/* Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "uv.h" #include "internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_AHAFS_EVPRODS_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define RDWR_BUF_SIZE 4096 #define EQ(a,b) (strcmp(a,b) == 0) static uv_mutex_t process_title_mutex; static uv_once_t process_title_mutex_once = UV_ONCE_INIT; static void* args_mem = NULL; static char** process_argv = NULL; static int process_argc = 0; static char* process_title_ptr = NULL; static void init_process_title_mutex_once(void) { uv_mutex_init(&process_title_mutex); } int uv__platform_loop_init(uv_loop_t* loop) { loop->fs_fd = -1; /* Passing maxfd of -1 should mean the limit is determined * by the user's ulimit or the global limit as per the doc */ loop->backend_fd = pollset_create(-1); if (loop->backend_fd == -1) return -1; return 0; } void uv__platform_loop_delete(uv_loop_t* loop) { if (loop->fs_fd != -1) { uv__close(loop->fs_fd); loop->fs_fd = -1; } if (loop->backend_fd != -1) { pollset_destroy(loop->backend_fd); loop->backend_fd = -1; } } int uv__io_fork(uv_loop_t* loop) { uv__platform_loop_delete(loop); return uv__platform_loop_init(loop); } int uv__io_check_fd(uv_loop_t* loop, int fd) { struct poll_ctl pc; pc.events = POLLIN; pc.cmd = PS_MOD; /* Equivalent to PS_ADD if the fd is not in the pollset. */ pc.fd = fd; if (pollset_ctl(loop->backend_fd, &pc, 1)) return UV__ERR(errno); pc.cmd = PS_DELETE; if (pollset_ctl(loop->backend_fd, &pc, 1)) abort(); return 0; } void uv__io_poll(uv_loop_t* loop, int timeout) { struct pollfd events[1024]; struct pollfd pqry; struct pollfd* pe; struct poll_ctl pc; QUEUE* q; uv__io_t* w; uint64_t base; uint64_t diff; int have_signals; int nevents; int count; int nfds; int i; int rc; int add_failed; if (loop->nfds == 0) { assert(QUEUE_EMPTY(&loop->watcher_queue)); return; } while (!QUEUE_EMPTY(&loop->watcher_queue)) { q = QUEUE_HEAD(&loop->watcher_queue); QUEUE_REMOVE(q); QUEUE_INIT(q); w = QUEUE_DATA(q, uv__io_t, watcher_queue); assert(w->pevents != 0); assert(w->fd >= 0); assert(w->fd < (int) loop->nwatchers); pc.events = w->pevents; pc.fd = w->fd; add_failed = 0; if (w->events == 0) { pc.cmd = PS_ADD; if (pollset_ctl(loop->backend_fd, &pc, 1)) { if (errno != EINVAL) { assert(0 && "Failed to add file descriptor (pc.fd) to pollset"); abort(); } /* Check if the fd is already in the pollset */ pqry.fd = pc.fd; rc = pollset_query(loop->backend_fd, &pqry); switch (rc) { case -1: assert(0 && "Failed to query pollset for file descriptor"); abort(); case 0: assert(0 && "Pollset does not contain file descriptor"); abort(); } /* If we got here then the pollset already contained the file descriptor even though * we didn't think it should. This probably shouldn't happen, but we can continue. */ add_failed = 1; } } if (w->events != 0 || add_failed) { /* Modify, potentially removing events -- need to delete then add. * Could maybe mod if we knew for sure no events are removed, but * content of w->events is handled above as not reliable (falls back) * so may require a pollset_query() which would have to be pretty cheap * compared to a PS_DELETE to be worth optimizing. Alternatively, could * lazily remove events, squelching them in the mean time. */ pc.cmd = PS_DELETE; if (pollset_ctl(loop->backend_fd, &pc, 1)) { assert(0 && "Failed to delete file descriptor (pc.fd) from pollset"); abort(); } pc.cmd = PS_ADD; if (pollset_ctl(loop->backend_fd, &pc, 1)) { assert(0 && "Failed to add file descriptor (pc.fd) to pollset"); abort(); } } w->events = w->pevents; } assert(timeout >= -1); base = loop->time; count = 48; /* Benchmarks suggest this gives the best throughput. */ for (;;) { nfds = pollset_poll(loop->backend_fd, events, ARRAY_SIZE(events), timeout); /* Update loop->time unconditionally. It's tempting to skip the update when * timeout == 0 (i.e. non-blocking poll) but there is no guarantee that the * operating system didn't reschedule our process while in the syscall. */ SAVE_ERRNO(uv__update_time(loop)); if (nfds == 0) { assert(timeout != -1); return; } if (nfds == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) { abort(); } if (timeout == -1) continue; if (timeout == 0) return; /* Interrupted by a signal. Update timeout and poll again. */ goto update_timeout; } have_signals = 0; nevents = 0; assert(loop->watchers != NULL); loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers] = (void*) events; loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers + 1] = (void*) (uintptr_t) nfds; for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { pe = events + i; pc.cmd = PS_DELETE; pc.fd = pe->fd; /* Skip invalidated events, see uv__platform_invalidate_fd */ if (pc.fd == -1) continue; assert(pc.fd >= 0); assert((unsigned) pc.fd < loop->nwatchers); w = loop->watchers[pc.fd]; if (w == NULL) { /* File descriptor that we've stopped watching, disarm it. * * Ignore all errors because we may be racing with another thread * when the file descriptor is closed. */ pollset_ctl(loop->backend_fd, &pc, 1); continue; } /* Run signal watchers last. This also affects child process watchers * because those are implemented in terms of signal watchers. */ if (w == &loop->signal_io_watcher) have_signals = 1; else w->cb(loop, w, pe->revents); nevents++; } if (have_signals != 0) loop->signal_io_watcher.cb(loop, &loop->signal_io_watcher, POLLIN); loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers] = NULL; loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers + 1] = NULL; if (have_signals != 0) return; /* Event loop should cycle now so don't poll again. */ if (nevents != 0) { if (nfds == ARRAY_SIZE(events) && --count != 0) { /* Poll for more events but don't block this time. */ timeout = 0; continue; } return; } if (timeout == 0) return; if (timeout == -1) continue; update_timeout: assert(timeout > 0); diff = loop->time - base; if (diff >= (uint64_t) timeout) return; timeout -= diff; } } uint64_t uv_get_free_memory(void) { perfstat_memory_total_t mem_total; int result = perfstat_memory_total(NULL, &mem_total, sizeof(mem_total), 1); if (result == -1) { return 0; } return mem_total.real_free * 4096; } uint64_t uv_get_total_memory(void) { perfstat_memory_total_t mem_total; int result = perfstat_memory_total(NULL, &mem_total, sizeof(mem_total), 1); if (result == -1) { return 0; } return mem_total.real_total * 4096; } void uv_loadavg(double avg[3]) { perfstat_cpu_total_t ps_total; int result = perfstat_cpu_total(NULL, &ps_total, sizeof(ps_total), 1); if (result == -1) { avg[0] = 0.; avg[1] = 0.; avg[2] = 0.; return; } avg[0] = ps_total.loadavg[0] / (double)(1 << SBITS); avg[1] = ps_total.loadavg[1] / (double)(1 << SBITS); avg[2] = ps_total.loadavg[2] / (double)(1 << SBITS); } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_AHAFS_EVPRODS_H static char *uv__rawname(char *cp) { static char rawbuf[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char *dp = rindex(cp, '/'); if (dp == 0) return 0; *dp = 0; strcpy(rawbuf, cp); *dp = '/'; strcat(rawbuf, "/r"); strcat(rawbuf, dp+1); return rawbuf; } /* * Determine whether given pathname is a directory * Returns 0 if the path is a directory, -1 if not * * Note: Opportunity here for more detailed error information but * that requires changing callers of this function as well */ static int uv__path_is_a_directory(char* filename) { struct stat statbuf; if (stat(filename, &statbuf) < 0) return -1; /* failed: not a directory, assume it is a file */ if (statbuf.st_type == VDIR) return 0; return -1; } /* * Check whether AHAFS is mounted. * Returns 0 if AHAFS is mounted, or an error code < 0 on failure */ static int uv__is_ahafs_mounted(void){ int rv, i = 2; struct vmount *p; int size_multiplier = 10; size_t siz = sizeof(struct vmount)*size_multiplier; struct vmount *vmt; const char *dev = "/aha"; char *obj, *stub; p = uv__malloc(siz); if (p == NULL) return UV__ERR(errno); /* Retrieve all mounted filesystems */ rv = mntctl(MCTL_QUERY, siz, (char*)p); if (rv < 0) return UV__ERR(errno); if (rv == 0) { /* buffer was not large enough, reallocate to correct size */ siz = *(int*)p; uv__free(p); p = uv__malloc(siz); if (p == NULL) return UV__ERR(errno); rv = mntctl(MCTL_QUERY, siz, (char*)p); if (rv < 0) return UV__ERR(errno); } /* Look for dev in filesystems mount info */ for(vmt = p, i = 0; i < rv; i++) { obj = vmt2dataptr(vmt, VMT_OBJECT); /* device */ stub = vmt2dataptr(vmt, VMT_STUB); /* mount point */ if (EQ(obj, dev) || EQ(uv__rawname(obj), dev) || EQ(stub, dev)) { uv__free(p); /* Found a match */ return 0; } vmt = (struct vmount *) ((char *) vmt + vmt->vmt_length); } /* /aha is required for monitoring filesystem changes */ return -1; } /* * Recursive call to mkdir() to create intermediate folders, if any * Returns code from mkdir call */ static int uv__makedir_p(const char *dir) { char tmp[256]; char *p = NULL; size_t len; int err; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp),"%s",dir); len = strlen(tmp); if (tmp[len - 1] == '/') tmp[len - 1] = 0; for (p = tmp + 1; *p; p++) { if (*p == '/') { *p = 0; err = mkdir(tmp, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); if (err != 0 && errno != EEXIST) return err; *p = '/'; } } return mkdir(tmp, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); } /* * Creates necessary subdirectories in the AIX Event Infrastructure * file system for monitoring the object specified. * Returns code from mkdir call */ static int uv__make_subdirs_p(const char *filename) { char cmd[2048]; char *p; int rc = 0; /* Strip off the monitor file name */ p = strrchr(filename, '/'); if (p == NULL) return 0; if (uv__path_is_a_directory((char*)filename) == 0) { sprintf(cmd, "/aha/fs/modDir.monFactory"); } else { sprintf(cmd, "/aha/fs/modFile.monFactory"); } strncat(cmd, filename, (p - filename)); rc = uv__makedir_p(cmd); if (rc == -1 && errno != EEXIST){ return UV__ERR(errno); } return rc; } /* * Checks if /aha is mounted, then proceeds to set up the monitoring * objects for the specified file. * Returns 0 on success, or an error code < 0 on failure */ static int uv__setup_ahafs(const char* filename, int *fd) { int rc = 0; char mon_file_write_string[RDWR_BUF_SIZE]; char mon_file[PATH_MAX]; int file_is_directory = 0; /* -1 == NO, 0 == YES */ /* Create monitor file name for object */ file_is_directory = uv__path_is_a_directory((char*)filename); if (file_is_directory == 0) sprintf(mon_file, "/aha/fs/modDir.monFactory"); else sprintf(mon_file, "/aha/fs/modFile.monFactory"); if ((strlen(mon_file) + strlen(filename) + 5) > PATH_MAX) return UV_ENAMETOOLONG; /* Make the necessary subdirectories for the monitor file */ rc = uv__make_subdirs_p(filename); if (rc == -1 && errno != EEXIST) return rc; strcat(mon_file, filename); strcat(mon_file, ".mon"); *fd = 0; errno = 0; /* Open the monitor file, creating it if necessary */ *fd = open(mon_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR); if (*fd < 0) return UV__ERR(errno); /* Write out the monitoring specifications. * In this case, we are monitoring for a state change event type * CHANGED=YES * We will be waiting in select call, rather than a read: * WAIT_TYPE=WAIT_IN_SELECT * We only want minimal information for files: * INFO_LVL=1 * For directories, we want more information to track what file * caused the change * INFO_LVL=2 */ if (file_is_directory == 0) sprintf(mon_file_write_string, "CHANGED=YES;WAIT_TYPE=WAIT_IN_SELECT;INFO_LVL=2"); else sprintf(mon_file_write_string, "CHANGED=YES;WAIT_TYPE=WAIT_IN_SELECT;INFO_LVL=1"); rc = write(*fd, mon_file_write_string, strlen(mon_file_write_string)+1); if (rc < 0) return UV__ERR(errno); return 0; } /* * Skips a specified number of lines in the buffer passed in. * Walks the buffer pointed to by p and attempts to skip n lines. * Returns the total number of lines skipped */ static int uv__skip_lines(char **p, int n) { int lines = 0; while(n > 0) { *p = strchr(*p, '\n'); if (!p) return lines; (*p)++; n--; lines++; } return lines; } /* * Parse the event occurrence data to figure out what event just occurred * and take proper action. * * The buf is a pointer to the buffer containing the event occurrence data * Returns 0 on success, -1 if unrecoverable error in parsing * */ static int uv__parse_data(char *buf, int *events, uv_fs_event_t* handle) { int evp_rc, i; char *p; char filename[PATH_MAX]; /* To be used when handling directories */ p = buf; *events = 0; /* Clean the filename buffer*/ for(i = 0; i < PATH_MAX; i++) { filename[i] = 0; } i = 0; /* Check for BUF_WRAP */ if (strncmp(buf, "BUF_WRAP", strlen("BUF_WRAP")) == 0) { assert(0 && "Buffer wrap detected, Some event occurrences lost!"); return 0; } /* Since we are using the default buffer size (4K), and have specified * INFO_LVL=1, we won't see any EVENT_OVERFLOW conditions. Applications * should check for this keyword if they are using an INFO_LVL of 2 or * higher, and have a buffer size of <= 4K */ /* Skip to RC_FROM_EVPROD */ if (uv__skip_lines(&p, 9) != 9) return -1; if (sscanf(p, "RC_FROM_EVPROD=%d\nEND_EVENT_DATA", &evp_rc) == 1) { if (uv__path_is_a_directory(handle->path) == 0) { /* Directory */ if (evp_rc == AHAFS_MODDIR_UNMOUNT || evp_rc == AHAFS_MODDIR_REMOVE_SELF) { /* The directory is no longer available for monitoring */ *events = UV_RENAME; handle->dir_filename = NULL; } else { /* A file was added/removed inside the directory */ *events = UV_CHANGE; /* Get the EVPROD_INFO */ if (uv__skip_lines(&p, 1) != 1) return -1; /* Scan out the name of the file that triggered the event*/ if (sscanf(p, "BEGIN_EVPROD_INFO\n%sEND_EVPROD_INFO", filename) == 1) { handle->dir_filename = uv__strdup((const char*)&filename); } else return -1; } } else { /* Regular File */ if (evp_rc == AHAFS_MODFILE_RENAME) *events = UV_RENAME; else *events = UV_CHANGE; } } else return -1; return 0; } /* This is the internal callback */ static void uv__ahafs_event(uv_loop_t* loop, uv__io_t* event_watch, unsigned int fflags) { char result_data[RDWR_BUF_SIZE]; int bytes, rc = 0; uv_fs_event_t* handle; int events = 0; char fname[PATH_MAX]; char *p; handle = container_of(event_watch, uv_fs_event_t, event_watcher); /* At this point, we assume that polling has been done on the * file descriptor, so we can just read the AHAFS event occurrence * data and parse its results without having to block anything */ bytes = pread(event_watch->fd, result_data, RDWR_BUF_SIZE, 0); assert((bytes >= 0) && "uv__ahafs_event - Error reading monitor file"); /* In file / directory move cases, AIX Event infrastructure * produces a second event with no data. * Ignore it and return gracefully. */ if(bytes == 0) return; /* Parse the data */ if(bytes > 0) rc = uv__parse_data(result_data, &events, handle); /* Unrecoverable error */ if (rc == -1) return; /* For directory changes, the name of the files that triggered the change * are never absolute pathnames */ if (uv__path_is_a_directory(handle->path) == 0) { p = handle->dir_filename; } else { p = strrchr(handle->path, '/'); if (p == NULL) p = handle->path; else p++; } strncpy(fname, p, sizeof(fname) - 1); /* Just in case */ fname[sizeof(fname) - 1] = '\0'; handle->cb(handle, fname, events, 0); } #endif int uv_fs_event_init(uv_loop_t* loop, uv_fs_event_t* handle) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_AHAFS_EVPRODS_H uv__handle_init(loop, (uv_handle_t*)handle, UV_FS_EVENT); return 0; #else return UV_ENOSYS; #endif } int uv_fs_event_start(uv_fs_event_t* handle, uv_fs_event_cb cb, const char* filename, unsigned int flags) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_AHAFS_EVPRODS_H int fd, rc, str_offset = 0; char cwd[PATH_MAX]; char absolute_path[PATH_MAX]; char readlink_cwd[PATH_MAX]; /* Figure out whether filename is absolute or not */ if (filename[0] == '/') { /* We have absolute pathname */ snprintf(absolute_path, sizeof(absolute_path), "%s", filename); } else { /* We have a relative pathname, compose the absolute pathname */ snprintf(cwd, sizeof(cwd), "/proc/%lu/cwd", (unsigned long) getpid()); rc = readlink(cwd, readlink_cwd, sizeof(readlink_cwd) - 1); if (rc < 0) return rc; /* readlink does not null terminate our string */ readlink_cwd[rc] = '\0'; if (filename[0] == '.' && filename[1] == '/') str_offset = 2; snprintf(absolute_path, sizeof(absolute_path), "%s%s", readlink_cwd, filename + str_offset); } if (uv__is_ahafs_mounted() < 0) /* /aha checks failed */ return UV_ENOSYS; /* Setup ahafs */ rc = uv__setup_ahafs((const char *)absolute_path, &fd); if (rc != 0) return rc; /* Setup/Initialize all the libuv routines */ uv__handle_start(handle); uv__io_init(&handle->event_watcher, uv__ahafs_event, fd); handle->path = uv__strdup(filename); handle->cb = cb; handle->dir_filename = NULL; uv__io_start(handle->loop, &handle->event_watcher, POLLIN); return 0; #else return UV_ENOSYS; #endif } int uv_fs_event_stop(uv_fs_event_t* handle) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_AHAFS_EVPRODS_H if (!uv__is_active(handle)) return 0; uv__io_close(handle->loop, &handle->event_watcher); uv__handle_stop(handle); if (uv__path_is_a_directory(handle->path) == 0) { uv__free(handle->dir_filename); handle->dir_filename = NULL; } uv__free(handle->path); handle->path = NULL; uv__close(handle->event_watcher.fd); handle->event_watcher.fd = -1; return 0; #else return UV_ENOSYS; #endif } void uv__fs_event_close(uv_fs_event_t* handle) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_AHAFS_EVPRODS_H uv_fs_event_stop(handle); #else UNREACHABLE(); #endif } char** uv_setup_args(int argc, char** argv) { char** new_argv; size_t size; char* s; int i; if (argc <= 0) return argv; /* Save the original pointer to argv. * AIX uses argv to read the process name. * (Not the memory pointed to by argv[0..n] as on Linux.) */ process_argv = argv; process_argc = argc; /* Calculate how much memory we need for the argv strings. */ size = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) size += strlen(argv[i]) + 1; /* Add space for the argv pointers. */ size += (argc + 1) * sizeof(char*); new_argv = uv__malloc(size); if (new_argv == NULL) return argv; args_mem = new_argv; /* Copy over the strings and set up the pointer table. */ s = (char*) &new_argv[argc + 1]; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { size = strlen(argv[i]) + 1; memcpy(s, argv[i], size); new_argv[i] = s; s += size; } new_argv[i] = NULL; return new_argv; } int uv_set_process_title(const char* title) { char* new_title; /* We cannot free this pointer when libuv shuts down, * the process may still be using it. */ new_title = uv__strdup(title); if (new_title == NULL) return UV_ENOMEM; uv_once(&process_title_mutex_once, init_process_title_mutex_once); uv_mutex_lock(&process_title_mutex); /* If this is the first time this is set, * don't free and set argv[1] to NULL. */ if (process_title_ptr != NULL) uv__free(process_title_ptr); process_title_ptr = new_title; process_argv[0] = process_title_ptr; if (process_argc > 1) process_argv[1] = NULL; uv_mutex_unlock(&process_title_mutex); return 0; } int uv_get_process_title(char* buffer, size_t size) { size_t len; len = strlen(process_argv[0]); if (buffer == NULL || size == 0) return UV_EINVAL; else if (size <= len) return UV_ENOBUFS; uv_once(&process_title_mutex_once, init_process_title_mutex_once); uv_mutex_lock(&process_title_mutex); memcpy(buffer, process_argv[0], len + 1); uv_mutex_unlock(&process_title_mutex); return 0; } UV_DESTRUCTOR(static void free_args_mem(void)) { uv__free(args_mem); /* Keep valgrind happy. */ args_mem = NULL; } int uv_resident_set_memory(size_t* rss) { char pp[64]; psinfo_t psinfo; int err; int fd; snprintf(pp, sizeof(pp), "/proc/%lu/psinfo", (unsigned long) getpid()); fd = open(pp, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return UV__ERR(errno); /* FIXME(bnoordhuis) Handle EINTR. */ err = UV_EINVAL; if (read(fd, &psinfo, sizeof(psinfo)) == sizeof(psinfo)) { *rss = (size_t)psinfo.pr_rssize * 1024; err = 0; } uv__close(fd); return err; } int uv_uptime(double* uptime) { struct utmp *utmp_buf; size_t entries = 0; time_t boot_time; boot_time = 0; utmpname(UTMP_FILE); setutent(); while ((utmp_buf = getutent()) != NULL) { if (utmp_buf->ut_user[0] && utmp_buf->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) ++entries; if (utmp_buf->ut_type == BOOT_TIME) boot_time = utmp_buf->ut_time; } endutent(); if (boot_time == 0) return UV_ENOSYS; *uptime = time(NULL) - boot_time; return 0; } int uv_cpu_info(uv_cpu_info_t** cpu_infos, int* count) { uv_cpu_info_t* cpu_info; perfstat_cpu_total_t ps_total; perfstat_cpu_t* ps_cpus; perfstat_id_t cpu_id; int result, ncpus, idx = 0; result = perfstat_cpu_total(NULL, &ps_total, sizeof(ps_total), 1); if (result == -1) { return UV_ENOSYS; } ncpus = result = perfstat_cpu(NULL, NULL, sizeof(perfstat_cpu_t), 0); if (result == -1) { return UV_ENOSYS; } ps_cpus = (perfstat_cpu_t*) uv__malloc(ncpus * sizeof(perfstat_cpu_t)); if (!ps_cpus) { return UV_ENOMEM; } strcpy(cpu_id.name, FIRST_CPU); result = perfstat_cpu(&cpu_id, ps_cpus, sizeof(perfstat_cpu_t), ncpus); if (result == -1) { uv__free(ps_cpus); return UV_ENOSYS; } *cpu_infos = (uv_cpu_info_t*) uv__malloc(ncpus * sizeof(uv_cpu_info_t)); if (!*cpu_infos) { uv__free(ps_cpus); return UV_ENOMEM; } *count = ncpus; cpu_info = *cpu_infos; while (idx < ncpus) { cpu_info->speed = (int)(ps_total.processorHZ / 1000000); cpu_info->model = uv__strdup(ps_total.description); cpu_info->cpu_times.user = ps_cpus[idx].user; cpu_info->cpu_times.sys = ps_cpus[idx].sys; cpu_info->cpu_times.idle = ps_cpus[idx].idle; cpu_info->cpu_times.irq = ps_cpus[idx].wait; cpu_info->cpu_times.nice = 0; cpu_info++; idx++; } uv__free(ps_cpus); return 0; } void uv__platform_invalidate_fd(uv_loop_t* loop, int fd) { struct pollfd* events; uintptr_t i; uintptr_t nfds; struct poll_ctl pc; assert(loop->watchers != NULL); events = (struct pollfd*) loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers]; nfds = (uintptr_t) loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers + 1]; if (events != NULL) /* Invalidate events with same file descriptor */ for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) if ((int) events[i].fd == fd) events[i].fd = -1; /* Remove the file descriptor from the poll set */ pc.events = 0; pc.cmd = PS_DELETE; pc.fd = fd; if(loop->backend_fd >= 0) pollset_ctl(loop->backend_fd, &pc, 1); }