# encoding: utf-8 =begin Run with: pry -r ./console.rb Based on simple_test.rb https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/82995f47408530c80c3376f4e07a1f649d96ba22/sample-code/examples/ruby/simple_test.rb https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/c58eeb66f2d6fa3b9a89d188a2e657cca7cb300f/LICENSE =end add_to_path __FILE__ add_to_path __FILE__, 'element' require 'selenium-webdriver' # Path to the .app or .app.zip. # The path can be local or remote for Sauce. APP_PATH = ENV['APP_PATH'] unless defined?(APP_PATH) raise "APP_PATH must be set." if APP_PATH.nil? # The name to use for the test run on Sauce. APP_NAME = ENV['APP_NAME'] unless defined?(APP_NAME) # Android app package APP_PACKAGE = ENV['APP_PACKAGE'] unless defined?(APP_PACKAGE) # Android app starting activity. APP_ACTIVITY = ENV['APP_ACTIVITY'] unless defined?(APP_ACTIVITY) # Sauce Username SAUCE_USERNAME = ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'] unless defined?(SAUCE_USERNAME) # Sauce Key SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY = ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'] unless defined?(SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY) PORT = ENV['PORT'] || 4723 unless defined?(PORT) $os = nil if $os.nil? $os = :ios $os = :android if APP_PATH.end_with?('.apk') || APP_PATH.end_with?('.apk.zip') end puts "OS is: #{$os}" if defined?(Pry) if $os == :android raise "APP_PACKAGE must be set." if APP_PACKAGE.nil? raise "APP_ACTIVITY must be set." if APP_ACTIVITY.nil? end # ruby_console files load depending on OS require 'helper' require 'button' require 'text' require 'window' require 'patch' require 'alert' # Android combines secure and textfield. # iOS differentiates between secure and textfield. # combine secure & textfield on iOS to match Android behavior. $os == :ios ? require('ios/textfield') : require('android/textfield') # WebDriver capabilities. Must be valid for Sauce to work. # https://github.com/jlipps/appium/blob/master/app/android.js def android_capabilities { browserName: 'Android', platform: 'LINUX', version: '4.1', device: 'Android', name: APP_NAME || 'Ruby Console Android Appium', app: absolute_app_path, :'app-package' => APP_PACKAGE, :'app-activity' => APP_ACTIVITY } end # WebDriver capabilities. Must be valid for Sauce to work. def ios_capabilities { browserName: 'iOS 6.0', platform: 'Mac 10.8', version: '6.0', device: 'iPhone Simulator', name: APP_NAME || 'Ruby Console iOS Appium', app: absolute_app_path } end def capabilities $os == :ios ? ios_capabilities : android_capabilities end # Converts environment variable APP_PATH to an absolute path. # @return [String] APP_PATH as an absolute path def absolute_app_path raise 'APP_PATH environment variable not set!' if APP_PATH.nil? return APP_PATH if APP_PATH.match(/^http/) # public URL for Sauce return APP_PATH if APP_PATH.match(/^\//) # absolute file path file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), APP_PATH) raise "App doesn't exist #{file}" unless File.exist? file file end # Get the server url for sauce or local based on env vars. # @return [String] the server url def server_url if !SAUCE_USERNAME.nil? && !SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY.nil? "http://#{SAUCE_USERNAME}:#{SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY}@ondemand.saucelabs.com:80/wd/hub" else "{PORT}/wd/hub" end end # Quits the driver # @return [void] def driver_quit # rescue NoSuchDriverError begin; $driver.quit unless $driver.nil?; rescue; end end # Creates a new global driver and quits the old one if it exists. # @return [Selenium::WebDriver] the new global driver def start_driver @client = @client || Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default.new @client.timeout = 999999 # If the driver already exists, quit before creating a new driver. driver_quit begin $driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:remote, http_client: @client, desired_capabilities: capabilities, url: server_url) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED puts 'ERROR: Unable to connect to Appium. Is the server running?' exit end # Set timeout to a large number so that Appium doesn't quit # when no commands are entered after 60 seconds. $driver.execute_script 'mobile: setCommandTimeout', timeout: 9999 # Must set implicit_wait to zero or $ commands will fail. # execute_script "$('button')" # $ commands fail anyway now so set implicit wait. # https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/214 $driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 30 $driver end # Set implicit wait to zero. def no_wait $driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 0 end # Set implicit wait to timeout, defaults to 30. # @param timeout [Integer] the timeout in seconds # @return [void] def set_wait timeout=30 $driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = timeout end # The same as $driver.execute_script # @return the object returned by execute_script def execute_script script, *args $driver.execute_script script, *args end # Helper method for mobile gestures # # https://github.com/appium/appium/wiki/Automating-mobile-gestures # # $driver.execute_script 'mobile: swipe', endX: 100, endY: 100, duration: 0.01 # # becomes # # mobile :swipe, endX: 100, endY: 100, duration: 0.01 def mobile method, *args raise "Method must not be nil" if method.nil? raise "Method must have .to_s" unless method.respond_to? :to_s $driver.execute_script "mobile: #{method.to_s}", *args end # Calls $driver.find_elements def find_elements *args $driver.find_elements *args end # Calls $driver.find_elements def find_element *args $driver.find_element *args end # Quit the driver and Pry. # quit and exit are reserved by Pry. def x driver_quit exit # exit pry end # Paging in Pry is annoying :q required to exit. # With pager disabled, the output is similar to IRB # Only set if Pry is defined. Pry.config.pager = false if defined?(Pry)