#!/usr/bin/env perl # -*- cperl -*- =head1 NAME phOutput2xml.pl =head1 SYNOPSYS RCS:$Id$ =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 HISTORY ORIGIN: created from templateApp.pl version 3.4 by Min-Yen Kan modified from output2xml.pl for ParsCit. RCS:$Log$ =cut require 5.0; use Getopt::Std; use strict 'vars'; # use diagnostics; ### USER customizable section my $tmpfile .= $0; $tmpfile =~ s/[\.\/]//g; $tmpfile .= $$ . time; if ($tmpfile =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/) { $tmpfile = $1; } # untaint tmpfile variable my $tmpdir = $ENV{'PARSCIT_TMPDIR'} || "/tmp"; $tmpfile = "$tmpdir/$tmpfile"; $0 =~ /([^\/]+)$/; my $progname = $1; my $outputVersion = "1.0"; ### END user customizable section ### Ctrl-C handler sub quitHandler { print STDERR "\n# $progname fatal\t\tReceived a 'SIGINT'\n# $progname - exiting cleanly\n"; exit; } ### HELP Sub-procedure sub Help { print STDERR "usage: $progname -h\t\t\t\t[invokes help]\n"; print STDERR " $progname -v\t\t\t\t[invokes version]\n"; print STDERR " $progname [-qEl] [-r -n ] filename(s)...\n"; print STDERR "Options:\n"; print STDERR "\t-q\tQuiet Mode (don't echo license)\n"; print STDERR "\t-E\tTurn OFF error checking\n"; print STDERR "\t-l\tEliminate newline tags\n"; print STDERR "\t-r \tSVM Ranking output file\n"; print STDERR "\t-n \tNumber of choices in both ranking file and input file\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "Will accept input on STDIN as a single file.\n"; print STDERR "\n"; } ### VERSION Sub-procedure sub Version { if (system ("perldoc $0")) { die "Need \"perldoc\" in PATH to print version information"; } exit; } sub License { print STDERR "# Copyright 2009 \251 by Min-Yen Kan\n"; } ### ### MAIN program ### my $cmdLine = $0 . " " . join (" ", @ARGV); if ($#ARGV == -1) { # invoked with no arguments, possible error in execution? print STDERR "# $progname info\t\tNo arguments detected, waiting for input on command line.\n"; print STDERR "# $progname info\t\tIf you need help, stop this program and reinvoke with \"-h\".\n"; } $SIG{'INT'} = 'quitHandler'; getopts ('Ehlqr:n:v'); our ($opt_q, $opt_v, $opt_h, $opt_r, $opt_n, $opt_E, $opt_l); # use (!defined $opt_X) for options with arguments if (!$opt_q) { License(); } # call License, if asked for if ($opt_v) { Version(); exit(0); } # call Version, if asked for if ($opt_h) { Help(); exit (0); } # call help, if asked for my $errorChecking = (defined $opt_E) ? 0 : 1; my $ignoreNewlines = (defined $opt_l) ? 1 : 0; my $svmRankFile = (defined $opt_r) ? $opt_r : undef; my $rankChoices = (defined $opt_n) ? $opt_n : undef; if ((defined $rankChoices && !defined $svmRankFile) || (!defined $rankChoices && defined $svmRankFile)) { die "# $progname fatal\t\t-n and -r are mutually necessary switches"; } ## standardize input stream (either STDIN on first arg on command line) my $fh; my $filename; if ($filename = shift) { NEWFILE: if (!(-e $filename)) { die "# $progname crash\t\tFile \"$filename\" doesn't exist"; } open (*IF, $filename) || die "# $progname crash\t\tCan't open \"$filename\""; $fh = "IF"; } else { $filename = ""; $fh = "STDIN"; } # open rank file info, if applicable my $rfh; my @max = (); if (defined $rankChoices && defined $svmRankFile) { open (*RFH, $svmRankFile) || die "# $progname crash\t\tCan't open rankfile \"$svmRankFile\"!"; $rfh = "RFH"; my $line = 0; my $curLine = 0; my $max = 0; my $maxLine = 0; while (<$rfh>) { chop; $line++; $curLine++; if ($_ > $max) { # advance max if applicable $max = $_; $maxLine = $curLine-1; } if ($line % $rankChoices == 0) { # save data at fencepost $max[int($line/$rankChoices)-1] = $maxLine; # print "$line $max $maxLine\n"; $curLine = 0; # reset values $max = 0; $maxLine = 0; } } close ($rfh); } ## output XML file for display my $line = 0; my $buf = ""; my $buf2 = ""; my $lastTag = ""; my $variant = ""; my $confidence = "1.0"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; while (<$fh>) { if (/^\# (\d+) ([\.\d]+)/) { $variant = $1; $confidence = $2; next; } elsif (/^\#/) { next; } # skip comments if (/^\s*$/) { $buf =~ s/&/&/g; if ($variant eq "") { print "\n"; if ($ignoreNewlines) { $buf =~ s/\- ([a-z])/$1/g; $buf =~ s/>\s+/>/g; $buf =~ s/\s+" . $buf . "\n\n"; print "\n"; $line++; } else { if ($variant eq "0" && $buf2 ne "") { print "\n" . $buf2 . " \n"; $buf2 = ""; $line++; } $buf2 .= "\n" . $buf . "\n\n"; } $lastTag = ""; $buf = ""; } else { chop; my @tokens = split (/\t/); my $token = $tokens[0]; my $sys = $tokens[-1]; my $gold = $tokens[-2]; if ($sys ne $lastTag) { if ($lastTag ne "") { $buf .= "\n"; } $buf .= "PARSHED<$sys>"; # $buf .= "<$sys>"; } if ($token eq "+L+" && $ignoreNewlines) { next; } if ($gold ne $sys && $errorChecking) { $buf .= "$token "; } else { $buf .= "$token "; } $lastTag = $sys; } } # print " \n" . $buf2 . " \n"; print "\n"; close ($fh); if ($filename = shift) { goto NEWFILE; } ### ### END of main program ###