module Beaker module Options #An object that parses arguments in the format ['--option', 'value', '--option2', 'value2', '--switch'] class CommandLineParser # @example Create a CommanLineParser # a = # # @note All of Beaker's supported command line options are defined here def initialize @cmd_options = @optparse = do|opts| # Set a banner opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options...]" opts.on '-h', '--hosts FILE', 'Use host configuration FILE', '(default sample.cfg)' do |file| @cmd_options[:hosts_file] = file end opts.on '-o', '--options-file FILE', 'Read options from FILE', 'This should evaluate to a ruby hash.', 'CLI optons are given precedence.' do |file| @cmd_options[:options_file] = file end opts.on '--type TYPE', 'one of git, foss, or pe', 'used to determine underlying path structure of puppet install', '(default pe)' do |type| @cmd_options[:type] = type end opts.on '--helper PATH/TO/SCRIPT', 'Ruby file evaluated prior to tests', '(a la spec_helper)' do |script| @cmd_options[:helper] = script end opts.on '--load-path /PATH/TO/DIR,/ADDITIONAL/DIR/PATHS', 'Add paths to LOAD_PATH' do |value| @cmd_options[:load_path] = value end opts.on '-t', '--tests /PATH/TO/DIR,/ADDITIONA/DIR/PATHS,/PATH/TO/FILE.rb', 'Execute tests from paths and files' do |value| @cmd_options[:tests] = value end opts.on '--pre-suite /PRE-SUITE/DIR/PATH,/ADDITIONAL/DIR/PATHS,/PATH/TO/FILE.rb', 'Path to project specific steps to be run BEFORE testing' do |value| @cmd_options[:pre_suite] = value end opts.on '--post-suite /POST-SUITE/DIR/PATH,/OPTIONAL/ADDITONAL/DIR/PATHS,/PATH/TO/FILE.rb', 'Path to project specific steps to be run AFTER testing' do |value| @cmd_options[:post_suite] = value end opts.on '--[no-]provision', 'Do not provision vm images before testing', '(default: true)' do |bool| @cmd_options[:provision] = bool end opts.on '--[no-]configure', 'Do not configure vm images before testing', '(default: true)' do |bool| @cmd_options[:configure] = bool end opts.on '--preserve-hosts [MODE]', 'How should SUTs be treated post test', 'Possible values:', 'always (keep SUTs alive)', 'onfail (keep SUTs alive if failures occur during testing)', 'onpass (keep SUTs alive if no failures occur during testing)', 'never (cleanup SUTs - shutdown and destroy any changes made during testing)', '(default: never)' do |mode| @cmd_options[:preserve_hosts] = mode || 'always' end opts.on '--root-keys', 'Install puppetlabs pubkeys for superuser', '(default: false)' do |bool| @cmd_options[:root_keys] = bool end opts.on '--keyfile /PATH/TO/SSH/KEY', 'Specify alternate SSH key', '(default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa)' do |key| @cmd_options[:keyfile] = key end opts.on '--timeout TIMEOUT', '(vCloud only) Specify a provisioning timeout (in seconds)', '(default: 300)' do |value| @cmd_options[:timeout] = value end opts.on '-i URI', '--install URI', 'Install a project repo/app on the SUTs', 'Provide full git URI or use short form KEYWORD/name', 'supported keywords: PUPPET, FACTER, HIERA, HIERA-PUPPET' do |value| @cmd_options[:install] = value end opts.on('-m', '--modules URI', 'Select puppet module git install URI') do |value| @cmd_options[:modules] = value end opts.on '-q', '--[no-]quiet', 'Do not log output to STDOUT', '(default: false)' do |bool| @cmd_options[:quiet] = bool end opts.on '--[no-]color', 'Do not display color in log output', '(default: true)' do |bool| @cmd_options[:color] = bool end opts.on '--log-level LEVEL', 'Log level', 'Supported LEVEL keywords:', 'trace : all messages, full stack trace of errors, file copy details', 'debug : all messages, plus full stack trace of errors', 'verbose : all messages', 'info : info messages, notifications and warnings', 'notify : notifications and warnings', 'warn : warnings only', '(default: info)' do |val| @cmd_options[:log_level] = val end opts.on '-d', '--[no-]dry-run', 'Report what would happen on targets', '(default: false)' do |bool| @cmd_options[:dry_run] = bool $dry_run = bool end opts.on '--fail-mode [MODE]', 'How should the harness react to errors/failures', 'Possible values:', 'fast (skip all subsequent tests)', 'slow (attempt to continue run post test failure)', 'stop (DEPRECATED, please use fast)', '(default: slow)' do |mode| @cmd_options[:fail_mode] = mode =~ /stop/ ? 'fast' : mode end opts.on '--[no-]ntp', 'Sync time on SUTs before testing', '(default: false)' do |bool| @cmd_options[:timesync] = bool end opts.on '--repo-proxy', 'Proxy packaging repositories on ubuntu, debian, cumulus and solaris-11', '(default: false)' do @cmd_options[:repo_proxy] = true end opts.on '--add-el-extras', 'Add Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository to el-* hosts', '(default: false)' do @cmd_options[:add_el_extras] = true end opts.on '--package-proxy URL', 'Set proxy url for package managers (yum and apt)' do |value| @cmd_options[:package_proxy] = value end opts.on '--[no-]validate', 'Validate that SUTs are correctly provisioned before running tests', '(default: true)' do |bool| @cmd_options[:validate] = bool end opts.on('--version', 'Report currently running version of beaker' ) do @cmd_options[:version] = true end opts.on('--parse-only', 'Display beaker parsed options and exit' ) do @cmd_options[:parse_only] = true end opts.on('--help', 'Display this screen' ) do @cmd_options[:help] = true end opts.on '-c', '--config FILE', 'DEPRECATED, use --hosts' do |file| @cmd_options[:hosts_file] = file end opts.on '--[no-]debug', 'DEPRECATED, use --log-level' do |bool| @cmd_options[:log_level] = bool ? 'debug' : 'info' end opts.on '-x', '--[no-]xml', 'DEPRECATED - JUnit XML now generated by default' do #noop end opts.on '--collect-perf-data', 'Use sysstat on linux hosts to collect performance and load data' do @cmd_options[:collect_perf_data] = true end end end # Parse an array of arguments into a Hash of options # @param [Array] args The array of arguments to consume # # @example # args = ['--option', 'value', '--option2', 'value2', '--switch'] # parser = # parser.parse(args) == {:option => 'value, :options2 => value, :switch => true} # # @return [Hash] Return the Hash of options def parse( args = ARGV ) @optparse.parse(args) @cmd_options end # Generate a string representing the supported arguments # # @example # parser = # parser.usage = "Options: ..." # # @return [String] Return a string representing the available arguments def usage end end end end