module Souls class Github < Thor desc "secret_set", "Github Secret Set from .env.production" def secret_set Dir.chdir(Souls.get_mother_path.to_s) do file_path = ".env.production", "r") do |file| file.each_line do |line| key_and_value = line.match(/([A-Z_]+)="?([^"]*)"?/) next if key_and_value.nil? system("gh secret set #{key_and_value[1]} -b \"#{key_and_value[2].strip}\"") end end end end desc "add_env", "Add New env and Sync Github Secret" method_option :dqm, type: :boolean, aliases: "--dqm", default: false, desc: "Enable Double Quotation Mark" def add_env prompt = key = prompt.ask("Set Key:") value = prompt.ask("Set Value:") update_env_production(key: key, value: value, dqm: options[:dqm]) update_api_env(key: key, value: value, dqm: options[:dqm]) update_workers_env(key: key, value: value, dqm: options[:dqm]) update_github_actions(key: key) end desc "watch", "Watch GitHub Actions Workflow" def watch remote_url = `git remote get-url origin` split_url = %r{\A(\.git)}.match(remote_url) if split_url.nil? || split_url.size != 4 raise(CLIException, "Cannot access Github, please check your credentials") end api_request = "gh api -X GET 'repos/#{split_url[2]}/actions/runs'" workflows = JSON.parse(`#{api_request}`) if workflows.nil? || !workflows.key?("workflow_runs") raise(CLIException, "Failed to parse JSON response from Github") end wf_info = workflows["workflow_runs"].filter_map do |wf| { wf["name"].to_sym => wf["id"] } if wf["state"] == "in_progress" end wf_id = case wf_info.size when 0 raise(CLIException, "No workflow is running") when 1 wf_info[0].values[0] else prompt ="Which workflow would you like to watch?", wf_info.inject(:merge)) end system("gh run watch #{wf_id}") end private def update_env_production(key:, value:, dqm: false) Dir.chdir(Souls.get_mother_path.to_s) do file_path = ".env.production", "a") do |line| dqm ? line.write("\n#{key.upcase}=\"#{value}\"") : line.write("\n#{key.upcase}=#{value}") end puts(Paint % ["Updated file! : %{white_text}", :green, { white_text: [file_path.to_s, :white] }]) end end def update_api_env(key:, value:, dqm: false) Dir.chdir(Souls.get_api_path.to_s) do file_path = ".env", "a") do |line| dqm ? line.write("\n#{key.upcase}=\"#{value}\"") : line.write("\n#{key.upcase}=#{value}") end puts(Paint % ["Updated file! : %{white_text}", :green, { white_text: [file_path.to_s, :white] }]) end end def update_workers_env(key:, value:, dqm: false) Dir.chdir(Souls.get_mother_path.to_s) do workers = Dir["apps/*"] workers.delete("apps/api") workers.each do |worker_path| file_path = "#{worker_path}/.env", "a") do |line| dqm ? line.write("\n#{key.upcase}=\"#{value}\"") : line.write("\n#{key.upcase}=#{value}") end puts(Paint % ["Updated file! : %{white_text}", :green, { white_text: [file_path.to_s, :white] }]) end end end def update_github_actions(key:) Dir.chdir(Souls.get_mother_path.to_s) do file_paths = Dir[".github/workflows/*.yml"] file_paths.each do |file_path| worker_workflow = File.readlines(file_path) worker_workflow[worker_workflow.size - 1] = worker_workflow.last.chomp worker_workflow << " \\ \n --set-env-vars=\"#{key.upcase}=${{ secrets.#{key.upcase} }}\"", "w") { |f| f.write(worker_workflow.join) } puts(Paint % ["Updated file! : %{white_text}", :green, { white_text: [file_path.to_s, :white] }]) end end end end end