-em). Set with the `!global` flag. */ */ @type Number (Unit) */ */; T;;;[; i;@o; ;I"max-width; T;o; ;I"em; T;![o;" ;o;# ;i@;$[;%@);&I" 1088; F;@; i; o; ; o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@ ;@;'@ ;(o;);*{;+{;,0;-0; i; o; ; o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@ ;@;'@ ;@;.T;/0;[; i; o; ; o;; i;i;o;; i;i#;@ ;@;@o; ;[I"²/*/ When set to true, it sets the box-sizing property of all elements to `border-box`. Set with a `!global` flag. */ */ @type Bool */ */ @example css - CSS Output */ html { */ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; */ -moz-box-sizing: border-box; */ box-sizing: border-box; } */ */ *, *:before, *:after { */ -webkit-box-sizing: inherit; */ -moz-box-sizing: inherit; */ box-sizing: inherit; */ } */; T;;;[; i ;@o; ;I"border-box-sizing; T;o;" ;o:Sass::Script::Value::Bool;T;@; o; ; o;; i ;i;o;; i ;i!;I"p/home/vicente/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0@psique/gems/bourbon-4.1.1/app/assets/stylesheets/settings/_prefixer.scss; T;o;;I"X/home/vicente/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0@psique/gems/bourbon-4.1.1/app/assets/stylesheets; F;I"X/home/vicente/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0@psique/gems/bourbon-4.1.1/app/assets/stylesheets; F;o;;{; i0; o; ; o;; i0;i;o;; i0;i;@ ;@;'@ ;.T;/0;[; i0; o; ; o;; i0;i;o;; i0;i';@ ;@;@o; ;[I"Þ/*/ Sets the default [media feature](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#media) that `media()` and `new-breakpoint()` revert to when only a breakpoint value is passed. Set with a `!global` flag. */ */ @type String */; T;;;[; i2;@o; ;I"default-feature; T;o;" ;o: Sass::Script::Value::String;I"min-width; T;:identifier;@; i6; o; ; o;; i6;i;o;; i6;i!;@ ;@;'@ ;.0;/0;[; i6; o; ; o;; i6;i;o;; i6;i!;@ ;@;@o; ;[I"