module IsoDoc::WordFunction module Body def section_break(body) body.p do |p| **{ clear: "all", class: "section" } end end def page_break(out) out.p do |p| **{ clear: "all", style: "mso-special-character:line-break;"\ "page-break-before:always" } end end def pagebreak_parse(node, out) return page_break(out) if node["orientation"].nil? out.p do |p| **{clear: "all", class: "section", orientation: node["orientation"] } end end def svg_parse(node, out) svg = Base64.strict_encode64(node.to_xml) r = node.replace("").first image_parse(r, out, nil) end def imgsrc(node) ret = svg_to_emf(node) and return ret return node["src"] unless %r{^data:}.match node["src"] save_dataimage(node["src"]) end def image_parse(node, out, caption) attrs = { src: imgsrc(node), height: node["height"], alt: node["alt"], title: node["title"], width: node["width"] } out.img **attr_code(attrs) image_title_parse(out, caption) end def svg_to_emf_filename(uri) File.join(File.dirname(uri), File.basename(uri, ".*")) + ".emf" end def svg_to_emf(node) return unless node["mimetype"] == "image/svg+xml" uri = node["src"] %r{^data:}.match(uri) and uri = save_dataimage(uri) ret = svg_to_emf_filename(uri) File.exists?(ret) and return ret exe = inkscape_installed? or return nil system %(#{exe} --export-type="emf" #{uri}) and return ret nil end def inkscape_installed? cmd = "inkscape" exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable?(exe) && ! end end nil end def xref_parse(node, out) target = /#/.match(node["target"]) ? node["target"].sub(/#/, ".doc#") : "##{node["target"]}" out.a(**{ "href": target }) do |l| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, l) } end end end end