Feature: https://rspec.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16211/tickets/475
  Scenario: error on pystring in scenario outline with pretty formatter
    Given a standard Cucumber project directory structure
    And a file named "features/f.feature" with:
      Feature: F
        Scenario Outline: S
          Given a multiline string:
             hello <who>
          | who   |
          | aslak |
          | david |
    And a file named "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" with:
      Given /a multiline string:/ do |s|
        s.should =~ /hello (\w+)/
    When I run cucumber features/f.feature
    Then STDERR should be empty
    And it should pass with
      Feature: F

        Scenario Outline: S         # features/f.feature:2
          Given a multiline string: # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:1
            hello <who>

            | who   |
            | aslak |
            | david |

      2 scenarios (2 passed)
      2 steps (2 passed)